Meiman's eldest son of God

Chapter 855: The Swarm Retreats

Chapter 855: The Swarm Retreats

Chapter 874 The Swarm Retreats

Body revitalizing potion.

A drug that is still in the experimental stage, can greatly prolong human life and strengthen the human body to a certain extent.

Although it cannot be as powerful as the super soldier serum, the enhancement is also very obvious.

If it is used frequently, it is not impossible to prolong life, but there is no way to determine the side effects, but so far, there should be no side effects.

Even dying old people can use it, unlike the super soldier serum that has such great requirements and damage to the human body.

Her Majesty the Queen of England used this body revitalizing potion.

And the provider is naturally Mark.

The temptation of hiding given by Mark made the Queen of England very tempted. No one could resist the temptation of longevity. Those great emperors in ancient times failed to resist the temptation of Changchun in the end, and fell on the road of seeking immortality and medicine.

How many great emperors took the so-called golden elixir, and how many great emperors died on the road in search of immortality.

Those who say they deserved it, paid the price for their stupidity and ignorance.

But how many people can resist the temptation of life.

Mark needs a trustworthy partner who is tied to him. The Queen of England is the best choice. She needs Changchun, and she needs Mark to provide medicine, so there will be no conflict with Mark.

He gave the Queen of England a promise. If the Queen of England can maintain a stable cooperative relationship with him, Mark will give him a method of almost immortality.

The Queen of England is intelligent and visionary, but knows how to make choices.

That's why he chose to use all the royal family's property to ensure the stability of this alien exploration, and to help Mark in disguise.

If so far, no one has seen the relationship between Mark and the Queen of England.


After the Purifiers joined the battlefield, their advantages continued to increase like a snowball, and one after another the strongholds on the asteroids were taken down.

There are not many bugs left on the entire asteroid group.

The most important thing is that this time there is no Leviathan's assisted attack, so the attack will be so smooth.

On the asteroid group, soldiers from various countries are repairing their equipment, and the expedition team is one step ahead and begins to explore the new area ahead.

Mark doesn't believe that these bugs have established a line of defense here, just to attack the immigrant fleet.

And Leviathan will not appear to protect this asteroid group at the last critical moment.

If it wasn't for the possibility of death in the end, Leviathan would not choose to retreat.

All of this revealed a kind of weirdness, and there was something in it that Mark couldn't see and didn't know.

As the expedition discovers a planet full of creeps.Only now did everyone understand why those bugs built defenses here, and why that huge Leviathan appeared.

Guard Mark came to this planet in a spaceship.

Looking at the creep that hadn't dissipated on the ground around him, Mark squatted down and grabbed a handful, rubbing it carefully on his hand.

Mark still knows something about this.All of this is strange. During the training at the Ghost Academy, ghosts often went deep behind enemy lines.

As the first group of people who entered the enemy's rear and gathered intelligence.How to judge the enemy's situation through the environment has become something that all agents need to learn.

In one operation, a ghost agent judged the number of insect swarms in the nest based on the liquid mixed inside the creeper.

After the operation ended, the empire isolated the ghost, and began to study the creep according to his description, and finally compiled a set of scientific detection methods.

It doesn't mean that if the area covering the entire planet is large, the strength of the swarm must be very strong.

Some bug swarms themselves occupy uninhabited planets, turning the entire planet into a paradise for bug swarms, but the number of bugs they have prepared is not too many, most of them are small units like springtails and cockroaches.

Creep contains a lot of high-nutrient substances.

These substances are mainly provided for those bugs that consume a lot. According to Mark's estimation, most of the substances that can use such substances are similar to swarm hosts and ultralisks, or like destroyers. Great unit.

"Tell everyone else to be careful after landing on the planet, there is a good chance that there are ambushes ambushed by bugs on this planet. Spread all the detectors and ravens to ensure the safety of the environment and prevent mass casualties. And drop all the disruptors from the air, and let them cooperate with the ground units to fight."

Interferers, commonly known as self-explosive balls.Mechanized detonation device.

