Chapter 889

Chapter 908
The elf never thought that he would be released one day.

When he saw those little brothers who had said it, he was completely surprised.

Originally, it was just to accommodate some people who could do things for themselves.But it never occurred to me that those who rescued myself from the sea of ​​suffering were actually these people back then.

"Listen people inside, we ask you to release the hostages now, the money and the people you want are ready. The transaction can be completed at any time, we will pay the money to you first, and more than half of the people must be released, otherwise We will not let this elf go."

The superheroes standing outside are not vegetarians either. They are now trying to control the situation as much as possible to reduce losses.

If the negotiations really collapse afterwards, or if some unexpected event occurs, the death toll is at least within an acceptable range.

It's not that the lives of the remaining people are worthless, but in this case, try to protect as many people as possible.

It is true that life cannot be measured by quantity, but family can.

A few families are better off than hundreds of families.

The group of kidnappers let almost everyone out, but still left dozens of people scattered everywhere.If the other party intends to rescue them by force, at least half of these dozens of people will die.

Among them are Mark and his wife who are still sitting leisurely at the dining table to eat.

It's just that no one recognized the two of them.

Surprised by Mark Yu, the two of them still have time to eat.

"I'm talking about you! Do you know that you are being kidnapped now, and eating here so calmly is not giving us face! Ah?" One of the kidnappers said arrogantly.

"Isn't it? Mr. Kidnapper, we just want to have a meal, and we don't mean to disrespect you. In fact, you can sit down and eat together! There are still many untouched dishes on the dining car over there. Of course we are hostages, but Let's also consider our personal needs! And it seems that your goal is almost achieved, otherwise you wouldn't send so many people out, would you?" Mark said with a smile.

The kidnapper who was attacked by Mark didn't know what to say for a while.After sulking alone for a while, he turned the corner.

"its not right!"

"Okay, don't continue to argue with him. You continue to talk to him, and you fall into the trap of the other party. We are not a good group of people. Don't waste your brains with this kind of person."

"Hey, you're right. It's definitely not a wise choice to use your brains with people like me. I'm beginning to appreciate you a little bit now. You should be the one who planned this robbery!"

"What's wrong with me?"

"Let me tell you, your robbery plan this time is not perfect. Just asking for people and money can't solve the problem. Have you ever thought about how to leave this pedestrian street surrounded by police and superheroes? Did you know that this pedestrian street has been infiltrated now?" Mark began to seduce them with words.

Once they believed the lies that Mark said, they had already stepped into Mark's trap.

Obviously they have fallen into the trap created by Mark and cannot extricate themselves.

"What did you say? The police have already infiltrated!"

"Second brother, the police have infiltrated!"

"I heard it, I'm not deaf!" The second brother said, "How do you know?"

"I guess, there is no movement for such a long time, do you think it is normal? Anyway, I think it is not normal. If it were me, I would not stay here any longer. It is indeed a very good idea to disperse the hostages, but because You have dispersed the hostages, and the entire pedestrian street, or the cage you built, has become weak. It is absolutely possible to send an elite team into the pedestrian street for rescue. Otherwise, they would not just give you money in the first place , and I haven’t mentioned it to you until now, to exchange the person you want with the hostage in your hand, right?” Mark continued to make up the knife.

The kidnappers, who were not very smart, began to believe what Mark said when they heard what Mark said.

"Then what should I do now?"

Mark smiled.

"Now you should hold our husband and wife hostage, and then make it clear to people outside that if you don't hear from your brother, then start shooting the hostages now."

"Are you not afraid that we will kill you?"

"A smart person like me can still help you solve problems. Wouldn't it be a pity to kill him? Besides, shooting and killing the hostages is enough to talk about. You don't really plan to do it, do you? Then the trouble will be big. And after killing all the hostages, if you have no hostages in your hands, will those guys still be afraid?"

"Second brother, this guy is right, or else just follow the plan he said!"

