Meiman's eldest son of God

Chapter 88 Frost will purify everything

Chapter 88 Frost will purify everything

Chapter 87 Frost will purify everything

"Frost giant?" Mark, the frost giants who suddenly appeared on the earth, also frowned.

Logically speaking, such an invasion within the Nine Realms should be handled by Odin and Gu Yi.

But now neither of these two guys showed up. It was hard work for the two of them to team up to target themselves!Now the two suddenly disappeared again.

What kind of discrimination?
Mark was already extremely unhappy, but was made worse by those frost giants.

The four Sifs who have already fought against the Frost Giants are quite capable, but at most one person can contain two Frost Giants.

The next ones began to attack Thor!Although Thor has already planned to give up returning to Asgard, this does not mean that he wants to die at the hands of these frost giants.

He kept dodging the attacks of those frost giants, and from time to time he got into the shops around the street, using buildings to delay the attacks of those frost giants.

The only thing he can do now is to attract the attention of these guys and buy time for his friends.

And the remaining Frost Giants began to attack the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents who hadn't left yet.And Mark also became their target.

"Die! Bug." A frost giant threw a spear made of frost in his hand towards Mark.

Mark didn't have the habit of not fighting back when someone kicked his nose in the face.

A simple psionic impact knocked this strong frost giant to the ground.

"Sorry, I didn't hear what I said just now, please say it again!" Mark said, stepping on the head of the frost giant.

The surrounding Frost Giants watched as their knocked down companion immediately came to support them, and at the same time realized that this guy in front of him was not an ordinary Midgard.

In the past, Mark's psychic storm could knock them all down in an instant.It's a pity that Mark can only be knocked down one by one now.

It was the damn seal on him again.

Four frost giants surrounded Mark from four directions, ready to kill Mark here.Just as they raised their weapons to attack, they suddenly fell to their knees on the ground.

A lot of blood gushed from the back of their necks, and they didn't know how they were attacked until they died.

Why do you have to solve things by yourself when you can hire people to solve them?

Mark is not like those villains who like to talk freely and express their own life reflections. Mark prefers simple, direct and rough.

The light blade in the hands of the dark templar was not stained with any blood.Even the blood splatter still didn't make them appear.With efficient skills, they hid in a safe place before the wound was cut open.

Of course, there have been human commanders who used paint to cover large-scale, thus forcing these dark templars hiding in the shadows to act.

This simple and crude physical selection method is quite effective, but it is extremely wasteful of manpower and material resources.

This is also used when there is no choice.

The dark templars who have escaped into the shadows, no matter how they dodge, they still cannot escape the fact that they exist in this world.

Coulson calmly took out his mobile phone and dialed the director directly.

Coulson could see that Mark had the ability to solve the immediate crisis.It's just that the corpses left behind are very good research materials.

Residual limbs and broken arms, and even the splashed blood, are the targets that must be recovered.If these things are obtained by some illegal guys, it is very likely to bring new chaos to this world!
F-35B vertical take-off and landing fighter.

A completely modified model, taking off from the deck of the SHIELD's space carrier.

At the same time, two Quinjet fighter jets full of operational personnel have also approached the small town in New Mexico.

Those frost giants also began to be wary of Mark, not because of how terrifying Mark's frontal assault was.It was the mysterious attack that came and went without a trace, which had already caused several frost giants to fall.

And until now, they still haven't found out how the other party did it?
But fortunately, the frost giants who came to kill Thor this time are all good players among the frost giants.Although they were caught off guard by Mark's dark templar, they also started to use their talents after reacting.

The icy cold air hit Mark, leaving a trail of ice on the ground.

Those dark templars who were about to attack were immediately frozen in place.Although the frozen dark templar is still not seen, the frozen shell is real.

The remaining frost giants finally understood why Mark's attacks were so mysterious.

It turned out that a group of invisible guys were assisting Mark.

Other frost giants also began to use similar methods to guard against possible assassinations around them at any time.At the same time, they are also preparing to send those who have been frozen to the road to the underworld.

The sturdy ice hammer in his hand was about to fall, and a white light shone on the dark templars. In an instant, these dark templars disappeared without a trace.

Emergency evacuation!Protection measures that most protoss fighters will have.It is used to ensure the precarious number of protoss who are already sparsely populated and have difficulty in giving birth.

Watching those guys disappear without a trace, and what they took away was something similar to the Rainbow Bridge.These frost giants also began to worry, which world is this intervening?

But after thinking about it carefully, I found that no world has anything similar to the Rainbow Bridge.

Seeing that the situation was not good, several frost giants looked at each other, walked to the open place, and inserted the ice hammer in their hands into the ground fiercely.

Then a beacon from the Frost Giants was established in the small town of New Mexico.

Laufey of Jotunheim has been concerned about this assassination from the beginning to the end.If this one was successful, then that bastard Odin would have a son left, and that son who could only use intrigue would be completely non-threatening.

At that time, the entire Asgard and possibly the entire Nine Realms will be in the pocket of the Frost Giants.

Just when the group of frost giants were about to step through the established portal, they found a mysterious force preventing them from entering.

They are kept out!
Laufey realized that on Midgard, someone deliberately prevented them from entering, and this person possessed quite terrifying power.

At least close to Odin!

(End of this chapter)

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