Meiman's eldest son of God

Chapter 94 The Purifier

Chapter 94 The Purifier

Chapter 93 Vigilant

Mark still gave Thor a few days to think about it.The main reason is that Mark has no time to spend on Thor now.

This time Narud obtained some fragments from the Destroyer during the battle, and these fragments were taken away during the warp.

After discovering that these shards have amazing repairing powers, Narud is ready to apply this thing to Zealots.

It's just that these fanatics are not ordinary fanatics, but purifiers after personality downloading.

Amon had planned to intervene in the research of ancient purifiers from a very early age, but later discovered that these ancient purifiers had too much self-awareness, and after adding their own mechanical computing power, this did not meet the requirements. his control.

Therefore, the focus has been shifted from the ancient purifiers to the modern purifiers, which is the series of purifiers manufactured and developed by Kerax.

These new Purifiers are distinct from the ancient ones.

Most of the purifiers who joined Archbishop Artanis in the later period were these modern purifiers.The Ancient Purifiers are led by Phoenix.

Modern Purifiers are on par with ancient Purifiers in terms of technology. The main reason is that many ancient technologies were lost when Aiur fell. This also caused some ancient technologies to be better than those used by Protoss today. There are many reasons.

The modern vigilantes are not as good as the ancient vigilantes on the whole. The only thing that can be regarded as an advantage is reconstruction, that is, resurrection.

After being destroyed on the battlefield, enter the reconstruction state and continue fighting again.But if it is damaged again in a short period of time, it will not be able to be reconstructed again.

However, it also lacks the personality loading ability like the ancient vigilante.

The shards of the Destroyer emerged, setting the modern Vigilante on a whole new path.The orange vigilantes were activated on the assembly line, and at the same time new substances never before added to their mechanical bodies.

These substances can help vigilantes recover easily in battle.In fact, similar things have been found on the mechanical units of the human empire, but the recovery speed is too slow.

It is very suitable for the use of machinery in positional warfare like the human empire, but it is basically useless to use it on the protoss vigilantes who charge on the front line to absorb firepower, except for waste.

But the new substances found now are too fast for the repair of the mechanical body.Even a little bit is better than the recycled steel of human beings before.

Once this brand new substance is added to the camp of the purifiers, it will greatly enhance the overall combat effectiveness of the purifiers.

The new vigilante jumped in front of Mark, and the shiny black shell almost blinded Mark's eyes.

However, the iconic claw-shaped light blade turned red.

The Vigilante's Shining Blade is always orange or pale yellow.However, Narud added new energy to these structural problems, and the color of their light blades turned red.

"Give me a grand introduction to you, the new vigilante. I call it the fearless." Narud has successfully invaded the body of this new type of purifier called the fearless, through the fearless The body communicates with Mark.

"But if this thing is taken out now, it will definitely cause more trouble!" Mark thought about the troubles if he summoned these fearless men,

"We have referred to the vigilante and other zealots for the shape, but if there is a need, we can change its shape at any time. Because it is a machine itself, it is very suitable for the current environment, and it can give you a great effect on your bright side. Great help." Narud has already prepared his rhetoric and a series of things.

As long as Mark wants to, he can now bring these fearless people into the public eye.

"Forget it for now." Mark felt that it was not the time to take it out.

You must know that there will be another commotion caused by intelligent AI in the future, and when you have so many powerful robots under your hands, you will definitely become the target of public criticism.

Mark is not worried about Ultron, which originated from the Mind Stone.Because the internal network of the Purifier itself is a local area network, which is not connected to the Internet of this world.

The second is that Ultron wants to invade, and the purifier local area network with multiple intelligent personalities is simply seeking a dead end.

As long as Ultron does not have the bonus of the soul gem.Because of its hardware limitations, the final result can only be abused by purifiers.

What Mark is really worried about is because of the influence created by Ao, so Mark feels that it is not the time to take out these fearless people.

"Everything will be done according to your plan." Narud finished speaking and disappeared in front of Mark with the fearless man.


Half a day later, the entire town is now completely blocked by S.H.I.E.L.D.

Since Mark is an employee of S.H.I.E.L.D., there are not too many restrictions on his actions.However, I was interviewed by Nick alone.

Nick wants to know more about other worlds from Mark.And Nick's attitude is very tough.

Mark is like an old fritter who is used to it, sitting on the stool with his legs crossed, blowing his whistle, and singing a song from time to time.

Regarding Mark's appearance that it has nothing to do with him, Nick can't directly extract a confession.

Because the last time Mark was about to force a confession, Mark successfully escaped from SHIELD. God knows what kind of crazy move this guy will make this time.

It is not the first time that Nick has played with fire and set himself on fire.A time bomb like the Hulk was pulled into S.H.I.E.L.D. by him.

It can only be said how bold people are and how productive the land is.

"Mark, you have to understand that this is a matter for the entire planet, not a matter for a country or an individual." Nick said to Mark solemnly.

This is the third time he said the same thing to Mark, and Mark even felt that he was at the end of his rope.

"Then who do you think was protecting the world before S.H.I.E.L.D.?" Mark finally couldn't stand Nick's harassment, and looked at Nick with a cold face and said.

Nick froze for a moment, looking at Mark as if he had seen a ghost.

That's right, Nick never thought about who was guarding the world before SHIELD appeared.If the gods in Norse mythology are true...

Nick didn't even dare to think about it, it might be a battle of gods.

"Wouldn't it be better for S.H.I.E.L.D. to guard its one-acre three-point land now? Besides, don't we still have something to do?"

To be continued
(End of this chapter)

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