Meiman's eldest son of God

Chapter 885 Rebellion

Chapter 885 Rebellion
Chapter 904

Hearing the latest news that Mark said, everyone couldn't help but twitched.No one can guarantee whether their hometown will be attacked by these elves.

"Komnene! Tell me what to do!" Lao Zheng still called Mark's surname in public.

"We are here now, and the core of the Elven Kingdom is here." Mark pointed to a map and said: "Although we destroyed his military fortress and several fleets, we did not actually hurt their roots.

I have a very big idea now, I don't know what you think, I plan to take a fleet and jump directly to the core area of ​​the opponent.Although this is very risky and very dangerous, it is a means by which we have been able to effectively suppress the opponent so far.I will divert all their attention so that they cannot divide their forces and attack the earth.At least in this way we can keep the planet safe.

Secondly, the pressure on your side must not stop. The pressure exerted will force them to recruit troops to the front line. In this way, we will be safer in the rear.Of course, it is not ruled out that these guys jump over the wall in a hurry and give priority to cleaning up our ships in the core area, but in that case, there will also be a huge hole in the front. "

The tactics that Mark talked about are very simple. From ancient times to the present, there are those kinds of tactics, and more tactics are covered with tactics. Let's see who has a deeper understanding of the art of war.

The commanders present are very clear, but the actual operation is very difficult.

Let alone which fleet to send, who is the commander of this fleet.

Just saying that this fleet goes deep into the enemy's rear, without supplies or reinforcements, the risks it needs to bear are very high, and no one is willing to be the leader.

Mark took a look, and they finally sighed and said: "I know that the mission of going deep behind enemy lines is very dangerous, so I don't plan to let you go into battle, I plan to do it myself."

As soon as Mark said this, Lao Zheng immediately said: "Mark, this is not a joke! None of our fleets here can guarantee integrity behind the enemy's rear. Don't risk your own life."

Standing here, I have already abandoned the so-called personal relationship, and more is working hard for the prosperity of human beings.

Everything you do and think about is for the future development of mankind.

"Old Zheng, I think very clearly. I don't feel at ease entrusting this job to other people, and this job is also very dangerous. I can't guarantee that they can really do what I ask. I have to go to battle in person. Don’t worry, I’m the one who can open the portal, you don’t think I’ll die there, do you? I’m a very life-saving person!” Mark joked.

Open the portal to escape, no one at the scene believed that Mark would say that.Even if the portal is opened, it will definitely cover the retreat of the large army, and Marco will stay behind.

Over the years, what Mark has done has proved Mark's character.


Two days later, the reorganized fleet disappeared in the afterglow of the setting sun. No one knew what the future of this fleet would be.

But everyone knows that everyone in this fleet is a hero, they carry the hope and destiny of mankind, and they are heading for desperation.

The second day after Mark's fleet left, the United Fleet received the latest news.

After successfully jumping, Mark's fleet broke through the enemy's defense line, and after destroying an enemy fleet and half of the city, it successfully escaped the enemy's pursuit.

With the help of several Arbiters provided by the Protoss, the fleet's penetration behind enemy lines went undetected.

Of course, if those elves go crazy, sending out a large number of scout ships will also be able to detect these arbitrators.

Mark already had his own plan, and the so-called going deep behind enemy lines was just a reason for himself to step down.

Now that he got rid of those "burdens", Mark can finally free up his hands and feet to do a big job.

Because of the "traitor" of the elves, Mark knew that those were the key cities of the elves.Mark used the Arbitrator's cluster jumping ability to send multiple Arbitrators to several important cities.

Mark's side just started to attack, and after destroying half of the city, he immediately disappeared into the sky, while the fleet of elves over there had just assembled, and he could only stare at the empty sky in a daze.

When the news was received again, Mark had already appeared over another city.

Of course, that city is also one of the very important cities. When the elf fleet arrived again, it was still empty to the sky slowly.

It's not that the elves didn't think about jumping inside the atmosphere, but after trying twice, they found that they couldn't keep up with the rhythm of the Mark fleet.

