Meiman's eldest son of God

Chapter 977 English Channel

Chapter 977 English Channel

Chapter 996 English Channel
Entering the secret room, the queen who had just been captured looked at the Queen of Blades who walked in, and couldn't believe the existence in front of her eyes, let alone the psychic signal she received.

"Queen! No, the swarm, there is only one king." Because the swarm queen was hatched in this world, she has no memory of other worlds, and she will not immediately succumb to the Queen of Blades.

The reason why the Queen of Blades can be judged is because of the powerful control signal.

The kind of control signals they can't resist.

"Tell me your secret!" Kerrigan's eyes turned dark brown, emitting a strange light.

The queen's eyes also turned the same dark brown color, and after being controlled, she began to speak out the overall plan.

After half an hour.

Mark and Kerrigan walked out of history. Kerrigan hadn't done this kind of thing for a long time, and couldn't help rubbing his brows.

Although Mark is a straight man, he still knew what to do in this situation, so he hugged him without saying a word.

Startled by the sudden action, Kerrigan let out a scream.

Fortunately, the two of them stayed underground. There were not many people here, and there was no monitoring here, and no one knew what happened.

"I've worked hard today, so let me use our Queen to go home!"

Kerrigan said nothing, put her arms around Mark's neck,

Mark opened the portal and left.

As soon as the golden wind and jade dew meet, they will win but there are countless people in the world. A short gathering is always fascinating, just like the golden autumn and white dew, which can only be met for a short time after 365 days.

Not all affection and love require in-depth understanding to be able to continue.

Just being together, I feel that happiness is the current state.

Don't ask how happy you are, but ask to be together.

Mark has been together for such a long time, and has been entangled in countless things, and these things have to be dealt with. The final result is to ignore his family.

Luo Ji didn't care about showing her face, and didn't care about using power, so she came to Mark's side to help Mark.

Yrel has to support the family, so he can't leave.

Kerrigan simply loathes his current power.

If possible, she hopes that she will never use it for the rest of her life.

This made it difficult for Mark to contact them except for Luo Ji.

Things haven't settled down, let alone an easy life.


Alsace does want to expand his base in Antarctica, but his ultimate goal is still for Mark to make his own choice.

Either Antarctica will be lost, or most of Europe will be lost.

No matter which result it is, it is a worthless transaction for Alsace, but it is not the case for Mark and humans.

Now the entire territory of Germany and France has fallen, and Britain and Spain are under threat!

To the south is Spain, to the north is England.The great possibility is to directly attack the United Kingdom across the Hai family. After Alsace learned about the Second World War, he realized that the United Kingdom, a shit-stirring officer, must not stay.

Although separated by a strait, it is still a very threatening existence.

Regarding the expansion to the Italian peninsula, Alsace has no plans for the time being, because once it expands like Italy, the warships on the human sea will be able to affect the insect swarm.

It will turn into a long tug of war.

Surrounded by the sea on three sides, the Italian peninsula has a natural geographical advantage.And once Italy is attacked, the countries below Italy may not be calm.Tunisia, Libya, and Algeria, which also belong to the Mediterranean countries, will definitely not watch things happen.

Egypt and Turkey, which are a little farther away, will start to do it, and the combined fleet in the Mediterranean will be the biggest threat.

English Channel.

The remaining ships of France and Germany are assembled here. The three countries that have feuded Britain, France, and Germany are now actually wanting to unite together to resist foreign enemies.

The soldiers of the three countries usually don't see each other right, and regard each other as their own prepared enemies.

But now despite that old saying.

It may not be yourself that knows you best, but your enemy.

The soldiers of the three countries cooperated quite tacitly. You must know that this was only less than half a month later.

"Sir, the target is approaching us at an extremely fast speed, and the estimated time of arrival is 15 minutes."

"Let all carrier-based aircraft take off to intercept, reduce the burden on the fleet as much as possible, and delay the enemy's actions. The fighter planes from Denmark, Norway and the mainland will arrive in 5 minutes. Our rear is our homeland. We have no way to retreat. Don't Let the common people in our lives experience the pain of the previous generation. God bless my emperor, always victorious, Mu Rongguang!"

"Yes, sir."

