Meiman's eldest son of God

Chapter 929 Entering the Ship

Chapter 929 Entering the Ship
Chapter 948 Entering the Ship

In fact, as the mutated Skrull said, the current Avengers are preparing and taking all measures to deal with it.

It won't be long before the Avengers strike.

But it's hard to say whether it was wiped out by these Scruis or wiped out by the Avengers.

Who wins the deer depends on the strength of the two sides.

Mark checked his combat uniform, looked at the giant ship in the distance and said, "We may never return this time, so let's write down everything we have to say! In case we don't even have a last word."

No one thinks that Mark is joking now, and everyone is ready to die.

Because Mark had told them the impact of the core explosion before that, if they did not evacuate in time, they would be washed into the distorted space, and it would be almost impossible to come back alive, but there are no absolutes in the world, even Anything less is possible.

But this kind of good luck appeared on his head, it was almost a dream come true.

This time, everyone has no other means of transportation, so they can only take the subway to get close to the bottom of the giant ship, and then look for the right time to infiltrate into the giant ship from the surrounding high-rise buildings.

The tallest building is only 500 meters away from the giant ship, and that is the goal of everyone.

Approaching from there not only reduces the time to face enemy fire, but also ensures the success rate of sneaking.

The train moved quickly, and soon passed the distance of half a ship. After taking a few stations, Mark also arrived at the destination of the trip.

The surrounding elevators have stopped operating, and everyone can only choose to walk up the stairs. Although it is not tiring, it is true that there is no meeting.

Especially when Tony complained beside him, he was unwilling to supply this little electricity, and he was simply stingy.After it's over, I'm going to buy this damn stingy group.

But in fact, Tony really bought the entire subway line together with the subway and this damn stingy company after the war.

I have to say that Tony is really rich, and he can do whatever he wants.

But these are all later things.


Everyone climbed the stairs all the way to the top floor. Looking at the big guy above their heads, everyone felt more oppressed.

"How do we go up now, I have a headache now." Scott said, looking at the big guy above his head.

Mark said to Scott, "Don't you know what we mean?"

Scott looked at the expressions of the crowd and began to realize the seriousness of the problem. He looked at Mark and the team members around him, and said cautiously, "You don't expect me to throw you up here!"

"Yes, you are really a little genius, otherwise, why do you think you can be the first team leader of this mission. You still have a lot to learn now, Scott, you still have a long way to go to learn " Mark said like a teacher, patting Scott on the shoulder.

Scott knew that he was doomed now, and he didn't care so much anymore. He simply gave up the treatment and said to Mark: "Then I ask for a salary increase after this time is over."

Mark glanced at Tony next to him.

Tony made a decision and said, "Salary increase, double is enough?"

"That's enough, thank you boss, the boss is my reborn parents." Scott instantly turned into a dog-licking look, completely disregarding his so-called face.

The Wasp standing on the side felt really ashamed, why did she find such a guy, but the Wasp could also know Scott's difficulties.

If it wasn't for finding his mother, Scott wouldn't be raising money everywhere, and he wouldn't be in such a snobbish way now.

All of these have an inseparable relationship with me. It is impossible for me to say that I have no responsibility.

"Scott can actually do that..." Janet looked at Scott and said.

Scott interrupted immediately: "I know what I am doing now. I am preparing for my daughter's future money. I am not doing it for you, understand?"

Scott said so, but it wasn't.

Except for a part of the necessary money, it was basically given to Janet.

Mark didn't have time to listen to these two young lovers flirting, and said to them: "You have time to flirt here now, and everyone has already sent it up. Janet flew up with the female members, s Kurt threw me on it."

Mark holds a large number of iron chains in his hand, and these iron chains are connected to the waist of every member involved in the operation, except for women.

Scott threw Mark up hard. Mark felt the friction between his body and the air, and then grabbed the protrusion on the outer layer of the battleship.

Mark prevents the sharp fixed bolt on it, which ensures the safety of the people behind, even if they don't catch it, they won't fall down and die.

Scott began to control his strength to throw these members, and the throwing was completed in a few minutes, but the battleship did not attack from the beginning to the end.

All kinds of abnormal behaviors made Mark realize that the other party seemed to be waiting for him, so Mark also took a step ahead.

