Meiman's eldest son of God

Chapter 832 Fixed Results

Chapter 832 Fixed Results

Chapter 851 Fixed Results
Hesitation will lead to defeat, and decisiveness will be in vain.

In the face of an enemy with absolute superiority that can be crushed, it is useless to use any tricks.

Mark immediately started to fall to the ground and could not afford to be seriously injured. Odin is the pillar of the entire Asgard. If Odin falls now, Asgard's collapse is only a matter of time.

Next to Leah, Mark also separated a clone for treatment.

Although it is not the main body healing, but the speed of healing is not slow at all.

"How is it? Is it much better?" The two Marks made their voices at the same time.

"It's much better." Liya opened her eyes and looked at the person hugging her, with a persistent smile on her face.

The whole person was very happy. She really didn't expect that the first moment she opened her eyes, she saw the person she liked the most.

"Mark! Those gods cast the eternal fire on the earth. They are going to strengthen Surtur and let Ragnarok begin on the earth." Leah said anxiously.

Mark's face changed slightly. He thought that Ragnarok had been changed by him, at least it wouldn't happen so soon, but Mark never thought that those guys would actually play this trick.

Ragnarok is a secret that cannot be avoided at all.

No matter how powerful the beings in Asgard are in that world, the twilight of the gods will definitely happen, and at the same time Asgard will be destroyed, and the gods will be deprived of their godheads.

Some worlds are powerful gods, even after Ragnarok ended, reshaping Asgard and regaining their lost godhood.In some worlds, the gods lost their divinity, but still retained their power.

The results of each parallel world are different, but the only thing in common is that Asgard is doomed to be destroyed!
The destruction of Asgard is like the terminator of Ragnarok.

The only regular connection between the earth and Asgard is the Rainbow Bridge, and the crisis of the earth now requires the sacrifice of Asgard, but Mark cannot believe that Odin, or other gods in Alaska, have such awareness and sacrifice their own Home protects the earth.

Even if they know that Asgard will eventually be destroyed, they can delay it for a moment.

Surtur, who has obtained the eternal flame and fulfilled his predetermined destiny, is almost unstoppable.

There are many intertwined threads called destiny wrapped around him.

Mark walked out of the treasure house, leaving behind two clones, and continued to treat Odin and Leah in the treasure house.

"Nemesis, can I kill Surtur with my current strength?" Tourist Mark can only pin his hopes on Nemesis.

"Not sure, I haven't tried to compete with fate. Even if he is wiped out by you on Earth, he will appear in another form in Asgard, so Asgard can't escape being destroyed anyway fate."

"You always know what's going on in my heart." Mark had to admit defeat.

"It's just that you like to put everything on the surface too much. Even if I don't probe your thoughts, I can understand clearly. Mark, don't fight against fate. He will complete all kinds of unexpected forms. what he's going to do."

"No way, unless it is absolutely necessary, I will not choose to confront him head-on. But before that, I have to deal with Surtur, the vanguard he sent."

Mark released his clone outside and returned to the protection. Looking at Odin and Leah, who had mostly recovered, Mark told the truth and told them all the information he knew now.

Odin seemed to have known the result long ago, and slowly closed his eyes, feeling the last breath from Asgard.

Liya doesn't have the slightest nostalgia for this land.

If possible, she just wants to spend the rest of her life with the person she likes at the end of the world.

"Since Asgard is destined to be destroyed, let it be destroyed! Now the earth is the most important thing. As long as the earth is still in Asgard, the people of Asgard have allies, and there are people who can help the earth instead of wandering alone. In the universe." Odin's thinking is clearer than anyone else now, this is the choice to maximize the benefits.

Mark seemed to have guessed the result long ago, but he still declined and said, "How can this be possible? We can't let Asgard perish like this!"

"Mark, now is not the time to talk about this, let's do it! I will evacuate all the people in Asgard in the shortest possible time. This is the fate that Asgard should bear." Odin left the treasure house slowly.

The eight-legged warhorse seemed to be summoned by Odin, galloped from a distance, and landed in front of Odin, obedient and obedient.

He arched Odin with his nose, as if communicating with Odin. Odin gently stroked his nose and said to him: "Our era has passed, and their era will follow."

