Meiman's eldest son of God

Chapter 963 Military Expenditures

Chapter 963 Military Expenditures
Chapter 982 Military Expenditures

Germany's use of nuclear warfare has caused a lot of repercussions, but everyone knows that it is a decision made when there is no other choice. If possible, everyone is unwilling to use nuclear bombs.

After all, the damage caused by a nuclear bomb is irreversible.

Human beings have not had any effective means to clean up the radiation so far except Mark.

This kind of cleaning is not the kind of cleaning method known to humans, but a cleaning that allows humans to operate locally without wearing protective clothing.

New Washington is the best proof.

Perhaps when the Germans planned to drop the nuclear bomb at the beginning, they thought about letting Mark handle the damn funeral.

Joint remote video conferencing among countries.

Logically speaking, there is no way for an independent company like Mark to join this meeting, but because Mark and the Avengers are too special, they finally remembered to join this video conference.

"The satellite captured the latest situation in Frankfurt." The Germans didn't talk nonsense, and directly released the photos taken by the satellite for everyone to see.

Everyone at the meeting gasped as they looked at the photos taken on WeChat.

From the moment the nuclear bomb was dropped to the present, in less than three hours, the worms actually built a huge base on the land full of radiation.

Creep has spread everywhere, which is not what they expected at the beginning.

Originally they were counting on the nuclear bomb and the radiation of the nuclear bomb to effectively delay the development and expansion of the bug swarm, but they did not expect that it would become the bug's umbrella now.

"So you still have too little experience in dealing with these alien invaders." Tony said calmly looking at the photo.

Although Tony usually likes to make sarcastic remarks, Tony still depends on the situation. What he said at this time is completely true.

The others didn't even want to refute, because they didn't have the face to refute what Tony said.

The one with the most experience in dealing with bugs is Mark and Tony's Avengers.

Although the fleets and fleet commanders of various countries have gained a lot of experience in battles, they don't have a deep understanding of the bug race.

"Shall we drop another nuclear bomb now?"

I don't know who came up with the bad idea.

Mark immediately scolded: "Then you don't want to use nuclear bombs. Once the bugs get used to the radiation environment, they will carry a lot of radiation. They are very adaptable to the environment. activities on a cold planet. At that time, all soldiers will have to wear chemical protective suits to fight against them, and they will be directly exposed to radiation.”

"Then what should we do now? We can't just do it like this, just watch!"

"A lot of napalm bombs! This is the best way I can think of so far. Napalm bombs can cause effective damage to them, and the high temperature can affect the creep and expansion of bugs. Turn it into waste soil and wasteland, effectively preventing insects from using the nutrients in the land resources to expand and replenish." Mark gave very practical advice.

The others didn't speak, but turned their attention to the German who hadn't spoken yet,

This choice is in the hands of the Germans themselves. If the Germans do not choose, then let the Germans go out by themselves. After the collapse of the whole of Germany, they will have carpet bombing, turning the entire ground into a sea of ​​​​flames, and even Is to become a purgatory.

"we accept!"

"This is not something that you are willing to accept. This will be subject to tremendous pressure from public opinion. I hope you will think clearly before answering." Tony said.

What Tony said was undoubtedly another stab in the hearts of the Germans. How could they not know the pressure of public opinion they need to bear now.

But in this case, they had to give in.

"Our company is willing to provide a plasma fuel. The temperature of this fuel is very high and can effectively kill insects. We will make it into napalm bombs and give them to you, which counts as our support for you."

PS: Napalm refers to the general term for several flammable liquids used in war, most of which are bomb bodies made of gelled gasoline as the main component.The exact composition of the plasma fuel is unknown, but it is gasoline-like and sticky enough to cling to bugs.

"Thank you very much!" The German still knew the etiquette and took the initiative to thank Mark for his help.

"Napalm can only be suppressed for a short time. It only suppresses their expansion, and there is no way to completely eliminate them. It is best to quickly build up the coalition forces of Europa and suppress them quickly, so as to buy time for other countries and later forces. ,” said the Asian representative.

"The coalition forces have already set off, and they are not far from Frankfurt now."

