Meiman's eldest son of God

Chapter 849 Asteroid Groups

Chapter 849 Asteroid Groups
Chapter 868 Asteroid Group

"Have you thought it through? This can be regarded as your private work. The reimbursement of all actions must be counted on your own head, and if there is any damage, it should also be counted on your head. All the funds provided are completely Look at NASA." Mark looked at the three rescue team captains standing in front of him and said.

The captains of the three rescue teams looked at each other, and then gave Mark an affirmative answer: "Yes!"

Mark did not stop him, signed his name, and then handed over the document to the three.

"Pay attention to your own safety and come back alive for me. I don't want to hold another funeral for you, or you will all die for me, and none of you will come back." Mark was also a little annoyed at the end, so he simply said Speak harshly.

But everyone can feel that Mark is not really cursing them to death, but caring about them.

Several people saluted Mark with grins, and then left the office.

Mark had no intention of stopping them from the first time he saw their applications.

Even if they are required to pay by themselves, the cost of this operation is also a test of their determination.

How could Mark not know that NASA had secretly contacted them.

Just a few hours later, he went directly to Mark and confessed to Mark.

Throw in a favor and return a peach, Mark is not a stingy person.

Mark promised them to go near Neptune.Cooperate with the Avengers and the reconnaissance ships of various countries.


Three rescue teams plus ships from the Avengers and various countries, a huge fleet sailed towards Neptune.

Even if this huge fleet is placed in the universe, it can be regarded as very spectacular.

It is a pity that the overall technological level of the fleet is not very high.

This is also the only drawback of this fleet.

This time the Avengers fleet was not led by Stark himself, Scott was in charge of technology, and Natasha was in charge of power.

Captain America Steve Rogers, as the commando of this operation.

Central flagship.

The largest ship in the rectification fleet was also provided by the Avengers.

Although it was provided by the Avengers in name, everyone who knows it actually knows that it is a ship of the Mark Company.

Mark agreed to lend the ship to three rescue teams to complete their private work this time.

Of course, it must be handed in after the action is completed according to the old rules.

The three rescue teams had lunch in a corner of the restaurant. They seemed to have a natural isolation from other people, and everyone avoided them.The important reason is that each of them exudes that breath, which makes people feel shuddering.

Except for the brat Royce who just joined.

"How long will it take for us to reach Neptune?" Royce, who left Earth for the first time, had no experience in this area at all, so he could only ask the big brothers in the team.

McTavish looked at the smart watch in his hand, then calculated the route and said: "If there is no accident, you can get there in two days. Now cherish these two days, these two days are your last Break time."

"Soap (MacTavish's code name)! After eating, shall we go to the shooting range to practice guns for a while?" The archers of the second team took the initiative to invite McTavish.

Instead, McTavish patted Royce who was sitting next to him and said, "Didn't you see that there is a newcomer next to him? I have to take care of him, so as to avoid all kinds of accidents when I go to the battlefield."

"If you don't leave this matter to the third team, why are you working so hard?" The archer didn't quite understand what McTavish was thinking.

"I don't like to hear what you say." The captain of the third team said out loud: "Soap, what's wrong with our players? Don't think I don't know that when your second team recruited newcomers, Soap didn't bring wine. "

Seeing that the scars of the second team were uncovered, the archers hurriedly left the scene to avoid further expansion of the battle situation.

After lunch, Royce was taken to the shooting range and started training. The first training was how to control the heavy armor on his body.

I began to understand other aspects of knowledge.

Although McTavish is the comparison of the first team, he does not lose to anyone else in terms of knowledge reserve.The captain of the first team represents not only the captain of the first rescue team, but also the general team of the three teams.

The two people's individual training was still in progress, and the spacecraft's siren sounded suddenly.

McTavish, I didn't expect to rush to the nearest equipment stand immediately, took down my usual weapon from the counter, and said to Royce who was standing behind me: "Don't be idle there, hurry up and get it!" Take up arms and prepare to fight."

Royce shouldn't be completely panicked at this moment. He really doesn't know what to do when facing the crisis.