The eight-legged warhorse seemed to understand what Odin said, and neighed into the distance, and countless winged warhorses flew up from the lake in the distance.

The lake is just an illusion. These beautiful war horses have always existed in this world, but no one has noticed.

These war horses have been here for an unknown number of years, waiting for the right owner to arrive and lead them to the battlefield and to the glory of victory.

It's a pity that when Asgard was about to be destroyed, their master still hadn't appeared.

"Mark, this is the last gift I leave you. Treat them well." Odin regarded these winged war horses as his comrades in arms, so he used them when addressing them.

Mark also answered through his own spirit: "Okay."


On Earth, Sydney.

The huge Rainbow Bridge fell from the sky and shocked everyone. The last time I saw it was in New York City.

Odin and the warriors of Asgard stood at the top of the Rainbow Bridge, Odin held a spear, looked at the tall Surtur and said: "Surtur, your destiny is not here! If you dare, come to Asgard and fight me!"

Odin's loud voice echoed throughout the world, and everyone on the earth could clearly hear Odin's voice.

Odin seems to be using his actual actions to prove his strength to the people on earth.

At the same time, it also ensures that after the destruction of Asgard, the people of Asgard will be respected enough on Earth.

Surtur looked at the enemy in his destiny, raised the sword of victory in his hand and threw it over, he roared angrily: "Odin, and the gods of Asgard, your destruction has come. "

In Asgard, which is far away, a large number of spaceships have successfully taken off, and Mark sent his own fleet to help protect the fleet from harm.

The vast majority of Asgardians have been escorted away, and only a handful of Asgardians choose to stay in Asgard with Odin for the final battle.

Those who left were not timid, but they had the important mission of inheriting the civilization of Asgard. Many people also wanted to stay and complete the final battle with King Odin, but Odin refused.

Among them are Thor and Leah.

Although Liya didn't say anything, but during this period of getting along, she has gradually discovered that her father is not as hateful as she thought before.

Perhaps it was the prejudice she had in the past that made her feel that no matter what Odin did, she was so hypocritical and disgusting, but she calmed down and observed carefully, and felt it with her heart.

She found that things were far less unbearable and disgusting than she imagined.
Maybe it was really because I used to have tinted glasses, which were too dark.However, this does not mean that it was so easily exposed after being imprisoned by Odin for so many years.

Many things can no longer be brought back, and they can't go back to the past, just like the relationship between father and daughter.

Leah's reason for staying is also very simple, Asgard was once the kingdom she wanted to inherit.

Since Odin is incompetent and unable to protect the kingdom, it is up to her to protect it.

Odin couldn't understand what Leah was thinking, and finally let Leah leave, with only one sentence, there is hope in life, and possibility in life.

Leah seemed to understand the meaning in Odin's tone, she saw a smile in Odin's eyes, and chose to leave Asgard this week.

Outside Asgard, all the people of Alaska looked at their former home through the windows of the spaceship.Huge flame giants appeared in the homeland, unscrupulously destroying the once familiar buildings.

Bright lightning kept appearing, hitting the flame giant's body, the power of God King Odin didn't decrease much, and he was still so powerful and invincible.

But in the face of the flames in fate, it turned out that it was thunder and lightning that had no effect. All the gods in Asgard were suppressed by fate!

Odin looked at the giant sword falling from the sky that was about to pierce his body. Odin opened his arms, put down the weapon in his hand, and waited for death to come.

His life has been brilliant enough to end in this form is the best choice.

But the moment he was about to meet again and was about to touch his body, a strong wind hit him!It was not the attack of the giant sword that won.

"Go!" Mark held the tip of the sword tightly with both hands, and the flames continued to burn his body.

At this moment, Mark appeared in Odin, and he said helplessly, "Why did you come here?"

"I promised Luo Ji that if you want your family to be reunited, I will not miss the appointment. Father, let's go! Leave this place to me and leave here with the others."

Mark said that the power of several infinity gems burst out from his body, and the power of infinity gems wrapped around his body like a ribbon, forming circles of light belts.

Seeing the victory he was about to achieve, Surtur slipped away from him like this. He was so angry that he continued to increase his strength.

Trying to destroy Mark through his own powerful force.

(End of this chapter)

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