Meiman's eldest son of God

Chapter 858 Information Leakage

Chapter 858 Information Leakage
Chapter 877 Information Leakage

"The robots used by the British this time were all provided by Komnenene. Do you have any ideas? My personal suggestion is that we also obtain a large number of robots from Komnenene as a supplement to combat power. Wait until we If you succeed in developing it yourself, you won’t need the support of Komnenos at that time.”

U.S. Department of Defense.

In fact, before the British, the Americans thought about the idea of ​​using these robots, but faced with financial pressure, they finally had to choose to give up.Unlike the situation in the UK, population is really not the biggest problem in the US right now.

The biggest problem is internal racial tension, and right now there is a war waiting.

Perfectly transferring one's internal contradictions to the outside can completely relieve the current urgent need.

As for casualties, let's talk about it later!It's better than having so many things going on now.

"I don't think there is a need for this at all. Now we still have enough soldiers. We don't need to learn from the British at all. Those guys are completely to blame for themselves. Besides, those guys are still clamoring for parades, now give them a chance , so that they can get a completely self-administered land, aren’t these guys happy?” Some guys still regard some colored people inside as their enemies and serious problems.

"To fight against the outside world, you must first secure the inside (it has nothing to do with Mr. Kaishen). And the main body of the company of that fellow Komnenos is still an American, so we don't need to worry about it. You are worrying about these things here now, why not think about it How to bring back those resources on the new planet."

There are still some people who are not afraid of death, and hit Mark with their own little ninety-nine.

"No matter what we do now, everything is built on the basis of the stability of the new planet. Now we have only completed the construction of the air route, so it is too early to think so many." Not everyone is involved, they are all Benefits have dazzled their minds, but there are still some people who know what they should do now!
If there were more smart people like this, Mark would not be carrying these wastes now.

Mark is now like the MVP of a team, and these guys have to be considered in every aspect, and sometimes they can't be delayed.

But it's easier for these guys to give up their so-called brains.

The point is that these guys always like to pretend to be smart, thinking that they are doing a very good job, but in fact they are completely mentally retarded.

"Let's buy some! Regardless of whether we can use it or not, it is a bond to deepen our relationship with Komnenene. Now everything we do is inseparable from Komnenene. Since this is the case, it is even more impossible for us to have a relationship with Komnenene. Falling out, so giving the other party enough kindness is our top priority."

"Well, I'm in favor of that. But who's in front?"

"I'm out!"

"I'm out too!"

"I'll take some too!"

There are always some people who still know the priorities and are not overwhelmed by the joy of victory at this time.

These guys are the most difficult opponents for Mark to deal with in the future, because these guys can pretend, talk about people in front of others, and talk nonsense behind others.

These fencers are the longest-lived group of guys. It seems that these guys have no principles, but in fact they haven't hurt their roots.

If there is a problem with their fundamentals, these guys are definitely more excited than anyone else.


Three days later.

In the company in New Washington, Mark personally received these extraordinary people.

In the eyes of ordinary people, these are big figures who cannot be touched, but in Mark's view, they are fat sheep.

"Sir, you are still as energetic as when we met last time." Donald said with a smile.

"Mr. President, you're joking. I'm being overwhelmed by the immigration plan." Mark found a random reason to deal with it.

Donald began to wonder where Mark fit in the immigration plan.

"Mr. Komnenos, if I remember correctly, Mr. Stark is responsible for this plan!"

Mark replied with a smile: "Of course, this matter is indeed handled by Tony, but in the last few actions, our company and its employees have contributed a lot. After all, this is for the well-being of all mankind."

Although these guys present knew that Mark was very hypocritical, they had to cooperate with Mark.

"Yes! Yes! Mr. Komnenos cares about human beings. It is the great fortune of human beings."

Faced with the praise of these officials, Mark was not dazzled, on the contrary, Mark is now very sober.

As the saying goes, don't go to the Three Treasures Hall if you have nothing to do, and these guys are still welcoming them with smiles, let alone have any good things.