Mark entered the interior of the battleship, looked at the bright passage, and walked through it without hesitation.

Sure enough, this place was a trap. Mark was completely blocked in front and back, and the solid alloy door trapped Mark.

Mark can smash these alloy doors, but Mark wants to see what these guys are trying to do?
More and more slime poured in from all directions, and soon filled the small space where Mark was. Mark made a middle finger to the camera and was swallowed by the slime.

These liquids seemed to want to invade Mark, but Mark was not affected by these liquids at all, and the fiery high temperature heated the mucus.

It didn't take long for the slime to start turning into a solid.

The guys in the monitoring room looked at Mark in surprise, wondering if the transformation had been completed, but when the alloy door was shattered and Mark came out of it unharmed, these guys knew they had failed.

"There are traps everywhere here, everyone be careful, and you must pay attention to the changes in the surrounding situation, and deal with the unknown liquid directly at high temperature." Mark reminded the latecomers.

It was the existence of these traps that I used my actual actions, and then used myself as a bait to find a way to break the situation.

"Received Mark." Tony replied to Mark's message.

Mark also responded: "Okay."

Those guys hiding in the monitoring room watched Mark rush through one trap after another, but there was nothing they could do, and they screamed angrily.

Although Mark went to thunder and avoided a lot of trouble, it doesn't mean that there is no backup method.

The Scruis used the unmanned robots in the ship to intercept Tony and others.

These were all guessed by North, which can also prove from the side that North did not deceive Mark and the others.

Among the information given by North, the weakness of these robots lies in the controllers on the back.Just hit the controller and the robot will self-destruct in no time.

This is an emergency measure to prevent those who want to use robots to reversely invade ships, and the cost of robots is not very expensive in the first place, and no matter how much they lose, they don't feel bad.

The Skrulls might have cared a little bit before, but with the support of Alsace, they can add it without caring.

This is the difference between having money and not having money. If you have money, you will do everything you want.

More and more robots died, and the mutated Skrulls knew that if they didn't act, they would really fail.

He quietly entered the ventilation duct, followed behind Tony and the others, and as the lights of the passage were turned off, he launched a surprise attack.

The claws of death stabbed the defenseless Steve first.

Thought it was a joke, it wasn't!
Steve's shield was indeed very strong, but in this dark environment, Steve, who was defenseless, also suffered a big loss, and was knocked into the air almost before he had time to defend.

The protective suit on Steve's body was also obviously damaged. Tony approached Steve with a searchlight and began to repair his protective suit.No one knows if there will be any biological weapons here, so this is a preparation just in case.

"Thank you for entrusting..." Steve's eyes turned red before he finished speaking.

He roared and rushed towards Tony, and strangled Tony's neck with his hands. Although he was protected by the battle suit, he could still hear the sound of metal deformation.

Steve crazy?
This was the question on everyone's mind. The Wasp had quick eyesight and quick hands, so she was anesthetized immediately.

But she didn't seem to notice that she was the next target to be attacked.

The second weakest defense in this is the Wasp.

However, the protection level of Wasp's suit is much higher than Steve's, so there was no damage for a while, and she was still in a safe state.

Mark looked at Tony and the others who were not moving, and asked, "What's wrong with Tony?"

"Steve's chemical protective suit was broken. He seemed to be controlled by something here. He attacked me just now, but was knocked out by Janet." Tony explained.

Mark didn't even think about it, and rushed back the same way.

But before Mark took a few more steps, he saw the interceptor who had been waiting here for a long time.

The elite fighters of the Skrulls are experienced fighters.

Frontal hand-to-hand combat Few people can compete with these perverts, it is definitely a tricky existence.

"It seems that you are my opponents! But you don't seem to understand how much you are!" Mark mocked, but within a second, Mark was slapped in the face.

Because these guys are starting to mutate.

These Skrull warriors began to transform, and a large number of unique characteristics of the Zerg appeared on their bodies.For example, the distorted tentacles and appendages, I don't know, I thought they were blessed by an indescribable god.

"It's really disgusting to turn into such an ugly appearance! If that's the case, let's suffer for a long time!"

(End of this chapter)

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