Meiman's eldest son of God

Chapter 912 Violent Conflict

Chapter 912 Violent Conflict
Chapter 931 Violent Conflict

"Everyone, I don't want to be so embarrassing. It's business. Hurry up, and I won't hurt you." Mark stood at the front of the team and said to the soldiers holding heavy shields.

However, the soldier didn't seem to hear what Mark said.

Mark didn't continue to talk nonsense with these soldiers. They already had their own actual actions and proved their concepts and ideas.


With an order, all the subordinates around took action.

Mark respected them. At least after receiving the order, he never took a step back even in the face of a strong enemy, but this did not mean him. This was the reason why Mark would not treat them like silk.

Enemies worthy of respect, Mark will commemorate them well after their death, but this will definitely not affect their fighting with them when they are alive!
Only dead opponents are good opponents.

The grenade penetrated the heavy shield, and the shock wave from the explosion overturned several soldiers behind the shield.

Remnants and debris from the explosion can be seen everywhere, and the bloody reality seems to warn everyone that this is no joke.

The high-level people standing in the building looked at the situation outside, but they really didn't expect Mark to be so ruthless and had already started to use force.

After all the heavy shield soldiers were dealt with, Mark and his subordinates broke in grandiosely.

Anyone who tried to resist was subdued on the spot, and Mark came to the highest level under the cover of his subordinates.

"Misters and ladies, shouldn't I need to talk nonsense? Are you coming by yourself or shall I send you on your way?" Mark said, looking at these guys who were still in the conference room.

As Nick was about to stand up and say something, Mark raised his hand on the gun and pulled the trigger, sending the bullet through Nick's head.

It wasn't Nick Fury who died when the bullet went through.

The guy in front of him is nothing more than a fake.

"Sure enough, I guessed right. That guy's physical fitness is not as abnormal as yours." Mark thought to himself.

Seeing Mark and the unreasonable shooting, everyone knew their next fate, and they all trembled.

After all, they were still earthlings, and they were only coerced at that time.

"I... I was forced, and I was also forced. If I don't agree, I will die too! I don't want to die either."

Mark sees this kind of cartilage the most headache, this kind of guy with no bones, life is really a waste.

Another shot and Mark took the guy's life.

"Oh, it turned out to be a human being. Why did he choose to betray human beings? What happened to the earth that gave birth to you that made you give up human beings?" Mark said, looking at the cartilage corpse.

Others also saw that Mark was determined to kill this time, begging for mercy is death, resisting is death, both front and back are death words, so they can only wait honestly.

As for resisting from Mark and winning a glimmer of life, don't be foolish!
That kind of thing only exists in science fiction, not in reality.

Not to mention Mark, a perverted guy, not only Mark and his subordinates are here, but they also have no hope of victory at all.

At least for now, I can still breathe a breath of fresh air, which is much better than dying immediately if I resist.

"Let me tell him something! I don't like soft bones very much, but I also understand your difficulties. After all, in this world, who is not for themselves! Everyone wants to live, live in this world , Even if it is a bug, it will work hard to survive, let alone a person.

But your mistake is that you should not bow to the aliens. You can be detained and killed, but you should not bow to the aliens.Now I give you a chance to give up your current status as directors of the World Security Council, and at the same time admit your crimes to all mankind. I can reluctantly spare your lives. "

Power or life.

This is a very difficult question since ancient times. Some people would rather die than give up the power in their hands, and some people hand over the power in their hands for their own lives.

Although the former ended badly, the latter ended not much better.

Because not everyone keeps their promises.

That's why everyone present didn't immediately agree with Mark's decision. After thinking about it carefully, they didn't seem to have any right to choose to disagree. It would be a dead end.

There was no need for Mark to come up with so many tricks to deceive them. After much hesitation, they still agreed.

"I accept!"

"I accept it too!"

"Me too!"


"Very good, everyone is smart, if that's the case, then wait for tomorrow's trial!"