"Now, if you have anything you want to say, just say it! My time is relatively fast. I will visit the Supreme Mage later and discuss with her the current magical protection of the earth to prevent the invasion of other dimensions."

Mark's answer made these leaders a little overwhelmed.

Because what Mark just said is a bit too lofty.Although I don't understand it, I think it's very powerful, and it must be closely related to the safety of the earth.

"Sir, what do you mean by magic protection and invasion from other dimensions?"

"In fact, there are other universes outside our universe. They are in a parallel state with the earth's universe. We call them parallel universes. In other universes, the United States may be a powerful A country may also be a weak country. It may win or fail in the War of Independence. All in all, any possibility will arise. And in these universes, there is never a shortage of strong people. There is justice, There are evil and evil ones who try to invade other worlds to gain more resources and power. And the righteous side ensures that these forces cannot invade their own universe.” Mark just fooled them casually, and naturally it was impossible to explain the parallelism clearly. The relationship between the universe and the multiverse.

All in all, Mark keeps them in the dark.

"That's really annoying, but this matter is also very important to us. I would like to ask, sir, do you still have robots here? We are also willing to purchase a large number of robots to strengthen our immigration fleet."

Finally, he showed his fox tail, as if he was still wondering when they were going to talk about it.

The British showed their prowess in that battle and gained a lot of superior evolutionaries, and the robot is definitely the first.

In this case, if other people have no idea about these purifiers, there is a problem!

Before them, Lao Zheng had already contacted Mark, and Mark said that he would sell a batch of purifier robots to Lao Zheng at a low price!

Lao Zheng also expressed his gratitude and invited Mark to be their guest again.

It's just a pity that Mark really has no time, not enough time to spend with his family, let alone go there.

Mark made a painful look, and said to these leaders: "Actually, you also know that our company is a small business, a small business. There are not so many resources available, and the productivity is very limited. As of So far, we can only supply enough products to the UK side."

Facing Mark and screaming, the few sitting opposite really wanted to kill Mark, and they all had their hearts.

Small business?Small business?
A small business with a small capital, but now it is the largest superpower company in Europe and America.The influence is not only limited to the earth, but even the moon and other planets.Specializing in various escort missions to other planets, you call this a small business with a small budget.

Limited productivity?In just a few days, equipment for an army can be produced.The military has investigated these things in private.You call this limited productivity?

If it weren't for the time to tear up his face with Mark, Donald was already ready to start flipping the table.

However, reason told them that now is not the time to turn the tables, so they calmed down and said to Mark: "Sir, there is no need to do this. We can directly provide a large amount of funds, far from being able to pay in installments like the British."

"It seems that your intelligence personnel are quite powerful, and even the news from the UK can be obtained so easily." Mark's words are full of meaning. On the surface, he is praising these Americans, but in fact he is secretly Threatening these Americans not to act rashly.

Now Britain is not so strong now, even a little pitiful, but it is definitely not something that the United States can afford to provoke now.

Because behind the UK is Mark.

Mark really needs a shield to stand at the front and defend himself, but he doesn't want this shield to be manipulated at will.

"If Mister thinks it's inappropriate, we can get those guys out of the UK at any time." Donald was smarter than anyone else, and immediately gave Mark a satisfactory answer.

It is naturally impossible for Mark to admit the relationship between himself and the UK at this time. Even if the other party knows, he must never say that a thin relationship is the final bottom line of both parties.

"What are you talking about? Why can't I understand? What does the matter between you and the British have to do with me? I only have a transactional relationship with the British. Don't get involved with me. I can only ask You promise to share some with you when there is excess capacity, and I have no way to promise you how much others can get." After Mark finished speaking, he got up and opened a portal, and disappeared into the living room.

Several people in the living room looked at each other but there was nothing they could do. Mark's disappearance was out of their control and he wanted to talk about something, but he couldn't find the right owner, so he had to go back home.

(End of this chapter)

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