Meiman's eldest son of God

Chapter 942 Mo (si) Er (tan) Ben (suomu)

Chapter 942 Mo (si) Er (tan) Ben (suomu)

Chapter 961 Mo (si) Er (tan) Ben (suomu)

The helicopters of the Australian military hovered in the sky, and they could easily overlook the state of the entire city at this high altitude. The streets were full of infected humans.

"It's too bad, we came too late!" The general said regretfully looking at the situation below.

"They've all been infected. Some of these people are normal on the surface, but sooner or later they'll turn into horrible monsters. We must cleanse the city!"

The few escorts sitting next to the general had black question marks all over their heads.

They never thought that the general would have such a crazy idea and make such a crazy decision. This was completely different from the general they knew.

"General, how could you have such an idea? It seems that they can still be saved. As long as the medicine is delivered in time, they can still be saved. There must be other solutions!" The white-haired deputy general faced the general Said.

"Enough, Ur, I am the general. Now I order the cleansing of the city at once."

The adjutant knew that this was a crazy decision, a decision that would last forever, and he would never accept such an order, even if he died.

"No! General, even if it is you, I will not accept such an order."

"Then I will regard your actions as treason!"

"Whatever you think. The task I received is to block all the entrances and exits and not allow anyone to leave Melbourne, not to attack these unarmed civilians!"

Seeing that his adjutant didn't intend to do anything, the general immediately drew his gun, ready to end this traitor.

But what he didn't expect was that several people around him pulled out their guns first, and aimed at him as if they were about to strike.

"What are you going to do?" said the general, looking at the soldiers who drew their guns and aimed at him.

"Are you also planning to treason with that guy?"

"General, you are the one who betrayed the country!"

The gunshots rang out, and an impending disaster ended early.

It is precisely because of the presence of these sensible people that the city was saved from a catastrophe.

Mark naturally didn't know what was happening in the real version of Stratholme-Melbourne. Yian Mark had brought the templar to the giant ship island.

As soon as Mark landed on the island, he saw a large number of mutated people.These people wear the equipment of various countries, and through the equipment and signs on their bodies, it is also possible to judge which country these people are from.

But now they are united and under the control of an unknown guy.

That guy seemed to be able to sense Mark's presence, and sent them over to attack Mark immediately.

"Aren't you going to hide?" Although Mark didn't do it himself, he let his templars deal with these mutated humans.

The Templar's light blade easily sliced ​​through their protective equipment, and the battle was over after only a few seconds.

The strength gap between the two sides is really too big, there is no suspense at all.

Mark led the Templars to continue deep into the island.

The entire ship Mark has a map. The last time I went directly to the core area, I didn’t explore other areas, so I don’t know what’s going on in other areas.

Mark's task this time is very arduous. He has to explore the entire area, find the real culprit behind the scenes, and get suitable samples to solve this infection crisis.

If a person was exploring me all the time, Mark would have to waste at least 3 to 4 days to explore all the areas.

Exploration is not just as imagined, it is over after a glance in the past, in most cases, it is necessary to carefully investigate the surrounding situation.

This kind of investigation takes at least an hour, and the time it takes to inspect each area is short of three or four days.

In this case, Mark had to scatter people.

"Artanis, you take a team to search this area." Mark said, referring to a place on the spaceship.

Artanis said, "Okay."

"Alarak, you lead a team to search this area. I will search the rest of the area. If there is any accident, report it as soon as possible." Mark repeatedly urged.

Artanis is the type to act rashly.

Although he often gathers his own troops, he is still a relatively stable leader.

Alarak is not as simple as Artanis, this guy is very thoughtful and always likes to take risks.

What Mark said just now was for him, and he didn't want him to make any more troubles for himself.

"Yes, my master."

Ten minutes later, Alarak separated from Mark.

Although he said so in his mouth, his actual actions were not what he said.

"Hmph, self-righteous guy." Alarak said disdainfully.

