Chapter 98
Chapter 97

Although Thor is completely a burden here now, he must stay here again.Because the target of those frost giants is not Mark Komnenos, nor Sif and the three warriors of Asgard.Their target was Thor Odinson.

Mark guessed that the old man Odin must have used up all his luck in the rest of his life in order to find a beautiful wife like Frigga when he was young.

Sure enough, the start was good for a while, and the mid-term crematorium.

But this time Laufey didn't just order the Frost Giants to attack Midgard, at the same time this guy also ordered the Frost Giants to attack Asgard.

That's right, two fronts are at war!
Monster!Another two hundred and fifty-two lines are at war.

The last one who tried to start a war on two fronts was pushed to the ground and rubbed.Even the ashes have not been found yet.

But Lau Fei's foundation is still thicker than that of a certain moustache.Lau Fei, who is fighting on two fronts, has this capital.The main reason is that Midgard belongs to the kind of existence that is passive and does not fight back.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for Laufey to engage in affairs in Midgard while fighting Asgard at this time.

If you fall behind, you will be beaten, and the facts have once again proved this point.

The current Midgard belongs to the existence of being beaten in the interstellar world.Anyone can come over and spin around twice, and then SKR on the spot.

The point is that the most powerful weapons on Earth cannot pose a fatal threat to these races that have been able to fight across planets.

Nuke?Then it must be able to be sent to Jotunheim!The stability of this three-acre area of ​​the earth for so many years is entirely because of Odin and Ancient One.

There is one thing to say, these two heavenly father-level powerhouses really broke their hearts to protect the earth.

But now the situation has changed.

The Ancient One and her mages were busy dealing with the Dark Lord Dormammu.

Odin is now playing and sleeping at home and autistic.

All of a sudden, the two backers on the earth are missing, and it becomes a bitter child with no love from parents or mother.Now it's almost time to sing a little cabbage to express the sadness in my heart.

Because of SHIELD's intervention, Mark did not allow Narud to send the protoss warriors to the surface.Again, it's not time to be exposed yet.

Mark has already thought about it, at most there will be a wave of orbital bombing.


This time, S.H.I.E.L.D. has learned the previous lessons and equipped the Quin-jet fighter with heavy firepower to ensure effective damage to these frost giants.

However, S.H.I.E.L.D. didn't know the abilities of the Frost Giants.They underestimated the actual combat effectiveness of these blue giants.The frost giant put his hand into the sea water, and then an ice gun appeared in the hands of the frost giant.

Through his brute force the frost giant hurled the ice spear towards the Quinjet in the air.

Even though the pilot of the Quinjet fighter made evasive actions immediately, he still did not escape the ice gun attack.The wing on one side was damaged, and it wobbled and fell towards the distance.

Nick was pushed too hard by these guys.Some things cannot appear in the eyes of the public, and Nick immediately ordered the use of powerful weapons.

Even so, it was reported to the White House.After all, this is America, which claims to be free.

The fighter jets that had been waiting for a long time launched all the mounted missiles. Under the saturation attack, logically speaking, even a bunker should be gone.

But those frost giants had nothing to do with it.

When the missile struck, the Frost Giant used sea water to arrange an ice shield that was continuously recovering.Blocked the bombing this time.

The Frost Giants who have been fighting the Asgardians for many years are not fools, and they understand the truth that if they fall behind, they will be beaten.To exert sufficient combat power under limited conditions is what the frost giants have been studying for so many years.

Developing their talents to the limit, that's what these frost giants are doing.

Although Mark didn't see the situation at the scene, the sound of the explosion could still be heard.Being able to force Nick to use missiles, the battle this time is probably not going to be easy.

As far as the White House is concerned, it would be fine for Nick if he was pressing himself to deal with this matter.

However, after the last time the green monster was in the downtown area, the pressure from the people on the government was too great.

If this continues, the credibility will be completely lost. This is not the result they want to see.

So these gentlemen in suits made a wild move.

The National Guard rushed to the scene as soon as possible, and at the same time several media outlets were notified to broadcast live.

The idea is to show everyone that the government is capable of handling a similar crisis.

I have to say that the idea is good, but it is actually broken.

It does not take into account how much social turmoil the public will bring to the public if they know these alien visitors.

This is not the Middle Ages anymore, and it is not the era when magic sticks can confuse foolish people.

grown ups!Times have changed.

Fighters and armed helicopters rushed towards the incident, and armed transport vehicles took the soldiers to establish coastal positions.

In Mark's villa, Tony appeared with the latest generation of armor.

Although there are very few changes, Mark can see that Tony's current armor is much stronger than Tony's in another time period.

Crisis after crisis made this genius realize the seriousness of the problem of falling behind and being beaten.At the same time, it also made Tony rely on the armor to a certain extent.

Because of several incidents, Tony began to feel uneasy.However, the only thing that can give Tony peace of mind is the armor.

Tony, who unbuttoned his mask, looked at Mark and asked, "What's going on? The S.H.I.E.L.D. and the National Guard are dispatched! Did you kidnap the president?"

"Hehe! The president and the one we want to protect are really nothing! Let me introduce you, Thor, the god of thunder, yes, it is the Thor in the myth you have heard of." Mark looked at Tony's astonishment. He smiled and explained: "It's just that the prince has no supernatural power now, at most he is an ordinary person with a little more strength. And the opposite is the frost giant from the frost world. These guys are going to kill the prince Lord."

"Wow! Is it a diplomatic incident? But to be honest, this Thor really seems to be a shocking actor!" Tony's traits of not complaining about the dead star began to flare up again.

Mark looked at Tony, who was now looking smug, and finally swallowed the words that came to his lips.

The ghost knows why the two are the most compatible in the entire Avengers.In the end, they became a tacit partner.

"Although I don't know who the explosive actor you mentioned is, I know you must have said something bad!" Thor still glared at Tony and said.

Tony doesn't mind either, this one in front of him is a god, it's cool to have a temper!

PS: We all know that Valve will not go bankrupt, Fatty G will not count to three, and Thrall will not.These are traditional arts, so you expect me to have a job with Thor?You are so naive!Hahaha!

(End of this chapter)

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