The Germans watched other people discuss things about Frankfurt, but didn't know when to speak.

Mark stood up to chat, and saw the German representative who had been wanting to speak, but did not speak.

Mark asked: "Does the German representative have anything to say?"

"We hope to obtain economic support. Germany is now heavily in debt and cannot afford the cost of this war."

"Isn't it possible to issue national bonds?" The United States thought it was very simple, but he seemed to have forgotten what was going on in Germany before.

People have long distrusted the government, let alone issuing national bonds.

Mark resolved the embarrassment aloud at this time: "If it is only financial support, we are willing to lend to Germany for the time being. However, we still have to charge a certain amount of interest. We can discuss the details in private."

Mark took over everything and took over Germany's debts alone, which will make other countries even more afraid of the energy contained in Mark at this time.

This is not a small country in Africa or Eastern Europe, but Germany, which is not completely dead.

Although only a few decades have passed, Germany has such a large land and such a large military expenditure, which will only increase.

The help that can be provided to Germany shows that Mark still has spare energy.

You must know that Mark is just a company, not a country, so we can only keep everyone from being afraid.

Mark had already expected this to happen, but he had to sit idly by.

You can prevent soldiers from getting paid, but you may not prevent soldiers from getting the rations they deserve, and all of these rations are bought with money.

"Thank you again for your generosity, you will be Deutschland's forever friend."

There are no permanent friends, only permanent interests, and Mark just listens.


After the video conference was over, Tony came to talk to Mark alone about the matter of supporting Germany just now, and suddenly felt that Mark was taking a very risky move.

After Mark explained carefully with Tony, Tony was able to understand Mark's thoughts.

In fact, after knowing that Mark had reached an agreement with the United Kingdom, Tony was even more surprised that those old-fashioned people in the United Kingdom were able to cooperate with Mark.

I think about how many obstacles Tony encountered when he wanted to develop in the UK. Up to now, he still has not developed in the UK.

"Mark, I still have to remind you, don't expose your weaknesses, don't let them seize the opportunity, or you will really be doomed when the time comes, even I can't protect you." Tony still regards Mark as his own Friends, but now that he has his own family, he can't be rash.

"If I can't do it now, I'll go back to the moon. Anyway, the third city on the moon will be established soon. When the time comes, I will turn the moon into my own country. Isn't he good?" Mark said to Tony jokingly.

The speaker was unintentional, but the listener was interested. Tony saw Mark's future plans, so he stopped persuading Mark, nodded and left directly.

After escorting Tony away, Mark proceeds to name Moon's factory, making napalm.

This time Mark is really ready to do whatever it takes.

After sending Tony away, Germany also came over and began to hurt Mark for financial support.

Mark can be said to be quite generous. Mark supported Germany with 200 billion euros.

We must know that the military expenditure that Germany needs for a year is only 500 billion euros.Of course, Mark’s generosity doesn’t mean that everything is useless. The high interest rate and a large number of open policies are all Mark’s gains after this support.

Some people may think that Mark is taking advantage of the fire to rob, but if they think it is taking advantage of the fire, then they can find other ways out by themselves.

Mark never pushes people to do business.

Because everyone knows very well that there is no one else who can come up with so much money at this time except Mark.

The German representative was still smiling when he left, thanking Mark.

In his view, this is not a treaty that humiliates the country.

He could even succeed in becoming a hot new figure in Germany after the war because of this treaty.

Half a year's military expenditure was obtained in this way.

Military expenses are not just the daily expenses of the army, research and development of weapons, equipment, etc. must be included, and finally summed up is the military expenses that need to be paid.

If the money is just to pay the wages of the German army or to buy consumables, two years is definitely enough.

I am not worried that the bamboo basket will be empty, and I am not worried that the Germans will renege on the debt, or make the debt a dead one.

Mark has plenty of ways to get the money back, maybe a little too much, through other methods!
But at that time, whether the German people will support it or not, the German government will say otherwise.

Mark never liked to show his fangs and devour his prey, because that would be too ugly. Mark still prefers to be more civilized.

(End of this chapter)

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