Meiman's eldest son of God

Chapter 956 Confidence Collapsed

Chapter 956 Confidence Collapsed
Chapter 975 Confidence Collapsed

It's not normal for a small midtown middle school to attract so many heroes.

The growth rate of superheroes has far exceeded everyone's imagination.

Not only is this just a school, Alsace is smarter than anyone else, he thought of a possibility that there is one of the superheroes, Spider-Man, in this middle school.

And there was already a group of supervillains before that, threatening Spider-Man to show up, and he showed up at that time.

The insect man slowly approached the fence of the school. He did not choose to approach from the fence of the main gate. Approaching from there was undoubtedly seeking his own death and becoming the target of everyone.

The manipulator behind him was not a fool either. He chose the side of the school with fewer people and prepared to enter the school from there.

He easily climbed over the fence and entered the school. The security guards in the school didn't even realize that someone was intruding.

The security guard in the monitoring room was even listening to music with earphones on, not paying attention to the picture on the monitor at all.

This kind of dereliction of duty also allowed the worms to enter the school without disturbing anyone.

Relying on their own judgment of biological energy, the insects looked for qualified guys in the school.

Spiderman's own strength is very strong, and it is a purely enhanced creature, so its life energy is naturally very high.

For the energy bug swarm that devours other creatures, there is hardly any difficulty in this judgment.

This process of phagocytosis itself is a kind of self-strengthening. For most bugs, it is also said that this is an action derived from biological instinct.

Peter was still looking at the blackboard seriously, but suddenly turned his head and looked at the playground outside.

On the playground, a tight guy wrapped in a hood was slowly walking towards the teaching building. The guy slowly raised his head and looked at himself.

Peter's intelligence is very good, he saw the guy's eyes, they are not human eyes!
Peter knew that someone was looking for him. In order to prevent his classmates from being in danger, he stood up and said to the teacher, "Teacher, I feel a little uncomfortable. I want to go to the infirmary now."

The teacher looked at Peter like that, and finally did not refuse Peter's request.

Because the teacher didn't dare to gamble on whether the child really has a disease.

If the child has a problem with him, he can hardly shirk his responsibility, and he may even lose his job because of this matter.

"Parker, then hurry up and go to the infirmary to check your body!"

With the teacher's permission, Peter quickly left the classroom.

The teacher looked at Peter leaving, it didn't look like he was sick at all, but thinking about it, it might be other problems.

Peter took off his school uniform, put on his tights, and put a hood on his head.

But now, the moment he was about to walk out of the teaching building, he thought of the previous incident.

He hesitated looking at the outside world, wondering if he should come forward.

If I go out now, I will become a wanted person.

Being able to escape once does not mean being able to escape the second time.

But he heard the sound of reading behind him.

If they don't show up, they are likely to be in danger.

Things seemed to find him again.

At some point, the spider silk shot out from his wrist, and the white spider silk stuck to the lamp post in the distance. Peter's body had already made a choice.


The sudden appearance of Spider-Man on the playground made the students completely abandon the classroom, lying on the windows one by one to watch the battle on the playground.

The teachers didn't reprimand these students either. The educated and trained teachers immediately thought of letting these students retreat as soon as possible instead of letting them stay here.

"Students, leave here as soon as possible, don't continue to stay and fight by the window, it will soon affect here, for your own safety. Follow the previously rehearsed retreat route and leave the class as soon as possible."

Most of the students obeyed the teacher's arrangement and left the window immediately, but there were still very few students holding onto the window tightly, watching the battle outside.

In desperation, the teacher had no choice but to take them away in person.

It is difficult to guarantee that they will not be affected by continuing to stay here.

Spider-Man also saw the classmate standing at the window, and he shouted loudly with his battle suit and a loudspeaker: "Get out of here quickly, this guy is very dangerous!"

The tightly wrapped insect man did not reveal his true appearance, otherwise, the students would have fled the scene long ago when they saw that ugly monster, instead of continuing to stay here.

The controller behind the bugman saw all this, so he changed the target of his attack.

Peter saw that this side's line of sight was not on him, and wanted to block the other side's progress towards the teaching building, but was repelled by the other side's strange force.