"Follow the plan he said! Follow the plan he said! Do you think I'm too embarrassing enough? Ah, follow his plan, where will I put my face?" The second brother used his own words every time he said Swipe the stick in your hand, that guy who shouldn't speak.

The guy who shouldn't speak didn't escape from the beginning to the end.


In less than a moment, the radio rang again.

"Listen out there, if we don't hear our brothers communicating every few minutes, then we're going to shoot the hostages right now. I know you're going to sneak in and take them one by one! You can try it."

The action members who had sneaked into the pedestrian street stopped one by one, and they all heard what was broadcast just now.

"Captain! Am I still following the original plan?"

"Everyone get out!"


In the restaurant, the guy called the second brother said to Mark: "What should I do next?"

"What else can I do? Don't you want people? First ask them to prepare the helicopter, and then let a group of people go out after the helicopter is ready." Mark started his own plan.

"How do I know that what you said is true or false, and that you intend to let yourself escape?"

"Hey, don't be kidding, if I wanted to run away, I would have already run away with the first batch, and I would stay here to eat calmly. And even if I wanted to, my wife would not be willing to accompany me here Yes! I really want to help you."

The second brother was a little skeptical and looked at Mark, but in the end he believed what Mark said.

A few minutes later, the radio rang again.

The people outside heard the radio and were still preparing to launch the helicopter, but the people outside also began to wonder if there was anyone serving as their staff.

After all, the performance just now and the current performance are completely different from the same group of people, and anyone with a little discernment can detect it.

The roar of the helicopter sounded above the pedestrian street, and the helicopter stopped at the highest level of the pedestrian street, from where they could leave smoothly.

The gang of kidnappers also released a group of hostages as originally agreed, and successfully escaped from the sea of ​​suffering.


"Give us our elder brother now, and after my elder brother leaves victoriously, we will release the remaining hostages."

This is the idea given by Mark. Someone must stay to ensure the safety of those who leave, otherwise, everything will be useless.

The people outside gasped, but they finally agreed to the condition. Anyway, they would be able to successfully capture those guys back if they ran away and couldn't make contact.

It can only be said that the brains of these kidnappers are really not good enough. If the brains are a little better, they will not be like what they are now.

Wearing a prison uniform, the elf walked in through the gate, and the surrounding guys with super powers swarmed up in an instant.

Concerned about this big brother who escaped from prison.

"Thank you for your hard work!" The elf said, looking at the crowd present.

"It's not hard!"

"Who is advising you behind the scenes?" The elf knew that it was definitely not a strategy that his subordinates could come up with.

The guy known as the second brother also sold Mark without hesitation, pointing to the husband and wife who were dining in the restaurant at this time, and said: "The two of them gave us advice."

"You two are so smart, why don't you come with us!" the elf said to Mark with a smile.

"I don't think that's necessary. The helicopter is enough to pay, and it can't pretend that so many people leave, right. You don't really think there is any safe place these days, do you?"

"You're right, that's why I'm taking the two of you away."

"Then let me give you a condition! Let go of the other hostages, and we, the husband and wife, will go with you."

The elf felt that this idea was not bad, and said to the subordinates beside him: "Let me let go of the rest."


When the last group of people left, Mark showed his true colors.

"The two should be superheroes!" The elf seemed to have already guessed the result.

"You're right," Mark said.

"Those two are so confident that they can solve so many of our brothers?"

"It's not that I look down on you." Mark paused, looked at Yrel who was sitting next to him, and then said: "Even if your number is doubled, you are not our opponent."

"If that's the case, I'd like to learn about it." The elf said that he had already made a move, and took out two daggers.

Mark grabbed the two flying daggers with his bare hands and threw them back.

The elf planned to use his own software to block the dagger thrown by Mark.However, the dagger in his hand was deformed by the dagger.

The strong force made his hands still a little numb.

"How is it possible?" The elf couldn't believe it.

Mark unmasked himself to reveal his true colors "Re-introducing myself, the guy people call Ghost. Mark Comnenos!"

"Knight of Light, Yrel!"

(End of this chapter)

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