If possible, he could overthrow Mark's control at any time, and then stand on his own.This guy is like this, from the time he saw Emon, it can be seen that this guy is an ambitious person.

However, he was also very clear about how much he weighed. Before he had no strength, he still chose to submit to Amon.

Alarak is a hero who is constantly working to achieve his goals.

But not long after these words were uttered, the surrounding Tadalin instantly showed a light blade, and the light blade was placed directly beside Alarak, restricting his movements.

"What are you going to do?" Alarak didn't expect that the Tadarins would swing their weapons at him.

"If we find out that you slander the master again, then you will die!" said the leading adjutant Tadalin.

Where did Alarak suffer from such a crime? He snorted disdainfully, but there was nothing he could do.

I didn't expect these lunatics to believe in Mark so much. Don't they have any brains?
Alarak can definitely be regarded as an outlier among Tadarim.

Because the vast majority of Tadalin choose to believe in their Creator unconditionally, and he has already begun to doubt a long time ago.

"I admit defeat! I will not slander our great master anymore. Can we continue to act now? Our time is running out. If the mission fails, it will disappoint the great master." Alarak knows how to endure .

Alarak suddenly put away the light blade after the surrounding Tadalin, but they were still hostile to Alarak.

Alarak knew that these guys were not suitable to be by his side, so he found a suitable time to let them die after dedicating their strength.

As for the follow-up additions, let’s talk about it at that time!

The templar led by Artanis searched, and it didn't take long to find the eggs that were hatching.

Artanis saw that the eggs had not yet hatched, and wiped out all the eggs.

Of course, before the elimination, he summarized all the situation here to Mark.

After dissecting these eggs, it was found that the vast majority of these eggs were human corpses.

It is very likely that the missing operators of various countries are here.

It's just that the content has been corroded beyond recognition, and it is impossible to judge who is who.

The reason why it can be judged to be human is because the main bones have not been completely corroded, but things like the head teeth have long been corroded.

Mark ordered Artanis to continue the investigation there to see if more human traces could be found.


Tick ​​tock, the sound of liquid dripping onto the ground echoed in this space.

Mark quietly led a group of Dark Templars forward, through the dark corridor, to the empty hall, which was as dark as the previous corridor.

The only difference is that it is much wider.

The above is a normal person's understanding of this space. Through his eyepiece, Mark clearly saw a dozen springtails crawling out.

They moved quietly and slowly, for fear of causing any movement.

These guys are waiting for the target to show up, and then deliver the killing blow.

But they never expected that they would welcome Mark and the Dark Templar.

A silent shotgun round pierces a zergling's head.

The bugs at this time have not yet realized the seriousness of the problem.

When they saw their companion's body lying on the ground, it was too late to act.

The curved light war blade of the dark templar has already cut off their heads.

This small group of troops was eliminated silently in this way. From the beginning, there was nothing, and now there are a few bugs. For Mark who is exploring the area, it is really good news.

Bugs never do wasted work, and there must be something around here that they need to protect.

Maybe there is something Mark wants to know hidden here.

And if you don't try this kind of thing, how can you possibly know the result?

Mark began to explore inwardly, and found that more and more bugs had blocked his only path, which made Mark more convinced that he had chosen the right path.

Even if it is not the root cause of the virus, it is considered to be very important.

After passing through several spine reptiles, Mark stopped, not only the scout king worms on patrol in front of him, but also a large number of spore crawlers on the ground.

These spore crawlers can easily see through the camouflage and determine the location of Mark and others.

At that time, Mark had to enter hand-to-hand combat with these bugs.

Although it is said that these bugs can be easily defeated, it is Mark's consistent policy to keep it simple.

The shotgun in Mark's hand aimed at the spore crawler in the distance, the bullet fired, and the body of the spore crawler broke in half.

What happened next was just as Mark expected.

After the spore crawler died, the surrounding scout kings approached where Mark was.

(End of this chapter)

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