Meiman's eldest son of God

Chapter 948 Accepting Understanding

Chapter 948 Accepting Understanding
Chapter 967 accept understanding

"What? They all failed? What are these guys doing to eat? No, now we have to prepare a follow-up plan."

Someone in the conference room was already getting anxious.

The Moonlight Knight said calmly: "Don't panic, isn't all of this within our expectations? I already knew you were going to die, so I have prepared a plan."

Hearing what Moonlight Knight said, these old guys who were a little worried before calmed down instantly.

Moonlight Knight was indeed not an outstanding hero to Mark. Even under Mark's hands, there were many trainees who had higher combat effectiveness than this guy, but this did not affect the impression of this guy in the hearts of these old guys at all.

There is no way, the name of the shadow tree of people.

For so many years, the reputation that this guy has accumulated in society cannot disappear in a flash.

Moreover, Moonlight Knight can indeed be regarded as the upper-middle level.

And the upper middle here is the definition of Mark.

Not the hierarchy established by the so-called superhero organizations nowadays.

In fact, many organizations want to learn from Mark's system, but there is really no way.

The first is that there are not so many resources on Mark's side, and the second is that the standard of requirements on Mark's side is too high.

Mark can provide enhanced resources, so a higher level of recruitment is acceptable.

Other organizations want to be like this unless they pay for it themselves.

It's like students going to college. Good schools have rich educational resources and high conditions. People are willing to come in even if they are squeezed out. Schools with poor conditions are not good.

This is an endless loop, and the inequality of resources is the biggest problem.

But in this world, people are born unequal, not to mention education level.

The best outcome for a small organization is to be merged by a large organization, which is the best outcome for them.

It was almost all wiped out when carrying out dangerous missions.

Do you think this is scaremongering?Just a few small superhero companies in the United States that Mark knew went bankrupt in just one year.

The main reason is that there is no new blood to join, and the old heroes are injured.

Without perfect logistical help, how long can the old hero last no matter how powerful he is?
Talk back to the meeting.

Moonlight Knight gave his prepared follow-up plan.

After hearing this, these old guys also felt that this was a plan that could be implemented.Although it is very dangerous, but since it has been done, there is only one way to go to the end.

Whoever retreats now is everyone's enemy, and no one in the industry can guarantee whether the person who retreats will betray himself.

All were bound to the same warship until all were dead.


After Mark returned home, he understood what happened at the time, and wondered who was attacking him.

First of all, a few big forces were excluded, because even if those guys wanted to do something, they would not be so inferior. The most important thing was that they didn't even investigate the people around them clearly.

Yrel has made several appearances before, although not that outstanding, but there are more or less records.

Only those guys who are going to kidnap are unrefined goods.

"Don't think about it, these guys basically don't pose any threat except for creating a little entertainment for us." Luo Ji said comforting Mark.

Mark shook his head and said: "The key is that these guys threatened the people I love. I can't just sit idly by. These guys must be responsible for what they did. Otherwise, someone will break our lives in the future , these guys have to pay for what they did."

Mark's way of protecting the calf made Luo Ji sweet. Who doesn't like the way his man protects himself?

"Okay, Your Highness, it's time for us to eat now, so let's hurry up and eat now! We won't have to eat cold when we get there." Luo Ji looked at the time and found a reasonable reason to put this Things have passed.

Mark also took a look at the time and it was indeed getting late, and then he followed Luo Ji to go downstairs, halfway there Mark asked: "How is Wanda's injury?"

"What else can I do, I did it myself." Luo Ji said.

Mark didn't know what to say, but finally he said bravely, "You guys know me, I'm really not that kind of playful man."

"Yes, yes, it's all our women's fault for not being up-to-date, so all of them are willing to post it to you for nothing, now you are satisfied!" Luo Ji is unwilling to talk more on this topic, the main reason is because of herself Not even a wife.

Although Mark, including themselves, has never bothered about these things, they can still be calculated if they study carefully.

