Chapter 897 Take it back

Chapter 916 Take it back
With the appearance of a Thunder Emperor, the pressure on the front line of defense was greatly relieved.

Lei Di's heavy firepower equipment began to clean up the bugs in the entire area. The driver had already thought about it. Anyway, the people above had given up on the front line of Area B, so it didn't matter what it looked like.

Except for the final cold fusion nuclear explosion system, all other equipment is fully fired.

Insects are not very easy to deal with such large units, and Thunder Beast is just a bigger dog in front of him.

If the sky guardians were still there, they might be able to pose an effective threat to Lei Di, but now the guardians have almost been wiped out by the Phoenix fighters.

For a large unit like this, the Scourge could still deal with it.

But in the previous battle, all the blasters were also exhausted.

Seeing that humans were about to take back their positions, the bugs began to choose to mutate, and a large number of cockroaches began to mutate on the battlefield covered by firepower, directly evolving into destroyers.

Evolving into a destroyer will give up all the advantages of the original mutant cockroach.

The saboteur's corrosive bile began to spray in large quantities, but it only fell from the sky like a fireball, hitting Lei Di's thick armor.

This corrosive bile is deadly to the aid of human construction.

When attacking Lei Di, the effect is also very good.

But after the saboteur released these bile, he fell under Lei Di's firepower. Lei Di's attack range was much farther than the saboteur's. The main reason was that Lei Di's body was too huge.

The original attack range of the Destroyer is quite far, and it can avoid most of the attacks, but it is still much inferior to Lei Di.

The missile pods were fired at full capacity in this round, leaving no missiles behind.

And inside Thunder Emperor, new missiles are being constructed urgently.

The huge Thunder Emperor itself is an arsenal. They can produce a variety of small missiles internally and occupy them to ensure the continuity of the battle. Of course, it is quite expensive to replenish resources once.

Without a big heart, it cannot withstand such consumption.

The support teams from the other two areas arrived, reducing Lei Di's pressure, but even so Lei Di was still the main target of the bugs.

The purpose of the worm is very clear, to knock down this huge guy before capturing the position.

If this big guy is allowed to run away, it will be tantamount to letting the tiger go back to the mountain. When it is time to attack the rear position, the big guy who has been repaired will continue to pose a threat to their attacks.

At that time, the difficulty will increase linearly.

After observing all this, Mark never imagined that there would be such a driver who did not obey orders. Thinking about the nationality of the driver, he couldn't understand it.

It is estimated that he drank some vodka, and then rushed to the driving seat and started to act. However, it was precisely because of his impulsive behavior that he saved the first front in area B.

If it weren't for him, the position would have fallen.

Such uncertain variables gave new hope to this war.

Mark decided to let the group of people lurking in the World Security Council start to act.

For so many years, it is impossible for Mark to have not made arrangements all the time. Those people lurking in the World Security Council have always been spies and have no chance to play a role. Now it is different.

Most of the people have already taken the position of management. With the resources provided by Mark, they were promoted easily without arousing anyone's suspicion.

The most important thing is that the World Security Council has been short of people in the past few years, and there is a situation where no one is available.

That's why they've been wiped out so quickly over the course of a few years.

You should know that an institution like this is often directly related to seniority, and the higher the seniority, the greater the possibility of promotion.

Of course, this does not mean that qualifications do not mean everything.

Mark can ensure that these guys obey his orders, Mark's subconscious in their brains, if they are ready to resist, they will choose to commit suicide.

It's not that Mark wants to kill them on purpose, but that Mark gave them the opportunity to give them resources. Now to betray Mark, that is to be sorry for your reinvented benefactor.

It's meaningless for such scum to stay in this world.

I can create you with one hand, and I can destroy you with one hand. Mark is so simple and direct.

Fortunately, there were no traitors in it.

Mark's order had just been issued, and the spies lurking in the World Security Council also began to act.

Several heavy artillery pieces in the heavy artillery position began to change direction, and began to bombard the periphery of the first line of defense in area B.

The commander of the heavy artillery position also began to panic. When he was about to ask those guys what they were doing, a dagger was placed on his neck.

He didn't know when this guy appeared, but looking at the uniform on his body, he knew that this was his subordinate.

