Meiman's eldest son of God

Chapter 847 Cleaning Up the Infection

Chapter 847 Cleaning Up the Infection
Chapter 866 Cleaning Up the Infection

As the saying goes, it doesn't hurt to spend other people's money, so when other people fight, they are not as timid as before.

Some people even directly used their small personal shields to rush up against the attacks of those monsters to fight hand-to-hand.

The specially made alloy can easily penetrate the bodies of those monsters, and then cut off all the superfluous things on those monsters.

As for what is superfluous, it depends on their own judgment.

Sandman really regrets it now, tears can't stop streaming down, and he opened the door of that damn immigrant ship!

If I hadn't opened that damned door, I wouldn't be like this, weeping while cooperating with other comrades in attacking him. What I can do now is to minimize the losses as much as possible.

Every time you kill a target, you can earn an extra penny for yourself.In this way, the loss of oneself after the war can be less.

"Aaron, come and collect samples. Take this book back. The boss thinks it's not normal to use these guys, and check if there are other infected people in the immigration ship. These guys are probably infected immigrants." McTavish is his side in charge of the medical system, said Allen.

Although Allen is wearing the CMC medical power armor specially used for healing, for a large tower shield, but in real battle, this guy is not worthless.

The small grenade equipped on the right arm can definitely deal with most of the enemies, and it can threaten even a doctor like him. The battle is probably coming to an end.

Either the enemy is dead or we are dead. At this time, small grenades are enough.

At the beginning, the fragments on the ground were collected through the small nano-collector on the body and the cold laser of the field surgery.

After the collection is complete, the inspection of those immigrants who are still alive begins.

Make sure there are no infected people among them.

It can be said that Mark attaches great importance to this aspect and strengthens the teaching on infection.The reason for this is that Mark suffered a lot from it. During the colonization process, human beings did not encounter any large-scale infectious diseases or infection incidents, but when facing insect swarms, they very much like to use infection to increase their own strength. Combat power weakens human combat power.

Even with all sorts of armor armor protecting them, they are susceptible to infection.

Such things are inseparable from the fragile human body. Mark strengthens their bodies to ensure that there will be no disease or mutation in the first time they are infected.

Of course, if it is true that pathological changes or mutations will appear in the first place, he can only choose to give up.

Even if they are strong, let alone the fragile physique of ordinary humans.

"The captain tested two infected people. Their bodies are still very stable now. The cells of a single person are in a state of temporary dormancy. Should we isolate them separately?" Allen asked for instructions in the communication channel.

"Do you still want to ask me this kind of question?" McTavish said a little annoyed.

"But these two goals are children!" Allen said the reason.

McTavish secretly scolded the United States, and finally said to Allen in the communicator: "I will use everything I can think of for amputation treatment. If there are family members around, please explain it clearly to them. If you die, cooperate."

If it is an adult, this question is a godsend, and McTavish will never waste these important medical supplies.

Who knows what kind of problems will happen in the next moment in this dark universe.

But let's not talk about these two children, what will happen after they are isolated, watching the two little lives disappear before his eyes is something he can't bear.

Don't look at these mercenaries who kill people without blinking an eye, and they look like big and three rough, but everyone has their own moral bottom line, which is Mark's requirement for his company's employees.

Those who have no moral bottom line are either dead or eliminated.

His company is more like a big family full of human touch, rather than the relationships that are only full of money like those companies.

It is really rare for them to have such a company under such a background in this era, let alone other extravagant demands.

The two children are neither too young nor too old, and they are very sensible and actively cooperate with Alan's work.

Because of the anesthesia and the eyes of the two children were covered, the infected part was cut off almost without any feeling. After inspection, the infected cells did not spread, which finally made Allen sigh.

Immediately afterwards, Allen injected the treatment solution into the children's bodies. Although there was no guarantee that their bodies would be able to regenerate 100% of their limbs, at least they saved their lives.

The two guardians next to him hugged the child excitedly, and at the same time kept thanking Allen.

