Meiman's eldest son of God

Chapter 922 Subdue the Little Spider

Chapter 922 Subdue the Little Spider

Chapter 941 Subdue the little spider
Sinister Six!
A combination of six of Spider-Man's most hated opponents.

It's just that the vultures in the original team have been successfully apprehended by Mark, so the group of six now has one less.

The mysterious guest has not yet mastered his own core technology, so he has not come forward to participate in this evil organization for the time being.

It should now be the evil trio.

Participating members are Beetle (female), Thriller, and Kraven the Hunter.

Unlike the other two members, Kraven is all about following the thrill of the hunt.

For Spider-Man, he completely regarded as the new target of his hunting.

Of course, Kleven is also very clear about his own strength?Will not choose those targets that cannot be hunted by themselves.

"Spiderman! If you don't care about these students, you can do it." Horror pointed at the frightened students.

Peter knew exactly what this guy was equipped with, but judging from the reflection of the material, it should be some kind of high-tech equipment.Otherwise, it is impossible for a normal person to equip such a heavy thing on his wrists.

Peter guessed right, these shoes and gloves are not ordinary things, but a high-tech device specially used to launch shock waves.

The lethality is huge, and it can cause five levels of vibration.The first level can easily make a strong man fly hundreds of meters.

Thought this was a joke?

You must know that this thing can easily destroy a building when it is turned on to its maximum power.

Not to mention anything else, these children who haven't exercised much can't withstand the first-level shock at all.

"You are too despicable!" Peter said, hanging from the ceiling.

He is well aware of how dangerous his current situation is, but he absolutely cannot risk his classmate's name.

He had to delay enough time, just now he had sent out the distress signal.

The three targets in front of him are definitely not opponents. Peter can see this clearly, especially in such a complicated situation.

"Despicable? I'm sorry, we are already very despicable." Thriller said and walked towards the little spider. He was sure that the little guy in front of him didn't dare to resist at all.

Although Peter couldn't resist, it didn't mean he couldn't dodge.

Continuously jumping left and right repeatedly, dodging one attack after another.

Horror began to get a little impatient, he immediately rushed to a little fat man, pointed at the little fat man with his wristband and said: "If you dare to continue to dodge, then I promise I will give this little fat man's head to you!" Knock it out."

Peter had to stop jumping, and stood there sighing in horror and said, "Okay, I'll stand here and call you, it should work!"

Just after Peter finished speaking, the shock wave of horror hit him. Although Peter had prepared in advance, the powerful impact made him miserable. He flew out and smashed a wall before stopping. down.

"These lunatics!" Peter slowly tried to stand up from the ruins.

At this time, the hunter Kraven ran over. He looked at Peter lying on the ground and said with a sneer, "Oh, I didn't expect it to be this level. I'm so disappointed."

After speaking, Kraven grabbed Peter's collar directly, and then carried it on his shoulders.

"Okay, let's call it a day! If I stay here, I always feel that something bad will happen." Although the beetle turned around in a peaceful circle and didn't hear the siren, the sixth sense told her that it was wrong. How safe.

Horror also knew that now was not the time to stay here, greeted Kraven, and was about to leave the scene.

When the three of them walked out of the wall they destroyed, an uncle cleaning with a mop walked to the ruins, looked at the ruins and said with a headache, "Oh, I need to clean again."

The uncle didn't seem to notice the little spider on Kraven's shoulder, let alone the three vicious villains.

It seems that all this has nothing to do with him.

Beetle felt that the white-bearded man was annoying, so he raised the gun in his hand, ready to shoot him.

The uncle squinted his eyes and looked at the beetle in front of him. He said in a godly way: "Young people, don't be so impulsive."

Horror and Kraven both turned their heads at the same time, seeing the presence of the old uncle, and when they were about to say something, the beetle was kicked by a flying kick and flew several meters.

The equipment on his body was instantly scrapped, and he couldn't get up again.

"Hello? Who gave you the courage to come to school to act wildly? Bully these underage children, and there is an underage little hero. I said, how come you villains are living and going back?" Mark brushed the hair on his pants. Dust, said to the remaining two people.

Mark stood outside the dilapidated fence in this suit, looking at the two.

