Chapter 851
Chapter 870

At this time, the storm battleships and aircraft carriers in charge of protecting the left and right wings no longer need to continue to protect them. In this case, it is still a big deal to give priority to encircling and suppressing the Leviathan in the center.

Although Leviathan is terrifying and can continuously create other biological warships, it also has its limits.

After exceeding that limit value, it is only a matter of time before they are finally wiped out.

Countless interceptors jetted out from the nozzles of the aircraft carrier's interceptors and flew out.

These interceptors spray small lasers, intercepting the eggs in the air, preventing them from further hatching.

The highly charged particle balls gathered in the center of the storm battleship ring also ejected after reaching the limit.

Every pilot of the storm warship has extraordinary courage and fanatical belief, because trying to gather such highly charged particle balls is a very dangerous thing in itself.

A slight mistake in operation may cause a martyrdom explosion, and the storm ship itself will be destroyed together.

Some skilled storm battleship pilots can even launch purple decay particle balls, and these purple decay particle balls will cause greater damage.

However, the more risks you need to face, it is very likely that you will destroy yourself before launching it.

Most of the main protoss participating in the battle are purifiers loaded with personality, so they don't care about these when attacking.They don't care about their own life or death at all. After charging, they immediately launch decay particle balls.

The decayed particle ball easily broke through Leviathan's body, opening one big hole after another.The bigger the target, the more damage the Decay Ball will cause.

And it's also very restrained, this kind of biological battleship has a lot of energy in its body.

Although Mark had successfully suppressed Leviathan, Mark did not dare to let them attack further.

The main reason is because of the fixed forts located on the asteroid group.

The losses of assault ships such as reconnaissance planes and void glow ships are still within Mark's tolerance, but large ships such as storm battleships and aircraft carriers really cannot afford to lose.

"Master, that Leviathan is about to escape." Narud detected the energy movement in Leviathan's body and said.

"I want to run after I'm done fighting, and I don't have to pay any price. How can there be such a good thing! Solar bombardment, purification beams, orbital assault guns, and solar rays, all of them are fired by me. Even if I can't kill this guy, I can't kill him." Let him attack me with a serious injury," Mark said.

All the weapon systems of the Spear of Adun have been turned on this time. Except for some specialized weapons, such as time stasis and time bombs, all of them have been used, not to mention the secondary guns on the ship.

Leviathan estimated that he never thought that he could bear such a high treatment until his death.

The last time I tasted this kind of treatment was the clone of Amon who was trying to turn around on a certain planet.

Countless beams of light fell from the sun's bombardment, continuously attacking its surface, and soon opened a huge gap, followed by the cutting of the solar rays, allowing this gap to continue to expand.

The orbital assault gun continuously fired blue drop-shaped energy cannons, which accurately hit the expanding wound.

Under the attack of this round of artillery fire, Leviathan's huge tail has been reduced by one-third, and a large number of organs are directly exposed to the universe, so that the active creatures inside can be clearly seen.

The swarm has a strong ability to adapt to space, so even if it is exposed to space, it will not hurt.

But the attack didn't end here.

More than a dozen metal fragments of various shapes maintained the stability of the beam of light. The purification beam irradiated on Leviathan's exposed wound, and everyone could clearly see that under the attack of the golden purification beam, Countless bugs turned into fly ash.

Leviathan also left the current area after letting out a mournful cry.

Although he successfully jumped away, Leviathan, who was so severely injured, probably wouldn't live long.

Even if a lot of resources are invested, and then it catches fire and has strong combat effectiveness, it will take a long time to return to its original state.

Belonging to Protoss has come to an end here.

The remaining human ships began to deliver new news to the earth, and the fleet sent by the protoss successfully wiped out the huge monster.

However, they still have to leave this area and return to Earth to rest, and after the next preparation is complete, they will launch another attack to solve the problems on this asteroid group.


Although the battle was over, Mark's brain did not stop.

What on earth is there near Uranus that requires so much defense, even a Leviathan.

Although Leviathan is in the swarm, basically every larger space group will have one, or even more.

But this is not a ship made casually.

