Meiman's eldest son of God

Chapter 839 Gladiator

Chapter 839 Gladiator

Chapter 858 Gladiator
"Ask Thor and Hulk to join the arena this time, in the duel! You can choose other people at will. If the person you choose wins, my promise is still valid, but there is one condition, It's just that you can't fight on your own." A rune called a contract appeared in Gao Tianzun's hand.

This contract is established through the energy of two people.

If you violate it, you will be shown by your own energy, which can be said to be a very vicious contract, but if you don't violate the contract, there will be no problem.

Mark naturally couldn't agree immediately.

If it's just me, then there's no problem at all, but this involves my friends.

"It is impossible for me to directly agree to your request. They are not my subordinates, they are my friends. If they agree, then the competition will begin. If they do not agree, then we will solve this time in another way Dispute!" Mark replied.

"That's fine, I can wait, but according to my guess, they will gladly accept this competition request!" Gao Tianzun was full of confidence, as if he had already seen the result he wanted.

A few hours later, Thor and the Hulk appeared on the planet Kaslan.

"Mark, I agree with the requirements of this competitive game, and I also want to see the gap between me and Hulk." Thor said to Mark seriously.

"I advise you to think clearly, this is not a simple game, and various additional conditions may be imposed on you at that time, the rules of the game are completely set by him, and what I can guarantee is your life safety .”

"Since you have already ensured our safety, there is no need to worry." Banner thought more openly than Thor, and now he has understood what kind of critical moment human beings are in.

Thor also waved his hand and said to Mark: "Asgard has never been afraid of fighting"

"Bring us, even if Thor is eliminated by then, our chances of winning will be higher." Tony said with a smile on the side.

The others also laughed, and everyone in the Avengers has made a decision to prepare to participate in this battle to ensure that human beings have a higher hope of victory.

"Guys, there's actually no need for this, as long as we guarantee it goes well." Mark said.

"What are you talking about? Since when has Mark been so indecisive?" Hawkeye said, waving the samurai sword he had just acquired.

Natasha was also ready to attack, and said to Mark: "I haven't moved for a long time, so it's just a matter of understanding our internal strength."

Mark knew that he couldn't persuade them, so he gave up and said: "Then you should also pay attention, this time there is more than one fighting with you. What you have to face is an alien arena veteran. These gladiators fought I will do everything I can, I can only end the battle at the critical moment. Remember safety first. By the way, I am betting on Hulk's victory!"

"By the way, isn't that guy afraid of us releasing the water? I failed to deliberately release the water, so Hulk won directly."

"It's too easy for you to think!" Tony said aloud again.

Tony showed a piece of data in front of everyone and said: "All gladiators participating in the duel must bring this thing. Although this thing will not directly affect your life, it will cause pain to you. And it is unbearable. kind."

What Tony projected was a collar.

Thor has already begun to feel a little reluctant to participate in this battle, but the words have already been released, and it is too late to retreat now.

"Thor, if you really don't want to participate, you can do it now. At worst, I will take the fleet to fight with him."

"It's okay. Mark, it's because of your help that Asgard didn't have so many people sacrificed. If it wasn't for you, Asgard wouldn't know that people would die. Asgard owes you a favor, and it also owes the earth A favor, now is the time for us to repay it, and don’t forget that you are still my brother-in-law. I will help you anyway, because we are a family.” Thor looked at Mark’s shoulder, and then walked towards the arena past.

This arena was built by Gao Tianzun through his own strength, and a huge arena was built almost in the blink of an eye.

The shape of the arena definitely refers to the ancient Greek arena, but the venue is much larger than the ancient Greek arena.

It will definitely allow these superheroes to let go of their fists and fight against the power of God.

All the participants entered the arena in the order of drawing lots. Mark and Gao Tianzun sat in a special private room, which could clearly see the situation in the entire arena.

"I wonder if it's too boring for you to live such a long life just thinking about this kind of thing all day!" Mark asked Gao Tianzun who was sitting beside him.