There was nothing concealed about the conversation between the two, and the soldiers on all the ships of the entire fleet could clearly hear it.

The French Revolution was earlier, and the emperor had already been overthrown. This is also the most thorough branch, but Germany is different from the United Kingdom. The right to speak, but not much, more often as a mascot.

The French may not be interested in the last sentence, but the German and British soldiers seem to be encouraged.

He clenched his fists tightly, waiting for the enemy to come.

Flying dragons whizzed past the top of their heads, near-anti-aircraft guns and anti-aircraft guns unceasingly vented their firepower at them. The powerful penetrating power tore their wings and shot them down from high altitude into the bottom of the sea.

The fast-moving speedboat on the sea, the soldiers sat on it to endure the impact of the cold wind, and constantly cleaned it with the armor-piercing bullets in their hands to ensure that they would not fly again, or become monsters in the water.

In preparation for this battle, some old antiques have re-emerged on the stage of history.

Whether it is a battleship, a destroyer, or a cruiser, in short, as long as it can still be activated or can become a target, it is sent to the front line.

Their task is to attract enough firepower, or create enough trouble for the enemy.

Although these antiques are a little older, their power has not diminished.

Even with the weapon system and operation method of the old era, when their artillery roared, they still showed good combat effectiveness.

However, the defensive power of these old antiques is not that good, and it was these old antiques that were the first to evacuate from the battlefield.

When they withdrew from the battlefield, the officers of the older generation looked at the ships that had served, and they couldn't help feeling a little bit sad.

They caught up with the end of the era, and they just stayed on it for a while, but they still left deep feelings. At this moment, watching them leave the battlefield and end the curtain, I am not surprised by this feeling.

Even the next second they may become like that.

In the sky, corruptors and brood lords replaced flying dragons, and the brood lord's brood attacks kept hitting the ship. The impact of this biological missile was not small, and after falling on the ship, it could still attack the ship. The hull of the ship is destroyed.

The Corruptors are constantly spraying corrosive strong acid on the ship, trying to corrode the solid ship's shell through this strong acid.

Just as the fleet was gradually routing, several red targets appeared in the distant sky.

The existence of these red targets is also clearly marked on the radar.

"Everyone, our reinforcements have arrived!"

The red ones are fighter planes supported by various countries, accompanied by Tony and his army of unmanned robots.

The unmanned robot hovered in the air, and the honeycomb missile on its back deformed and hung on its shoulders, aiming at the Corruptor who was spewing acid in the distance.

A series of small missiles were launched, bombarding the Corruptors, and the Corruptors on the road immediately fell to the surface of the sea.

Although the huge brood lords moved slowly, their defensive power was astonishing. The missiles did not cause fatal damage to them, but the missiles also successfully suppressed their attacks, making them unable to continue attacking ships for a short time.

"Tony, now I'm going to tell you about the weakness of these big guys! These big guys have two main weaknesses, one is the needle-like tail, these tails function like a giant gyroscope for balance and determination. Direction, at the same time, this thing is also directly connected to the sensory organs of the brood lord, which can further improve the ability to locate the target. You can let your drone focus on attacking these parts.

The second, is the tip of their flanks, which houses their glandular system, which emits and receives high frequency electrical impulses.This kind of electronic pulse will emit a huge spherical electric field from the biological body, covering the surroundings and targets with bioelectricity, and then they collect and process these data through glands, and these glands can also detect radiated electromagnetic force and light, so After dealing with the tail, attack immediately! "

Mark remotely commanded in the command room through the perspective of the drone.

After passing the introduction on the panel, Tony learned about the situation of these brood lords. With the addition of Christmas, Tony did not need to change the attack of the unmanned robots, because Christmas had already dealt with everything.

At the same time, Christmas also released these weaknesses to other fighters. Although the missiles carried by these fighters have been fired, the cannons they are equipped with have not been fired yet, which can definitely pose a threat to these big guys.

"Remember these guys rarely attack in the air. Their aiming is very slow. The action speed of the fighter plane and the action speed of the drone can definitely avoid it! As long as you don't rush towards him stupidly, there will be absolutely no harm. Dangerous. The Corruptors around the embankment, those are the targets you need to pay attention to."

(End of this chapter)

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