In front of it, the battlecruiser seems to be a play house, a child's plaything.

Something unusual is a demon!
NASA headquarters.

Today we have a special guest. It is no exaggeration to say that this guest is NASA’s deadly enemy. I am such a guest. I came here today with a huge gift, a gift they can’t refuse.

"Mr. Komnenos, thank you very much for your support to us. At the same time, thank you for your help on the Uranus asteroid group. Without your flagship, we would not be able to last for so long, and we retreated back." Something nice If you want to talk, these guys at the headquarters will still say it. Anyway, if you are obedient, you don’t need money. Naturally, you can say as much as you can.

"I don't need to say much about this matter. I didn't understand the problems you faced on Uranus. The problems we are facing now are very difficult. I just know some alien mercenaries. Maybe we can hire them to attack Uranus. Help us attack together when the planetary group is in the air." Mark didn't say it directly, he was one of his subordinates.

But favors still have to be counted on their own heads.

"It would be great if this is the case, but their loyalty..." The synchronized people were still a little worried, after all, these people were not familiar with them.

"They're all a group of mercenaries who get paid to do things. There's no need to worry about that. If you don't want to do things, your reputation will be rotten." Mark was talking nonsense in his heart.

Once the vast majority of mercenaries see the situation, we will definitely slip away in advance, and no one wants to do that if we have our lives to earn or lose our lives.

"In that case, leave everything to Mr. Comnenos."

"I don't need any identity, just call me Mark, just like them, in fact, there is only a little misunderstanding between us, there is no need to continue this stalemate." Mark took the initiative to release goodwill, trying to ease the relationship between the two parties. relationship between.

The director of NASA was very excited when he heard what Mark said. It is really a good thing for them that Mark can take the initiative to release goodwill.

But at this time, Mark expressed his kindness, and they should also express their kindness.

"To tell you the truth, we have suffered heavy losses this time, especially the ships that the elves supported us before, all of which were lost there. Those elves swore to us that they are the most advanced ships in the interstellar world. But I didn't expect such a vulnerability at all, and I didn't even cover the convoy.

I really regret choosing to cooperate with them. If I could have listened to your suggestion earlier, and listened to Odin's suggestion, I am afraid that such a situation would not have happened. "

This is completely turning heads and denying people, and it is an afterthought.

Mark can also understand what the other party is thinking, and wants to cheat some benefits from himself.

Mark waved his hand, saying that he didn't care and said, "I don't have any loss in this matter. However, our company's current ships may not be able to support you. Whether it is land reclamation or exploration, we now need a lot of Even if the ships are shared with you, you will not be able to build new ships in a short time.

My personal suggestion here is that you give me money or resources, and then I will buy new ships from other civilizations.

If you can trust me, you can do it.

If you don't believe me, then after purchasing new ships, we will use them ourselves, and then hand over the ships we eliminated to you. "

Mark completely handed over the choice to the other side.

It seems that Mark has made a concession, but no matter which choice the other party makes, Mark will not suffer.

Since Mark proposed this condition from the very beginning, and the other party chose to listen, he had already fallen into the trap set by Mark.

After a brief hesitation, the director of NASA made the most correct choice in his life.

"We are naturally willing to trust Mr. Mark. Tsk, we believe that Mr. Mark must have the greatest interests to cooperate with us. It is our mistake that we failed to understand Mr. Mark's kindness. Now we will not continue to repeat the same mistakes." How could the director of NASA have any intention of rejecting Mark's sincere suggestion?
What's more, they really need the replenishment of ships now.

"That's the best! Then celebrate in advance and wish us a happy cooperation." Mark raised the wine glass in front of him and said.

The director of NASA also hastily raised his wine glass to express his congratulations, and said, "I wish us a happy cooperation!"

The elves never expected that they would be abandoned just like that.However, what they should obtain has already obtained a small living area, which stably connects the passage between their hometown and the earth.

The only thing they can't do is to expand outward. Now the area where they live is like a concession.

This is the greatest tolerance and indulgence of human beings.

If there were still interests in the past, these restrictions would be a matter of laughing, but it is different now.

(End of this chapter)

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