That person has just experienced all this, and at the same time saw the situation and appearance of those people who were infected. They knew the result of being infected, so they were not angry because the child was amputated, on the contrary they were very happy.

Life is more important than anything else, if life is gone, then everything is gone!

McTavish took a deep puff of the cigarette in the mask. This kind of electronic cigarette does not rely on open flames. It only takes one puff to draw out the smoke similar to ordinary cigarettes. This can be regarded as a kind of smoke on the battlefield comfort.

"Boss's rescue work has been completed, but the immigrant spaceship is no longer usable, and there are infected substances on it. We have not yet determined where the source of infection is. Please let us apply for a special assistance spaceship." MacTavish's supporter directly connected with Mark right of line.

After hearing the news, Mark directly agreed to his request.

However, Mark did not quickly send them a rescue spacecraft.

"Immediately send three teams dedicated to cleaning up the infection, the first team and the second team, and your two teams come back quickly. The third team can get there in about 2 minutes."

Now that you have accurate coordinates, you don't need to investigate any more, and the speed is much faster than before.

When the armed transport ships of the third team landed on the ground of the asteroid, the rescuers of the first and second teams had successfully boarded the armed transport ships.

The special aid spacecraft was also hovering in the air, and only after everyone was inspected by the third team could they enter the rear area and prepare to board the ship.

After the second round of inspections, everyone successfully boarded the special assistance spacecraft, and they will return to Earth immediately for inspections to ensure that there will be no other infections.

The three teams stayed after the inspection and began to inspect the remaining transport spacecraft.

Codename: Old Driver's three team members walked into the spaceship first.Equipped with a plasma flamethrower, he's the one at the front.

The armor on them has also been specially strengthened, and the armor ability of frontal protection has even caught up with the frontal shield protection ability of some evil bats.

You must know that that thing can no longer be called a power suit, it is completely a small individual mecha.

And the equipped weapons are completely researched according to that stuff.The short-range napalm injector greatly enhanced the temperature and attack range of the plasma flame, and it also played better in close combat.

Compared with the firebats of the UED expeditionary force of the old era and the firebats of the most advanced Prometheus in the empire, I almost won the victory with a crushing advantage.

"Captain, I found a few unhatched cocoons inside." As soon as the old driver finished speaking, there was a sound of fighting.

The old driver's voice also began to become intermittent: "Captain... Captain, this is a line..."

No one knew what the old driver was facing, and no one knew what happened there.

However, the vital signs of the old driver have completely disappeared.

The armor on the others is definitely not as thick as the old driver's, and even his armor can't resist the attack of that thing, and they don't plan to take any more risks.

The death of their teammates made them very heartbroken, but it didn't mean that their reason had been broken. On the contrary, they were calmer than anyone else.

They know how to comfort the spirits in heaven.

All the passages were completely closed, and at the same time, an internal solid shield was established to prevent other things from rushing out of it.

All of this has been established, and the napalm bombs prepared on the armed transport aircraft are all placed around these spaceships, and only a little spark is needed to completely ignite these plasma fuels.

Several firebats started to spray at the same time, and the flames were completely ignited at this moment. The flames were burning rapidly, and these spaceships were also burning the guys inside.

The chrysalis inside seemed to have been accelerated by the crisis from the outside world. They broke through the wall of the spaceship and rushed out, only to be met with cold bullets and grenades.

This rescue operation came to an end with the sacrifice of a member of the third team.

Although it seems that only one outstanding team member was sacrificed to achieve such a huge gain, it still couldn't soothe the pain in Mark's heart.

"Investigate all the areas near Neptune! Let me find all those infected people." Mark didn't believe that there were no shadows of these damn bugs around there.

After the sample came back, Mark made an investigation immediately, and he found that there were Zerg shadows in it.

This time the immigrants encountered the attack of the Zerg.

And these guys are still waiting for work.

If Mark hadn't been cautious and sent his own team members, it would only be an endless infection when other human rescue teams arrived at the scene.

Maybe these infected people will set off a bigger wave of infection after they return to Earth.

(End of this chapter)

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