Judgment is irrelevant to them, and it is enough to survive anyway.

The collapse of the World Security Council system was almost instantaneous, and more importantly, the news of Mark's attack on the World Security Council headquarters quickly spread wildly.

Everyone believes that Mark is only provoking the countries involved in the World Security Council.

It's not at all clear what's going on.

Zheng Xian was the first person to contact Mark, and he asked Mark why he attacked the World Security Council.

Mark gave him a simple answer, those who betrayed the earth will have to pay the price.

Zheng Xian no longer needs to continue asking, because the answer given by Mark is clear enough.

What is a person who betrays the earth?
It is very likely that those guys from the World Security Council have no evidence before, but they always feel that they are holding back human beings. Now Mark probably has substantive evidence, so he will act in such a grandiose manner.

Just as Zheng Xian expected, Mark gave a satisfactory answer to the public the next day.

"Everyone, it's a pity to meet you in this way, but helpless, I have to accept some human traitors today. These traitors are constantly delaying the retreat of human beings, and even collude with aliens to target me and this defense Hero of the world. Although I don't really like the title of hero, but I think what I do to human beings can be called a hero.

I fought against powerful alien enemies in outer space and fought for a brand-new planet for human beings. I fought against alien invaders and ugly evil creatures in the planet.I'm giving all this almost without asking for anything in return, but there are always people who are jealous of the power I hold in my hands.

Even colluding with aliens, just to ruin my reputation and fall into the abyss, guys who don't know the truth also started to attack me. Perhaps for them, a public figure like me can die without a place to bury me. Satisfy their twisted desires.

I don't want to talk about these people because talking about them is a waste of my time, but I can't help talking about these people standing behind me.Each of them holds a lot of power, and it can be said that they are below one person and above billions of people.They hold the World Security Council in their hands and carry out ulterior missions all over the world under the guise of maintaining a safe climate for the world.

Behind this is the support of various countries, and various countries have obtained enough benefits from them. They may or may not know about it. It doesn’t matter to me, but what I want to say today is that money can be earned and benefits can be obtained. , but never forget your roots.

The earth is the earth of human beings. It may not have been before, but it is now!As long as the civilization of mankind has not perished, the earth belongs to mankind.We can resolve internal conflicts by ourselves, maybe we will fight each other, maybe we will fight in, but we should not ask aliens to hinder it.

I believe that you seem to have heard something. That’s right, the explosion in my research institute, experimental base, and factory just a while ago was the result of the collusion between the World Security Council and aliens.

It's a pity that they didn't expect my reaction to be so fast and caught them.Let their evil plans not succeed.But for me, it also caused a very huge loss.

So far, I have lost two hundred good employees.These [-] excellent employees have [-] families. They are the parents of the children, the children of the parents, and more importantly, the ordinary civilians who are affected by this. The hearts of the people are fleshy. Why can they be ruthless? To this point?
I don't understand, but I don't want to understand why their hearts are dark, because if I understand, I'm probably on the same level as them.So I declare here that I will be an enemy of the World Security Council, anyone who continues to support the World Security Council is my enemy, and those who cut off relations with the World Security Council here, we are still friends.I will spare no effort to attack all the organizations under the World Security Council until they are dissolved, the above is my statement,"

Mark's video has been translated into various language versions and released to the public.

All recognize this too, traitors who have abandoned Earth for their own benefit.

Mark promised to give them a life, but Mark did not guarantee where they would spend the rest of their lives.

A mine on the moon.These guys wore simple work clothes, walked among the mines on the moon, and continuously mined the minerals in the mines on the moon.

This is where they lived for the rest of their lives and where they made atonement for themselves.

The ore they dug out will be a small step forward for mankind.

What is gratifying is that when Mark's video was released, most countries cut off relations with the World Security Council, saying that they could not play with this group of human traitor organizations.

But there are some guys out there who are going to take something from the disintegrating behemoth of the Security Council of the World.

(End of this chapter)

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