The two of them naturally recognized Mark, and they finally understood where did the bad feeling come from?

Just as he was about to retreat, Tony Stark would fall behind him.

"Now, put down the child in your hands, then squat down and surrender with your hands on your head." Tony said floating in the sky.

Horror glanced at the front, then at the back, and chose to attack Tony behind him.

Sure enough, even if Mark was wearing a suit, his deterrent effect was much greater than that of Tony.

The shock wave of Horror's hands was opened to the maximum, and it was launched towards Tony. Tony was not prepared at all, and was directly knocked into the air.

Fortunately, due to multiple updates, the protection ability is very good, so it did not suffer much damage.

Tony slowly climbed up from the ruins, looked at the horror in the distance and said, "You pissed me off, the weirdo in fishnet stockings!"

Horror was also stimulated by this word. What he was wearing was not fishnet socks, but a battle uniform he had carefully prepared.

Mark would not have any nonsense with these two guys, got up and kicked again.

Horror Tumbling confidently dodged the attack, but he didn't notice what Mark was talking about. It wasn't him at all, but Kraven standing behind him.

From the very beginning, Mark's goal was the little spider on Kraven's body, not Kraven or Thriller.

Horror was ready to fire again when he knew it, only to find out it was too late.He kept pressing the controller in his palm, but he couldn't launch any impact.

Because his wrist has begun to deform.

Mark directly used his psychic energy to start long-distance distortion.Horror's wrist was quickly twisted to 90 degrees, and the pain made him kneel down on the ground, howling miserably.

Mark can stand the attacks caused by other terrorists, but the only thing he can't stand is these guys, targeting the school.

If he dared to extend his hand to these underage children, Mark would dare to cut off their hands.

Looking at the last remaining Kraven, Mark gave him a fair fighting chance.

This should be a person among them who is both good and evil. The reason why he joined was to enjoy the thrill of hunting, not simply because he wanted to do bad things.

Although most of his thrill-seeking feelings are related to crime, this makes him a villain.

However, after completing his ultimate stimulation, or after the ultimate hunt, he will also choose to end his sinful life by committing suicide.

The guy is a pure human being, but not a pure bad guy.

"I won't use any superpowers. I just rely on my body and fighting. Why don't you give it a try? Maybe you can catch my big prey."

What Mark said also made Kraven interested. What Kraven pursued was exactly this. He looked at Mark and said excitedly: "I wish for it!"

As he said, Mark gave up all his superpowers and collided with Kraven only by relying on his body and fighting ability.

Kraven's skills are excellent, definitely one of the top in the world, always able to grasp the weaknesses of the human body, but Mark's body has been strengthened, and many places are no longer weaknesses.

Mark can even make a lot of "foul" movements with ease. This kind of movement, which is similar to yoga jujitsu, does not exceed the limit of the human body, and it is also one of the skills he has mastered.

This greatly increased Kraven's interest.

Tony also flew out from the ruins. Looking at the little spider lying on the ground, he flew down first and hugged the little spider.

The surrounding warning robots quickly controlled the comatose beetles. These warning robots were specially made by Tony to trap the prisoners. The prerequisite was that the prisoners had already been captured or had lost their ability to resist, which was equivalent to temporarily taking the place of the police. .

Another batch of warning robots flew towards Thriller and brought it under control.

Did Tony meddle in the fight between Mark and Kraven, he knew full well that if Mark wanted it, the fight would be over in a flash.

But Mark didn't do this, which means that Mark really wanted to fight him in a pure skill fight.

Between people, good and bad were quickly distinguished. Kraven wanted to fight hard, but he was not Mark's opponent at all.

In the end, he was defeated. Whether in terms of skills or strength, Kraven was no match for Mark. What's more, Mark didn't use his superpowers, while Kraven had already used all his moves.

It can be said that this time he hunted, he suffered a crushing defeat. The loser was convincing, without any operation. He reached out his hand and asked Mark to handcuff him.

Mark did not do this, and Mark admired such talents.

Although he does not use any means to achieve his goal, he has to admit that he is indeed a very outstanding talent, and he still needs to do some dirty work.

Mark didn't intend to recruit him in a stately manner, so Mark went up and kicked him in the face, under Kraven's surprised gaze!

(End of this chapter)

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