For the first time in history, Peter was deflated in terms of strength.

The manipulator behind the Insect Man, Peter, who is now on the ground, does not intend to let go of this opportunity and pursue the victory.

Peter stood up and saw the enemy gradually approaching him. The fear of death invaded his consciousness, making him unable to move at all.

He was thinking about trying his best to move, but his body didn't listen to him. At this moment, it seemed that his body didn't belong to him.

A white light fell from the sky, blocking the progress of the bugman.

The bugman didn't even think about it at this moment, and began to rush towards the teaching building. Before the white light disappeared, a red energy wave appeared from the white light.

The red energy wave hit the running insect man, blasting a huge wound in his chest.

There is no way to heal the wound that was blasted open, all this is caused by the other red energy.

Alarak stepped out from the white beam of light.

"It's just asking me to be a kid. I don't know what the master thinks. It's a waste of my time. Hmph!" Alarak said, glancing at Peter who was already beside him.

Peter looked at the strange man who suddenly appeared in front of him.

Although it looks very similar to the protoss, but the opportunity to contact the protoss is indeed too small, and I am not sure if the one in front of me is the protoss.

The war blades made of special metal in Alarak's arms bounced a little outward.

The two erected energy amplifiers on the back are continuously strengthened, and his spiritual energy value.

Archbishop Artanis also used such an energy booster, which can increase the controller's spiritual power by several levels in a short period of time.

Before coming here, he already knew his opponent, this bugman who was slightly stronger than the fanatic, but before the high-ranking lord Alarak, even if it was a hybrid, he had to kneel down and obediently sing "conquer" .

Don't ask is the dignity of a high-ranking lord, and no provocation is allowed.

The red energy wave before was the best warning to him. If he dared to fight back, he would end his life in the most painful way, including those who controlled him.

The bugman turned from the ground, roaring continuously, the clothes on his body had been torn apart, and his ugly body was exposed to public affairs.

The students who were lying at the window before watching the battle dispersed in a crowd, not daring to stay here any longer.

Unlike the previous situation of being wrapped up, seeing this ugly monster would scare even a normal person.

Alarak didn't intend to say anything more.

Even in the case of wearing a standing skirt, he ran easily. The skirt did not become a hindrance to him, but became a prop to increase his image.

Alarak's speed far exceeded that of ordinary fanatics. The special war blade in his hand penetrated the bugman's body, and red energy poured into the bugman's body along the warblade.

The bugman's body began to collapse, and a large number of cracks appeared on the bugman's corpse.

A few seconds later, the insect man's body was torn apart, and the fragments flew everywhere.

Alarak turned his head and took a look. The little spider hadn't recovered, and left a sentence: "You are lucky!"

After Alarak finished speaking, he teleported away directly. All the surrounding cameras were blocked, and few people took pictures of this scene.

Even if some students had mobile phones, they were disturbed by strong magnetic signals and could not leave any records at all.

As for what they saw, not many people would believe it.

And it won't be long before the CIA will ask them not to reveal any information about this time.


Iron Man who descended from the sky stood in front of Peter, and he sighed, as if he already knew the outcome of the future.

Mark took a Quinjet fighter jet, Natasha, and Patton to the school playground. The surrounding students had already been evacuated and the streets were blocked. Therefore, within a radius of two kilometers, no one else existed. .

That's why Mark would send Alarak reinforcements.

Mark got off the Quinjet fighter jet. Peter didn't intend to run away this time. He stretched out his hands to Mark, as if waiting for a pair of silver handcuffs.

In the end, it fell into his hands, not silver handcuffs, but a qualified badge.

"Actually, a long time ago, I wanted to hand over this badge symbolizing the Avengers to you, but your behavior was too impulsive, so I had to give up. I even doubted it once, Is it the right choice to let you join the Avengers, but your actions have not disappointed me."

Peter looked at the badge in his hand, and he said excitedly to Mark, "Thank you, Mr. Mark."

"What you need to thank is not my child, but your courage and your job, but what I want you to know is, never forget the family around you, and you will regret it after losing it."

(End of this chapter)

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