Meiman's eldest son of God

Chapter 842 The end of the farce

Chapter 842 The end of the farce
Chapter 861 The farce is over

Mark thinks that he has taken the initiative in this game, but in fact all of this is in Gao Tianzun's plan.

Ragnarok is no secret, basically an open message.

"I thank you very much. If it weren't for you, the most powerful gladiator would not have been born today." Gao Tianzun smiled successfully.

Facing Gao Tianzun's ridicule, Mark also knew that he was completely used as a gun.

The previous two times were all to stimulate Mark, and then Thor deliberately became stronger. I have to say that Gao Tianzun has a hand in scheming.

The old guy who has lived for so many years, there is nothing he can't survive now.

The first contest outside the arena ended in Mark's failure.

But this time the focus is on the field, not off the field.

As long as Thor wins, all this is meaningless.

But Mark didn't intend to end it so simply. Gao Tianzun used this trick to disgust himself, so he couldn't make this guy feel better.

Since this guy likes wrestling so much, Mark doesn't suggest ruining this fair and just wrestling.

Mark separated a clone and sneaked directly into the background, where gladiators were preparing to fight.

A gladiator is guarding against himself, and the opponents who will fight next will get as much information as possible from each other, especially in this strange environment, they will do everything they can, and some even start to invade through their spirits.

If it wasn't for everyone in Markway's Avengers, the equipment to prevent spiritual invasion.

Now it is very likely that several of them have been invaded by the other party's spirit.

As for manipulating the opponent through spirit, that is nonsense. What Gao Tianzun needs is a wonderful performance, not a battle between puppets.

When Mark's avatar appeared in the background, everyone was surprised. The Avengers already knew that Mark would not interfere.

Those gladiators belonging to Gao Tianzun were indeed wary of Mark.

They think that Mark's coming here is to kill people or weaken their strength, so as to ensure that everyone in the Avengers can advance.

Some people even planned to call the guards in charge of the surrounding security to expose Mark's "despicable behavior".

But the surrounding guards have already been controlled by Mark, and they don't have any consciousness at all now.

"I'm giving you a chance to be free now. As long as you choose to help, we can be free. If you don't want to, then you will stay in the hands of Gao Tianzun for the rest of your life. But I will let you be treated as disabled In his hands, disabled and worthless gladiators, I believe you all know what the outcome of this will be." Mark looked at these gladiators with a cold face, everyone's hands were covered with blood, and they could So far, no one has been innocent.

In this arena of blood and fire, everyone must do their best to survive.

Some of them raised their hands voluntarily. They were not willing to obey Gao Tianzun at all, let alone become his toys.Many people are overlords on their own planet, or a hero.

Their abilities are very powerful, but they were plundered by Gao Tianzun and became Gao Tianzun's subordinates and his slaves.

Gao Tianzun once promised to give them freedom, as long as they become the champions of the arena, they can be free, but none of them successfully walked out of the arena.

Even if they won the championship, they still stayed in the arena.

Because they know that no one can get out from here, everyone is a slave of Gao Tianzun.

"Is it really possible?"

With a flick of his hand, Mark disarmed the neurotoxin syringe around his neck.

"Now?" Mark said to the newly freed gladiator.

The gladiator rubbed his neck to make sure there was no damn neurotoxin syringe, and excitedly said to Mark, "I'm willing to do my best for my lord."

These gladiators are already well-informed people, and Mark is willing to give them freedom at a price.As for whether he will become Mark's slave, at least the situation will not be worse than before.

With the first person to eat crabs, others are also eager to try, especially in the face of the temptation of freedom, they are so excited that they even wish to rush to Mark's feet now.

It's a pity that Mark was unwavering in the face of the crowds rushing over. Naturally, it was impossible for Mark to accept the allegiance of these villains. What Mark wanted was for them to complete his plan.

"I only need you for a little bit now, which is to humiliate Gao Tianzun in the duel field. You have gained freedom now, and you will leave his side in freedom soon. I promise each of you. All you need is the next Listen to my signal during the decision-making process, I ask you to give up immediately, then give up the game immediately. Even if you are missing an arm or a leg or if you are dead, I can resurrect you and heal you. Do you understand?" Mark used His own spirit issued orders to all.

