Meiman's eldest son of God

Chapter 902 Mob Parade

Chapter 902 Mob Parade
Chapter 921: Thug Parade

Now it's a good word to describe it.

The news of the failure spread like wildfire, and it was impossible to stop it.The most important thing is that the reason for this defeat has also been made public.

If it is said that human beings tried their best and failed this time, then there is nothing to say, this is already the limit.

But this time, due to his own internal reasons, so many soldiers died, and the battle was still defeated.

This makes it unacceptable to many people.

Protests have already begun, and more people have prepared Molotov cocktails and smoke bombs.

The fire burned down the hall of the World Security Council, and this was just the beginning. More people surrounded the building of the World Security Council, and they did not intend to let anyone go.

Unmanaged demonstrations and protests have turned into a chaotic paradise.

Loafers, too, are ready to cash in on this chaotic carnival.When the police arrived on the scene, the chaos was beyond control.

Even firing warning shots, it still cannot stop the actions of these thugs.

Some have already begun to attack the defense lines of police and police cars.

Gunshots rang out and the incident escalated.


"I said that my participation in this matter is zero, do you believe it?" Mark said innocently looking at the people around him.

None of the Avengers and other heroes standing in the hall believed what Mark said.

Even the most innocent little spider doesn't believe what Mark is saying now.

Mark's previous criminal record is too much, so few people will believe Mark now, and these things are basically open to the inside, so it is not surprising.

"Forget it, believe it or not. Anyway, I really didn't do it." Mark also knew that no matter how much he said now, people would not believe him, so he simply gave up his defense.

"The question now is not whether you have participated in it, but how should we suppress this riot?" Tony's action this time has determined the nature.

"You think this is a riot?" Steve looked at Tony coldly.

In fact, the conflict between the two people has already existed for a long time, but it has not reached the point where swords are on the verge of breaking out. It was considered polite before.

"Isn't it? These guys have already started to attack the police queue, and even started looting and burning. Isn't this a riot?"

"That's just a small number of them, and most of them just thought of a reasonable answer."

"The key issue is that those few people have already represented them. It is whether we want to define this incident as a riot, but they have already defined this incident as a riot!" Tony is sometimes too rational. As a result, he and Steve also have irreconcilable conflicts.

Seeing that the dispute had reached the point of pointlessness, the two didn't continue to argue, and turned their heads to look at Mark together.

"Mark, tell me!" The two said this sentence almost in unison, which made Mark feel very embarrassed.

You two should hurry up and get married, such a tacit understanding!

Mark secretly complained in his heart, but he didn't dare to say it, because Mark knew that if he said it, he would definitely be beaten by these two guys. As for whether he could beat him well, that's another matter.

"What did I say, can this matter be changed? We are not defining what this matter is now, but thinking about how to solve this matter. It is too early to talk about the nature of the matter, and the result has not yet appeared. I can't fully characterize this matter, but the regional riots must be real." Mark gave a well-regulated answer.

Everyone agrees with Mark's answer. As Mark said, this is just a regional riot and does not represent the whole incident.

The top priority now is to resolve this regional riot within legal rights, so as to ensure the fairness and openness of the parade.

"The only ones who have the power to enforce the law are those under your command, but you are standing still in the current situation. If you say that this matter has nothing to do with you, who will believe it now?" Tony said, giving up the previous topic.

"This matter itself is related to me. It is because those guys in the World Security Council excluded me that it led to the failure of the war. This is an undeniable fact, isn't it?"

If it were another person, everyone would definitely be accused of being mentally retarded, but Mark is different. Mark really has this strength, and it is really like what Mark said, because Mark’s non-participation led to a war s failure.

The first fiasco in human history!
"The police have no way to suppress these guys. Now they can only rely on you, and there are some superpowers mixed in there. The police can't deal with those superpowers." Steve said the core problem of this incident.

"Those guys in the World Security Council still have a group of superpowers in their hands. It's completely okay to let them handle it by themselves. Since you want to do something absolutely, then do it to the end, and you can't give up halfway." Mark He said it as if he was unkind.

"Brother, this is not the time for you to be arrogant, hurry up and let the people under you move! If they don't move, I'm going to do it myself." Tony finally couldn't hold back.

"It's not yet time, I've already dispatched the door, and then we just need to wait." Mark finally couldn't hold back their heckling, and said these plans.

The little spider took out a bag, and each of them took out a dollar from his pocket and put it in the bag.

"I said what do you mean?" Mark also saw the clues, as if someone regarded himself as a part of the bet.

The little spider sold Tony without hesitation, and said: "Mr. Stark said that you have made complete preparations. But the captain said that you have not done well, so the two made a bet, and now it is Mister Stark has won."

"I say you!" Mark's anger was rising sharply at this time.

Even the surrounding space has undergone slight changes.

"You guys, get out now and maintain law and order. If I see another person staying inside, I'll kill him!" Mark was furious at this time, and no one dared to Stay in the room more, and one by one they all left the room as quickly as possible.

Seeing that everyone had left, Mark let out a sigh of relief. These guys just didn't let themselves worry.


Among the parade team under the building, several thugs were hidden among them. They held up their own actions, shouted slogans, and disguised themselves very well.

The team members sent by Mark have long been eyeing these disguised guys, thinking that the disguise is perfect, but in fact there are flaws everywhere.

At least the surrounding crowd automatically distanced themselves from these guys, and everyone seemed quite isolated. From above, it was clear how many people were isolated?
And these guys seem to keep away from those ordinary people on purpose, thinking that they are superior and superior to others.

Mark's subordinate heroes in uniform made a move, and subdued a disguised guy in the crowd in an instant.

The other companions who accompanied them also controlled the pretenders.

When the pretender was subdued, the civilians who were parading around automatically moved away from them. They seemed to have known that this guy was a pretender, and also seemed to know that this guy had special abilities, so when he was caught, he didn't imagine Among them so surprised.

Someone even stepped forward and handed the flag to the hero in uniform.

"Thank you guys for ruining our fashion and we can't say it. You guys are the real heroes."

The hero in uniform didn't speak, nodded, and left with the subdued guy.

When these pretenders were sent to Mark, they seemed to be dedicated to their ideals, raised their proud heads, and seemed to be waiting for Mark to kill them.

Mark didn't do that at all, but put his hands on their heads, and within a few minutes, Mark had all the information he wanted.

Those guys who were still awake, watching Mark's actions and listening to the information that Mark said, were already frightened out of their wits.

They didn't expect Mark's ability to be so perverted that he could directly search the memory of their brains, so the things they knew would have no possibility of concealing from Mark.

"Are you still going to continue to hide your so-called secret? I don't want to waste time here. This guy has become a waste, and he can't take care of himself for the rest of his life, so you want to spend the rest of your life in a wheelchair or a bed like him? "Mark said lightly.

"I said! I said!"

Finally someone spoke up.

Mark walked up to the man with a smile and said, "He who understands current affairs is a hero, you are very good."


Half an hour later, Mark put all the materials he had sorted out in front of the heroes, which clearly recorded who they were hired by.

But why the parade was disrupted has not been answered.

"When that guy said this, I verified it through my method. What that guy said was the truth. So there is absolutely no problem with this information." Mark once again assured this material.

"Why do you want to destroy this parade? Is it good for them?"

"If I don't know, I won't bring it here to discuss with you. Now we need to figure out what benefits they plan to gain from this parade." Mark said.

The little spider saw that something was wrong, and said, "Am I planning to intensify the conflict!"

(End of this chapter)

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