Seeing Royce who was still there, MacTavish rushed in front of him angrily, and slapped the kid halfway, making him wake up from his confusion.

Royce didn't feel angry because he was slapped. On the contrary, he was very grateful to McTavish who woke him up.

All kinds of crises may occur at any time now, and if you are not careful, you will lose your life and stay where you are, which is a wrong choice.

"Now do as I say, go get your gear, equip your gear, and assemble on the lower deck."


A few minutes later, all three rescue teams had gathered on the lower deck.

All fighter planes on the lower deck have been prepared and ready to launch at any time.

"We were attacked by bugs just now, and on a nearby asteroid, we found a defense network built by bugs. Our task now is to parachute onto the asteroid with a large force and destroy the space built by the other party Defense network." McTavish began to explain the mission of this operation.

After listening to the task, everyone replied in unison: "Yes!"

Marines from other countries have already been dropped in first.Although encountering an interception attack and losing a lot of people, most of them landed on the asteroid smoothly after all.

When the three rescue teams were dispatched, the interception of space had been reduced a lot.

The asteroid group surrounding Uranus is not very large, each one is like an isolated island floating independently in the universe, and the spore cannon rooted on it can easily eject a large number of spores.These ejected steamed buns are extremely corrosive, easily corroding the outer layer alloy of large ships.

The only shortcoming is the limited attack distance, but this shortcoming is quickly made up for on the asteroid group.

At this time, the human fleet did not find these spore cannons on the asteroid group.The battle had already begun when it was discovered, but not only these spore cannons were fighting, but also biological ships.

After breaking through layers of defense, it finally landed on the ground.

However, the number of bugs protecting the spore cannon is also small, and they can't go anywhere.

As the vanguard, the soldiers of the third rescue team rushed up first. As the most armored of all the rescue teams, they naturally assumed the role of tank meat shields.

It has not shown much of its own strength, and the second rescue team also took out its own trump card at this time.

A large number of drones have been released.

The invisible destruction drone, which was in an invisible state, rushed to the position with the most bugs.

The bugs didn't notice the destructive drones that were in an invisible state. It wasn't until the drones took root and entered the ground that the bugs felt the vibrations from the surrounding ground and became alert.

It's a pity that it was too late when they were alerted, and the sabotage drone exploded in an instant, and the explosion engulfed all the bugs around them, and they didn't even leave their bodies behind.

Two members of the Second Rescue Team, wearing a weakened version of the phase reactor suit, jumped out by flashing.

The ability to flash is derived from the weakened reactor suit on his body.The distance of the short line is very short, and a small shield can be temporarily built, which lasts only one second.

However, it is already of great help to the rapidly changing battlefield that may be attacked at any time.

The penetrating bomb equipped in his hand swept an arc-shaped area in front of him, and all the bugs within the attack range of the penetrating bomb were smashed to pieces.

The third rescue team was not idle either, and threw a large amount of plasma fuel towards the area where the bugs were about to approach.

The sparks ignited the plasma fuel, and the bugs plunged into the fire. More importantly, the plasma fuel was extremely sticky. It seemed that there was no way to get rid of it in a short time, and a few bugs barely rushed out. Burned the fire, but was burned alive in the end.

The sudden appearance of the rescue team has greatly eased the frontal battlefield, and the marines of other countries have also relaxed a lot.

However, the number of rescue teams is still very good. There is no way to turn the whole battle situation around, and they still rely more on marines from various countries.

"Thank you very much for your help. If it weren't for you, we wouldn't even know how to break through this position." The Russian commander in charge of the offensive said to MacTavish.

McTavish said: "This is also what we should do. I will take this position away from other positions, so that I can slowly advance the ship, and I can also approach here for auxiliary attacks. But still be careful of those who come from the front. The wounded who retreated were all handed over to the third rescue team for inspection to make sure they were not infected."

"This is natural. We have already received the news before we arrived. If possible, try to preserve their lives, or end their lives early, at least make them look like human beings." The Russian commander also saw it In the previous situation, he didn't want these sons under his hands to become like that.

(End of this chapter)

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