"Boring? I don't think so. I think it's very interesting." Gao Tianzun stretched his waist, took a sip from the drink on the table next to him, and then moved himself comfortably Said: "Appreciating the battle and the game is a kind of enjoyment for me. The collision of flesh and blood can always stimulate the most primitive desire in the biological body. I think this is a very rare experience."

"It seems that you don't care who wins or loses this game at all."

"I don't care at all whether you win or lose this game. For you, winning or losing is a planet. To me, it's just one of thousands of planets. As long as I want to wait until you die, after your civilization completely disappears, This planet is still mine, what's the difference?

Sorry, I forgot, you have completely merged with the Infinity Gems to become a new existence, and you don’t need to worry about our problems, but you can still protect me by that time, and you have long since become unlike the one you know Is that human? "What Gao Tianzun said is very thought-provoking.

Mark looked at Gao Tianzun's smug look, but didn't say a word.

As Gao Tianzun said, millions of years have passed, whether human beings are still the human beings they know, and whether human beings are still worthy of their own protection.

None of this can be answered right now.

With the ringing of the bell, the first game officially began.

In the first game, the Ant-Man from the Avengers, Scott, played.

On the other side is the former champion Toss from the planet Saka.

Although only one arm was left after being torn apart by this year's champion, of course, his combat power was still insufficient, and he was a very threatening opponent.

Mark had already known these opponents in advance, but what he didn't expect was that Scott faced such a difficult existence in the first game.

Mark couldn't help but worry about his safety.

Toss is like a giant lizard covered with scales, and its long tail is constantly sweeping the ground, blowing up bursts of dust.

Although one hand was torn off, of course, a mechanical arm has been installed in the position of that hand, and its strength has not diminished.

The lizard-like mouth was full of sharp teeth, and it was even drooling. He looked at the short Scott in the distance, as if he saw his own dinner.

There was only a bang, and a huge deep pit was stepped on the ground.

Seeing that he was about to receive the huge heart in front of him, Scott pressed the switch on his belt without hesitation, and instantly shrunk down to a manifestation that could not be detected at all.

Toss kept looking for Scott's traces. He looked at the surrounding ground and wanted to find the target from the ground, but followed by a huge fist.

Suddenly, the body below him hit his chin fiercely, and the whole person flew upside down.

Scott quickly grew bigger in the moment just now, and then began to shrink his body. The suit transformed by Tony Stark can grow and shrink in a very short period of time. At the same time, the burden on the user And consumption is also much smaller.

In the past, Scott would never dare to operate like this.

Scott unbuttoned his mask, looked at the unmoving mind lying on the ground, thought he had won, turned around and raised his hands towards the box.

Mark slapped himself in the face, and Scott knew too little about the arena.

Toss climbed up quietly, and slowly came to Scott's side. The huge tail directly wrapped around her feet, and he was thrown away.

The electrical grid on the edge of the arena, electric shocks stimulated Scott's body.After finally falling off the power grid, he felt that he could not move at all, and the huge lizard man Toss was already standing in front of him, and his sharp claws could be swung down at any time to take his life.

Scott can now surrender and admit defeat, and with Mark's help, he can leave the arena safe and sound.

But he did not admit defeat, but took out a small scaler from his belt.

The instant the claw swung down, he threw the scaler out.

Immediately afterwards, he shrank to the smallest figure, avoiding the reversal space.

Toss's body continued to grow at a speed visible to the naked eye, and soon became so large that the entire arena could not accommodate his body.

He kept twisting his body, trying to get rid of the arena grid, but as it twisted more and more intensely, the voltage of the grid became higher and higher.

Gao Tianzun watched Toss struggling in the power grid with a smile, but it didn't take long before he pressed the button in his hand.

Take the initiative to announce the surrender of Toss!
"This is my very precious gladiator. I don't intend to let him die here. You win this battle!"

(End of this chapter)

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