Meiman's eldest son of God

Chapter 904 Gathering Intelligence

Chapter 904 Gathering Intelligence
Chapter 923 Gathering Information

If it wasn't for the fact that the World Security Council's database was physically isolated from the outside world, Mark wouldn't have sent someone there to steal information.

From the database, what Mark focuses on is the list of personnel who participated in the war during the last war, as well as the list of personnel and related information that are preparing to counterattack recently.

The focus is on Nick Fury's information, which Mark consulted himself.

There were a lot of things on it that aroused Mark's suspicions.

The first is where and when Nick first appeared.

It can be said that Nick didn't mention a word about his disappearance during this period of time, but it was precisely because of this silence that aroused Mark's deeper suspicion.

Although Nick is an experienced agent, he may not mention his efforts during this period of time, and the recruitment process of the World Security Council is also very strict.

Mark felt that the recruitment process was okay, but in this case, he still doesn't know where Nick went in the past few months.

Then there is only one possibility, and that is that someone opened the backstage for Nick.

This is a new question that needs to be explored.

Who opened the backstage, so that Nick can smoothly enter the World Security Council.

The reason why Mark noticed the abnormality in Nick was that when he was exploring spiritually, Nick's defense was almost flawless.

A god may not be able to do this when he is in front of him, let alone a human being.

Except for the strengthened mind, there is no mind.

Compared with identity information, the information of who recruited is not as strict as imagined.

But there is nothing strange to think about it.If this kind of news is strictly blocked, then there is definitely something tricky about this matter. The other party did not hide it because they did not intend to let others delve into this matter.

After more than an hour, the comprehensive information was placed in front of Mark.

Luther, who has joined the World Security Council for ten years, has participated in many special operations and made countless contributions.

Promoted at breakneck speed, becoming one of the youngest ever members of the World Security Council.

Although compared to other directors, he is said to be the one who has the least right to speak. It is such an inconspicuous guy who recruited the famous Nick Fury. Before that, the two of them didn't know each other at all.

For Mark, there must be secrets in it that he doesn't know yet.

When Mark was about to continue the investigation, the worm actually started to act. After the battle, the worm actually suffered a heavy loss. According to the worm's consistent personality, it should be developing in its old nest now.

But now, uncharacteristically, he came to the ground and started to attack. It was precisely because of this uncharacteristic that Mark felt that this matter must be resolved quickly.


Company meeting room.

"Where's the bug now?" Mark asked, sitting down.

"There was no action, but a large number of rock formations around the cave collapsed, exposing the hidden underground lair." Natasha handed several satellite images to Mark and said.

"What?" Mark was also very surprised when he took the satellite image.

I used to think that the commanders of these bugs were quite smart, at least they knew the practical tactics to attack the human positions. Isn't doing so now equivalent to exposing their hometown to everyone?
What is the difference between doing this and courting death?

Mark really didn't understand the operation of this wave of bugs.

There must be other intentions behind this.

Mark began to bring himself into the perspective and state of the bug, thinking about why the bug is doing this now.

After a while, Mark seemed to think of it.Mark sat up immediately, and said to the artificial intelligence in his room: "The world that helped me contact...Forget it, just hack into their system!"

Unlike a database, a database is like a warehouse, but the system must be online to be valuable.

The artificial intelligence used by Mark is directly connected to the Spear of Adun. Until now, there is no device in the world that the Spear of Adun cannot hack.

"Sir, we have successfully entered the World Security Council system."

"Help me investigate, if there are any bombers taking off... no, all fighters. Target insect nests." Mark said.


A few seconds later, Mark received a reply.

"Sir, five minutes ago, three fighter planes took off from a military base in the north. Each fighter plane carried a black hole bomb."

"Trough!" Mark knew he was about to suffer.

Thinking backwards, the purpose of the bugs is to hijack these human fighters.

A human attack on a worm nest must be fatal, so these fighters carry weapons of mass destruction.

Infection bugs can also infect. If the driver is infected, the final result will be obvious.

"5 minutes?" Mark opened the portal and appeared on the wasteland full of creeps.

Since the bugs were going to ambush humans, Mark did the opposite and ambushed himself in the opposite direction.

Although he was alone, Mark was fully prepared, and the shotgun he hadn't used for a long time was already in his hand.

