Meiman's eldest son of God

Chapter 899 Airdrop Failure and Infection

Chapter 899 Airdrop Failure and Infection

Chapter 918 Airdrop Failure and Infection
Victor Kaczynski, a famous Union soldier, once said: "There is nothing that Widow Ray can't solve. If there are, there must be not enough of them!"

Widow Ray, a typical underworld thing.A favorite for commanders who like to play dirty tactics.

Widow Ray represents the future of Imperial weapons automation.Don't underestimate this, a device that uses four steel feet to walk, you must know that this thing contains a lot of technology and an intelligent identification system.

Under remote control, it can enter the designated position by itself, and then detonate when the enemy approaches in the key area.

It uses a short-range vertical take-off and landing jet, which is directly overloaded when approaching the enemy, triggering the built-in small fusion reactor.

To put it bluntly, this thing is equivalent to a one-time Yamato core, the same as the core inside Tony Stark's steel armor.

It's just that the cost is relatively much lower, and a large number of such small fusion reactors can be stored.

Fifteen kilometers ahead of Area A on the left wing, a large number of king worms gathered again, which can be clearly seen through the observer.

Mark ordered the transport plane to enter the stealth state, and quietly sent these little guys to the front of the position. In order to give these bugs a big surprise, Mark specifically ordered them to turn off all automatic scanning and automatic locking.

Mark is ready to operate remotely and manually by himself!

The drilling claws with limbs capable of digging out solid soil layers easily broke through the ground, and then smoothly drilled into the ground.

Each leg strengthened by diamond carbide and sonic oscillator can vibrate independently at high speed, significantly reducing digging time.

Moreover, these sturdy drilling claws can even be lifted up, causing fatal damage to small units in front, of course, the premise is that there are human controls.

In fact, it's not that Mark didn't think about letting them attack on their own.

After all, Widow Lei has an advanced friend-or-foe identification device, which is a powerful identification system that has been cultivated after experiencing countless incidents of accidental fire.

However, don't really think that this kind of thing is really useful.

In the beginning, the system was indeed working as seriously as originally envisaged, but when it actually arrived on the battlefield, the incidents of accidental injury did not decrease at all.

The most typical one is the incident, an elite marine squad, with a Widow Ray, ambushed an entire Protoss squad on the trail.

Normally, this elite marine team can completely suppress and disable this Protoss team by relying on its own firepower and the advantage of its range.

But the crux of the problem is that all of these fanatics have been speeded up, and the fanatics rushed in front of the marines at a fast speed.

It was also at this time that the Widow Mine was triggered, and the small fusion reactor launched by the Widow Mine exploded in front of the Zealots and Elite Marines.

As a result, four elite Marines were killed and three were injured, while the opposing Protoss team only sacrificed two Zealots.

The reason why these two unlucky fanatics died was because their shields had been knocked off before they made contact.After losing the protection of the backing, he died directly.


The king worms in Area A began to gather, and it didn't take long before they rushed towards Area A.

The worm's commander is planning to repeat the old trick.

The first batch of King Worms had already flown over the Widow Mine, and Mark manually controlled them not to launch. When the middle batch had reached the top of the Widow Mine, Mark controlled the Widow Mine to lock on the middle batch. .

I just watched countless missiles fly out from the ground, and then hit those king worms. A few seconds later, there was a rain of blood in the sky.

It was the rain of blood left by the dead worms. 80% of the king worms died in the round of impact just now.

The last remaining ones also began to be intercepted by the anti-aircraft artillery on the position.

When they reached the front of the position, there were only a few solitary ones left.

And the bugs carried in it can't cause any danger to the battlefield at all.

And Mark also upgraded these widow mines to allow them to go deeper into the ground. This upgrade can ensure that they can still lurk underground after launching a small fusion reactor without needing to expose the surface for cooling.

After the old version of the Widow mine launched a small fusion reactor, it not only needed to surface during the launch process, but also to cool down.

This little guy has become a disposable item on the battlefield, but there is no need to worry about it now.

The worms happen to have no eyeworms yet, so Mark can be more unscrupulous.

I can even imagine the distraught appearance of the commander who ordered these bugs to launch an assault.

The raid in Area A was defused.