"Why do you do this? What good does it do you? Who sent you here?" The commander of the heavy artillery position was very puzzled.

"Now is the juncture of human life and death. We are not affiliated to anyone. We are only standing here as human beings. Order to go down to support Area B. The officials above have sent people there. If you don't attack now, brothers will die There will be more."

"I didn't receive an order from my superiors, and it was impossible for me to fire."

"But those cannons have already fired!"

The commander of the heavy artillery position knew that he had been set up, gritted his teeth and said to the communicator: "All the artillery is aimed beyond the first line of defense in Area B, hit me hard, and destroy the support of those bugs. I will bear it."

I have to say that this person is also a tough guy, and he will not let the people below him cover for him.

As the saying goes, when one person does things, one person assumes that he has taken all the responsibility for the crime, but the prerequisite is that there will still be someone who can hold him accountable.

"Thank you for your cooperation! All mankind will remember what you did today, and thank you for your contribution to them."

"I can't bear such a great honor, I just ask you one last time, who are you fighting for?"


The same thing happened to the other two positions, although not the commander of the position, the reserves went into action.

These reserve teams were the replacement teams after the death of the main defensive force on the front line, but now they all rushed to the first line of defense in area B and began to block the bugs' counterattack.

The loss of control below, the interruption of communication, and the chaos made the entire central command room a mess.

In the wartime host room, a large number of interference devices in the tent are in operation.A few scientific researchers in camouflage uniforms are standing here and debugging the main engine. On the surface, they are here for maintenance, but in fact they are the ones who caused all this.

This is probably the legendary thief shouting "Stop the thief!"
"Sir, the mainframe has been damaged and invaded to varying degrees. We are currently rescuing it, but normal communication cannot be restored in a short time." The scientific researcher using the short-distance communicator said.

The officer who understands the situation can only grit his teeth and recognize the current situation, and can only hope that the commanders on each front will be well dispatched, and during this period of time, the positions will not be guaranteed to fall.

The Thunder Beast tore Lei Di's right leg with its powerful giant blade. At this time, the Thunder Beast was half-kneeling on the ground, but all the firepower systems on his body did not stop, and they kept attacking those who tried to get closer. Ultralisk.

But after the last batch of Thunder Beasts were wiped out, several Thunder Beasts in the distance were constantly devouring the surrounding units.

Whether it's small springtails, hydralisks, or cockroaches, they all waved their giant blades recklessly, twisted them into pieces, and devoured them.

A large number of units were devoured, and the bodies of the ultralisks were also beginning to mutate. No one knew what these ultralisks were going to do, but they could feel the imminent danger.

The Thunder Emperor driver's original drunkenness was replaced by his full attention, watching the purple Thunder Beast rushing towards him.

When the purple thunder hand rushed to the money, it spewed a lot of residue from its mouth, and these residues were corroding Lei Di's outer solid armor at an extremely fast speed.

The driver also seemed to understand what these guys were going to do, and he immediately manipulated the Ultralisks to prepare to attack. Unfortunately, there were too many of these Ultralisks. He just eliminated one, and the other continued, like Just as before, it continued to corrode.

If this rhythm continues, Lei Di's entire legs will be corroded, and he will lose mobility completely.


With a whoosh, a huge blue bomb exploded beside the Ultralisk, and the low temperature swept the entire surrounding space. This low temperature, but it will be frozen into an ice sculpture in the future.

Lei Di just waved his arm, and smashed the ice sculptures of these purple thunder beasts into pieces.

This is one of the bottom-of-the-box weapons of the World Security Council. After dealing with the traitors of the Frost Giants, some Frost Giants defected to the earth and hooked up with the World Security Council.

They provide a special liquid with extremely low temperature. The bomb made by this special liquid can freeze the target into an ice sculpture in the shortest time.

These ice sculptures are extremely fragile and can be easily destroyed.

Originally, this kind of secret weapon was not intended to be used. Of course, after controlling the commander of the heavy artillery position, all these weapons were also taken out.

The more you understand the step, the more angry you become.

These guys in the World Security Council don't take human lives seriously at all.

However, these ordinary soldiers below probably don't know this special inside story, and they are still fighting bloody battles.

(End of this chapter)

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