Finding a suitable location for sniping, Mark set up the gun here, waiting for the infestation to appear.

As Mark expected, the infected insects really came out from the bottom, and these infected insects didn't seem to be aware of the danger.Still using the tentacles on their heads to communicate with each other.

Mark aimed at the largest one, and after confirming the surrounding environment, Mark pulled the trigger.

The bullet ejected, hitting the head of the infected insect precisely and fatally.

Once the head of this kind of big guy is hit and destroyed, it will die instantly.

He is obviously a very fragile guy, but he has never thought about strengthening the shell of the creature's head, or retracting the head first.

I think about it carefully, but this kind of creature rarely goes to the frontal battlefield. In most cases, there will be a large number of bugs to protect them. The current situation is quite special.

It is estimated that the commander of the other party made sure that there were no other hostile creatures around to let them go out like this.

They are all in their hometown, who would worry about being headshot at home.

Mark's muzzle never stopped, he kept adjusting his position, and fired a few more shots, killing all the remaining infected insects.

As a result, a group of infected corpses were left on the ground.
It took no more than 30 seconds to happen one after another. Of course, even though he was very smart, he didn't realize it for a while. Coupled with the fact that his huge body wanted to escape, it was not a simple matter in itself.

Even if they drilled into the ground and prepared to challenge through the underground tunnel, Mark's goggles clearly marked the direction they were heading in, so it was useless at all.

However, I only sniped a few infected worms just now, and the number of infected worms in a worm nest would definitely not be so small. Just in case, Mark had to wait for the bombers to leave before retreating.

Bombers whizzed past the sky, and Mark watched those bombers drop their bombs before leaving in peace.

But when Mark was opening the portal to leave, the impact on his back did not come.

This made Mark close the portal and turn around to look at the pit.

The power of the black hole bomb is much greater than that of ordinary bombs. If you eat a bomb, you can easily blow up a blast of wind, but after the bomb is dropped, there is no wind at all.

This means that the bomb did not explode!

Mark came to the edge of the tiankeng in a few flashes in a row. Seeing those tentacles hugging the bomb tightly, Mark knew that things were going to be bad.

"These guys!"

There is only the simplest trigger device, not even a detonation device.This led to these tentacles being able to hold the bomb, but it did not explode.

Mark can only wipe their butts now. He really thought that it would not be easy to solve the matter, but he didn't expect it to come to this point after twists and turns.

Mark first shot through the black hole bomb in the middle. Once the bomb in the middle explodes, a chain reaction will occur, and all the bombs around will explode by then.

Things did not exceed Mark's expectations, and a chain reaction appeared.

The few remaining bombs also exploded. Be careful that the black hole distorts the surrounding space, sucking all the approaching bugs and flying units into it.

In fact, the development of human beings is very deformed now, and there are reasons for saying this.

Shields and spears have been mutually restrictive from ancient times to the present.

If you help upgrade, some people will think about upgrading the shield, but I don't know when it started. The development of the spear is getting more and more advanced, but the shield has been stuck in a stagnant situation.Even if it has developed, it is still not as good as a spear.

Even now that some hard materials have entered people's sight with the addition of alien technology, it still does not change the fact that the spear is more advanced and stronger than the shield.

Why didn't the worm expect such a result, but he couldn't do anything about it while he was angry.

When it was discovered, it also discovered the death of the infected insect, and mobilized more flying dragons to hunt down and kill them.

But no target was found at all, the body of the flying dragon that had been in the selected state in the sky burst suddenly, and the worm mother knew that the invisible unit was sent.

There were no scouting king worms around, and it was too late to dispatch them now, so they had no choice but to order the flying dragons to retreat, but it seemed that the assassin did not intend to let these flying dragons go.

Another flying dragon exploded and died in the air. The worm mother was very angry but could do nothing.I can only watch the dragons die one by one.

When the king worm in charge of the investigation arrived at the location, he found that the other party had disappeared without a trace.

Mark closed the portal immediately after passing through it, lying on the ground panting continuously, it can be said that it was an extreme sniper just now, and it was even a little exciting.

If it wasn't for Mark, if he didn't want to continue playing like this now, Mark could even just kill the scout king worm, and then continue to slaughter those flying dragons.

(End of this chapter)

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