The jumping speed of Mark Fleet is too fast, steady and ruthless, and there is no need to have any worries at all.

The jump of the elves must go through a lot of calculations to prevent them from crashing into mountains or other buildings.


"Those damned intruders are appearing unscrupulously above our cities now! You have nothing to do now, what's the use of raising you guys?" The angry elf king kept reprimanding his subordinates.

But what's the use of just reprimanding?Still can't change the current situation.

No one dared to speak, because this is their incompetence and dereliction of duty.

The strength of the enemy is the enemy's business. What they have to do is to defend the country and every city.

"Your Majesty, it's really impossible, let's surrender!" Finally, someone spoke, but when he finished speaking, he was glared at by everyone.

Not that no one intends to capitulate.

It's just that if you surrender and admit defeat in this situation, the result is already obvious. Surrender unconditionally, which is very humiliating.

Although it is possible to save a country, whether it can return to the original life is the art of ants.

In the early days, Asgard had always been in a stocking attitude, basically ignoring the various kingdoms under its control, but now this joint long-distance fleet obviously has more than that.

"Surrender! Thinking of surrender now? Surrender, I and you, neither of you can live! Surrender is tantamount to death. You know this better than me."

The person who just spoke has already been instigated.

No matter how strong the fortress is, one day it will be disintegrated from the inside.Mark's thinking is very clear, he knows what he should do now?
Now Mark's continuous attacks, while putting pressure on the opponent, also caused a surge of public resentment within the entire elf, angry at the incompetence of the king and the incompetence of the army.

If it were not for these wastes, there would not be so many disasters, and they would not have suffered such great losses.

Of course, direct surrender will definitely cause another kind of disgust among the people. At that time, they will shake hands in a circle and talk about ending the war in another way. In the end, it will actually be a surrender.

Mark's goal was achieved.

The minister who was insulted quietly returned home, looking at the documents on the table, he turned on the 3D projection again and appeared in front of him.

"The time you have left is running out. I sincerely invite you to join our team. Now this country is rotten, and there will be no hope if it continues to be under this incompetent king. Timely The end of the battle is a good thing for several races."

"I will seriously consider your suggestion."

"Consider? The time left for you is running out, don't continue to think about it!"

After Mark finished speaking, he ended the call with the minister who was still uncertain.

The seed of surrender has germinated, and the next thing is waiting for him to thrive.


Things did not go beyond Mark's expectations. Sure enough, a riot broke out in the capital. This riot successfully made the king, the king's guard and his subordinates escape from the capital.

Angry civilians occupied the palace and held high the flag of the kingdom. They now only represent themselves, not anyone else.

"Everyone, the cruel and fatuous king has been kicked out of the kingdom by us, and he started this unjust war, and it must be ended. Humans have always been good friends of our elves, and elves have been passed down in the human kingdom. A beautiful myth. Humans have always had a good impression of elves, until the king launched this unjust war. We can no longer continue to be sidekicks. This meaningless war must end. I will represent anyone who wants to end this war people, negotiate with humans, Asgardians, and protoss, and strive to create a stable and harmonious living environment." The minister stood on the high platform and said excitedly to the crowd below.

"End wars! We need peace!"

"End the war!"

"Long live the peace!"

"We need peace!"

"Let peace come to us as soon as possible!"


The people below had already had enough of such a chaotic war life, and after hearing the minister's impassioned speech, they immediately agreed.

What they hope more is that the days of peace will come as soon as possible, and they will get rid of such difficult days.

Mark received the news from the minister that the king's capital had fallen, which made Mark very happy, but that's all it was, it wasn't of much use.

Now it only affects one royal capital, and what Mark wants is to radiate the entire race of elves, so there must be similar actions in other cities in the future.

Those "traitor" elves bought by Mark are finally showing their usefulness now.

More and more cities were also in chaos. The king had just fled to a new city, and he was greeted by angry people and ministers who betrayed him.

(End of this chapter)

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