Facing Mark's mental oppression, several of the mental experts couldn't help trembling.They never thought that there are such spiritually powerful people in this world.

They were instantly convinced and did not dare to have any resistance to Mark.


The competition has officially begun, and the new round of competition is still a civil war between the Avengers.

Sam and Hawkeye, the battle between the two soon came to an end, and the victory was won by Hawkeye's absolute crushing.

Then came the battle between the two gladiators. Mark released a mental signal, and the two gladiators who had just entered the field instantly dropped their weapons on the ground.

Almost at the same time, they raised their hands and shouted loudly: "I choose to surrender and admit defeat."

All the audience booed, thinking that they were two cowards, but after seeing the appearance of the two people, they realized that they were not cowards at all.

Both of these guys are gladiators with a lot of blood on their hands.

Why?Why did they choose to give up and admit defeat at the same time, and it was these two gladiators with a lot of blood on their hands.

This made it impossible for the audience to understand what happened in the middle.

Gao Tianzun, don't be fooled by the sudden scene in front of him, making Mark's teeth itchy with anger.

Mark hadn't left the whole time, so his suspicions disappeared in just a split second.

Immediately afterwards, he pressed the remote control in his hand, and the two gladiators still had their own neurotoxin syringes around their necks.

The neurotoxin syringe didn't work, and the two gladiators were still standing there.

Gao Tianzun knew that his restrictions were useless.

"You did all of this?" Gao Tianzun gritted his teeth and asked Mark.

"I haven't even left here, how could it be I did it, don't push everything on my head. If you can't play this game, just admit defeat as soon as possible, I can still let you go, Treat it as a draw." Mark said to Gao Tianzun angrily.

There must be a winner in this game, there is no such thing as a draw.

From the moment this game started there was no tie and everyone has to pay for what they did.

This is true of Mark, and so is Gao Tianzun.

The gladiators chose to admit defeat in several consecutive rounds, and Gao Tianzun could only look at him angrily, there was no way to punish these gladiators in person. In the past, he could use the neurotoxin in his hand to treat those disobedient guys cruelly. severe punishment.

But not now, if he ends now, it will destroy the "fairness" of the game.

Let everyone know that Gao Tianzun is a person who cannot afford to lose.

Once this bad head is turned on, no one wants to compete with him in the future.

Because knowing it's a guy who can't afford to lose, when there's no competition, all the fun is lost.

Now he can only grit his teeth and swallow all the pain, which is like Mark at the time, when he learned that Gao Tianzun was using him.

"It's not that we didn't report, it's just that the time hasn't come yet!" Mark said coldly.

The attention of Gao Tianzun's game is on the last game, the battle between Thor and Hulk.

Because Hulk is extremely destructive and unstable, he was directly placed at the end of the game.

The fact that Thor, the god of thunder, is in the front row is entirely because Gao Tianzun wants to stimulate the power in his body to fight the grandest battle.

Gao Tianzun seemed to have seen the result of the last battle. Both sides raised their hands to surrender. He couldn't do this, and he couldn't bear the result. He knelt down on the ground with a plop, folded his hands and prayed: "Mark, Stop all this, what do you want me to do, I can send you another planet, let me watch the game, let me watch the game."

Gao Tianzun at this time is like a hidden gentleman, he doesn't care about his so-called reputation.

Because these guys will not have their own long lifespan, the guy who knows that he is ashamed will soon disappear in the long river of history, this kind of thing is irrelevant to him.

All he cares about is his own happiness and satisfaction.

Mark, like a devil, looked at Gao Tianzun who was kneeling on the ground and said, "Taga! Kotovalu!"

Faced with Mark's rejection, Gao Tianzun completely collapsed.

Energy full of anger burst out from his body, and all the furnishings in the entire room were completely destroyed by him, leaving only a few tables and chairs there alone.

If it weren't for Mark to maintain the stability of the surrounding space, maybe this place has already become a twisted singularity, and it is not impossible to form a small black hole.

Mark stretched out his hand, and the power of several gemstones rushed out to wrap Mark's hand at the same time, and Mark easily grabbed Gao Tianzun's neck.

"That farce should end here."

(End of this chapter)

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