Even ordinary soldiers can tell that these king worms have their own weaknesses.When there is a large-scale assembly, it is easy to become the target of a wide range of strikes. If the firepower is stronger, it may be possible to clean up all these bugs.

Although they don't know who attacked just now, at least they helped them solve their immediate troubles and resolve a crisis.

The people in the central command room are not fools.

Naturally, they could guess who did all of this, and couldn't help but look at Zheng Xian, who was resting there.

"Why are you looking at me one by one? I don't know anything!" Zheng Xian said, opening his eyes after feeling their gazes.

This is a habit developed over the years. After feeling the realization of others, you will react immediately, a special sixth sense.

The others saw that Zheng Xian didn't intend to say anything, so they didn't pursue this matter any further.


"Ahhh!" The worm mother's screaming has not stopped since just now.

After losing so many king worms, the control over the entire swarm began to decline.

One needs to know that to control an entire swarm, these balloon-like king worms are needed.

Without them many orders cannot be passed down, and the bugs will not follow their own orders.

And the most important thing is that during the activities just now, there were still a lot of Banelings.

Although it is not a high gas unit like the Baneling (a single Baneling does not consume much, but it needs a large number of Banelings to actually cause damage, so it is considered a high consumption), but it produces so many , can definitely be regarded as a heavy loss.

Not to mention the other units loaded inside, the most of them are naturally those Ultralisks that can easily tear apart the formation.

"Let all the infected people (infected worms) go out, I will use the virus to completely wipe them out!" The worm mother issued a new round of offensive orders.

The infected insects dug underground tunnels, moving forward slowly, and no movement could be seen from the surface, but it was these infected insects that could launch the infected humans from the ground.

When these infected humans are launched onto human positions, whether they are alive or dead, they will spread the virus completely.

Mark didn't put the detector in front of the position, so he didn't observe all this.

Widow mine also has no anti-invisibility ability, so when these infestation bugs pass by them, the attack system of widow mine is not triggered.

However, the mother seems to have a long memory. When the infected pass through the area where the widow mine is, a large group of mold grows around the widow mine.

These molds began to corrode the shell of the widow mine. The widow mine, which was not very defensive at the beginning of the design, was almost completely corroded by these molds.

One by one, they exploded underground, ending their lives.

Mark lost the connection with these Widow Rays, and he had already guessed the other party's methods.The detector began to fly forward. When the detector flew to the edge of the position, it also saw the infected bugs that were about to throw infected humans.

The missile turrets on the ground began to attack the eggs that flew out from the ground, and the soldiers were also attacking the eggs that fell from the sky.

Some eggs exploded in the air, and some exploded on the ground, but this still didn't change the fact that the virus spread.

The virus began to spread throughout the position, and soldiers not wearing the most advanced powered combat uniforms died instantly.

Immediately afterwards, their bodies began to mutate, their consciousness had been completely swallowed by the virus, and the bodies they were born with were like walking corpses.

After falling down one by one, they stood up again, and they were still holding the weapons in their own hands.

It's just that the aim of pulling the trigger is not so accurate.

Facing their former partners, they picked up weapons and fired at themselves. The other soldiers were under a lot of pressure. Veterans could endure nausea and pain attacks, but recruits may not be able to do so.

The virus spread rapidly throughout the entire position, even showing signs of spreading like a second line of defense.

Fortunately, humans have done their homework in terms of viruses, and have prepared the incineration team in advance.

The incineration team equipped with incinerators came to the front line wearing power combat uniforms and began to burn the infected humans. The flames burned the virus to death, but what could not be burned was the fear in people's hearts.

Just such a round of attack, half of the position collapsed, and if it comes again, the entire position will completely collapse, this is not a joke.

As one of the ultimate units of the Zerg, the Infestor has such strength.

In desperation, soldiers with powered combat uniforms could only be arranged to come to the first line of defense in Area A, while those without powered uniforms returned to the second line. Of course, everyone who returned had to be checked to prevent internal injuries Possession of a virus.

Holding the principle of killing mistakes and never letting them go, any problem will be isolated.

Sure enough, among these quarantined people, several mutated, and finally the virus did not spread to the second line of defense.

Bugs wouldn't just let people go with such kindness, everything was for a longer-term goal.

(End of this chapter)

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