What found them was classified surveillance images from the Empire.The intelligence collected at that time was possessed of extremely high artificial intelligence and devastating range attacks.It is a strange mechanical unit floating in the air, seemingly non-aggressive, but in fact the new wrecking ball it releases can destroy all units within its range.

Moreover, a whole team of marines in the empire did not have time to take precautions when they encountered this mysterious machine, which resulted in the annihilation of the whole team of marines.

It was only afterwards that the empire collected the detailed data of this mechanical unit.

When active, these disruptors are suspended in the air and charged with solar energy.If these disruptors are attacked in this situation, the solar energy inside it will burst out in an instant, burning all the surrounding units to death.

When he closes tightly and releases the energy of the sun, this special bomb is in an invincible state, unable to intercept it at all, and can only evade the attack by dispersing.

When the Sun's energy is released, it will create a Purification Nova.However, after the release is over, it will fall into a relatively long charging period.During this time period, there is no way to attack this best counterattack opportunity.

Mark released them to prevent the swarm from appearing on a large scale. Humans have no effective means of counterattack.

These mechanical units can still be camouflaged, and it is easy to disguise them as human-made units.

The construction of the alloy shell is very simple and easy, and it does not take long at all.

This will not affect the normal operation of the disruptor at all.


After the teams from various countries were air-dropped to the ground, they began to explore this small planet that is not too big.

However, they did not encounter any insect attack, only found some withered insect buildings.

These withered bug buildings lose all life energy.

Mark had never seen anything like this before.

Because the bugs would not choose to retreat at all, they would usually choose to fight to the end. Even if that planet fell, they would be like mice in the gutter or Xiaoqiang in the cracks.

Do your best to survive the environment.

All kinds of methods are omnipotent, as long as they can survive, they will use them.

This was the first time Mark saw the bugs start to retreat.

You must know that when the Queen of Blades attacked Keha, the swarm buildings left by Keha were cleaned up by His Royal Highness Prince Valerian with a group of people.

However, those remaining buildings also brought a lot of technological research and assistance to the empire.

The empire hatched the bugs through the buildings left behind, and controlled the bugs through mechanical devices. The empire could even simulate the biological signals of the bugs so that the bugs could serve themselves.

I don't know if I played with fire and set myself on fire.

However, before Mark left that world, he did not hear any news of a large-scale bug riot near the capital planet of the empire.

Before leaving, I heard some other news. For example, the Empire created some mechanical units similar to bugs by simulating bugs. I don’t know if it’s true or not.

But those are off topic.

Back to the planet.

Mark didn't believe that when they retreated, they cleaned up everything. The asteroid that Leviathan could protect was definitely not simple.

Mark dispersed all the policy units in his hands, and it finally paid off.

Mark found the former main nest of the bugs. There are a large number of abandoned buildings here. Some of the vitality has not been completely lost, and they are still beating slowly, as if alive.

Mark was looking for what he wanted to see among these buildings.

Things did not go beyond Mark's expectations, and Mark found a huge hatch here.

This kind of special incubation does not appear to be normal. There are indeed similar evolutionary pools, but they definitely do not have such a large area.

The energy of matter remaining at the bottom of the pool is very high.

Even these residues still exude powerful energy.

From this point, it can be judged that the energy index of the original liquid in this pool is also very high. What exactly needs so much energy to replenish?

Mark had an amazing idea flashed through his head, but Mark didn't want to believe it, but he had to think about it.

Mark opened the portal to return to Earth first, and then wanted to ask someone who might know about it.

Kerrigan was preparing lunch at home at this time, and he had already enjoyed such a peaceful and warm life.

Kerrigan watched as Mark hurried back, first took off the apron on her body, and walked towards Mark.

"What happened today? Come back in such a hurry."

"My dear, I want to ask you something that may not be very good, and it may bring back some bad memories for you."

Faced with Mark's cautious look, Kerrigan was also mentally prepared.

"Go ahead!"

"When the master was transforming you, what was the cultivation pool like, or what was the cultivation pool on the planet Zerus like?" Mark finally asked.

(End of this chapter)

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