Because Wanda was injured, she stayed alone in her room, and Piccolo had already delivered the meals.

Mark sat down in his seat as usual, and was about to start eating.

Yrel looked hesitant to speak, wanted to speak, but held back.

Mark repeated so many times, if he didn't notice it, then Mark really should change his eyes.

"What's wrong? Are you injured?" Mark asked with concern.

"Mark, have you really never considered Wanda? She actually worked really hard for you, or else she would just...we're all family anyway. It doesn't really matter if there is one more or one less." Yrel Naturally, I can think about it.

As she said, there is actually no difference between one more and one less, and this situation is not good now.

But Mark himself couldn't make it through, or the morality in his heart prevented Mark from crossing that hurdle.

"I know what you mean, but I can't make it through myself. This matter has nothing to do with you. Tell me your own psychological reasons. Oh, how should I put it, if you want to blame, you can only blame me!"

Mark carefully recalled the first two periods of his life.

In the first part of my life, I wanted to find a girlfriend and couldn’t find it. At that time, I was poor and I don’t think any girls would like such a person.

The second part of life is that you can't find what you want.I am completely bound, I don't even have my own freedom, let alone find a partner, it is completely a tool for people to use, so when I first came to this world, I wanted a freedom so urgently body and quiet life.

Or at that time, he himself didn't even think about what he should do.

Without even moving, Mark got up and left.


Mark also knew that there would be no result if he tried to avoid it, so Mark didn't plan to continue hiding, and then he planned to respond to this problem head-on and solve it.
Wanda received a text message from Mark, and she jumped up from the bed in excitement, and jumped out of the window into the yard through magic.

Mark sat on a chair in the yard, looking at the sea in the distance, and listening to the waves coming from the sea.

"I have been evading before, escaping the relationship between the two of us, escaping your feelings for me. I know that you have done a lot and even made some crazy moves in the past, but I really don't deserve you to pay so much. Maybe it is really like As you said, this is entirely what I want to do unilaterally, not what you are willing to accept. You are right about this, and I have to admit it.

But I still want you to think clearly, your feelings for me are love!like!Or pure longing.Don't rush to tell me the answer, wait until you think it through, and then get the answer wrong. "Mark looked at Wanda seriously, and this time he didn't plan to evade the question.

After thinking for a while, Wanda took a deep breath, and then said to Mark: "My feelings for you are true. When Piccolo and I were displaced, it was you who helped us. At that time, all I had was gratitude. But with the passage of time, I found that my feelings for you are not only grateful, I like you. Although this is based on my gratitude, but this is indeed like. I also asked myself, maybe this It’s because I didn’t understand the true meaning of liking, but I’m willing to give everything for you.”

"I really don't care about my current situation. I am completely different from the thinking of mainstream society. Even if he is a playboy, Tony Stark only has one wife."

"Are you married to the other sisters?"


"Then will you abide by the laws of Earth?"

Mark was taken aback by this question.

I have always been bound by laws and morals on earth, but has my actions affected others?Did it jeopardize the lives of others?

I and my confidantes are living happily and happily, without affecting anyone's life, so what do I care about?

Is it because someone said a few words to stop living?

That's too fragile, and it is estimated that Mark would have died long ago.

Mark suddenly realized, hugged Wanda excitedly and said, "You're right, I shouldn't pay attention to other people's eyes, and I shouldn't care what they say, I am who I am, and I live for myself And the people I love by my side. Thank you, Wanda, for making me understand this truth today."

Those who are out are confused by the onlookers, that's all. Wanda may not have figured out the reason for this.

She was just happy that Mark was happy.

While several guys in the room were tightly against the glass door, they didn't seem to know that the glass door was transparent at this time.

"I told you that if you want to listen, just stand up and listen." Mark walked to the glass door and said to the eavesdroppers.

Only then did the eavesdroppers look at Mark in surprise, realizing that the glass door was transparent.

(End of this chapter)

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