Chapter 83

Chapter 82
Mark actually didn't really want to share this troubled water, but thinking that Dr. Eric could directly open the portal through the Rubik's Cube in the future, Mark had to establish a good relationship with them.

No matter from a long-term perspective or from the current interests, building a good relationship with Dr. Eric, Jane and Thor is a top priority.

If you don't talk about other things, but just talk about interests, Mark is worth doing.And Mark only needs to make a phone call, Dr. Eric, they all owe themselves a favor no matter whether they succeed or not.

"Mark, what's the matter?" Nick will be automatically marked even if he has no stored calls.S.H.I.E.L.D.'s huge computer will immediately display the caller's name on Nick's cell phone.

"There is indeed something! There are some materials and equipment about Dr. Eric. I am also with them, so I want to ask if you can return those equipment and materials to them. Of course you It doesn't matter if you make a backup copy."

Facing the powerful S.H.I.E.L.D., most people can only make compromises.

Nick asked disapprovingly, "Why should we return it to them?"

"If you don't want to offend an alien crown prince and his future princess, then I advise you to stop doing this." Mark walked to the corner and lowered his voice to Nick.

"It seems you know a lot?"

"I know far more than you! Now is not the time to talk about these things. Can you give me a word?" Mark didn't intend to continue the chat.

If you talk a little more, this old slicker will be able to guess some useful information from the chat between them.

In the end, only Mark lost money.

"Yes, but it will take some time. The backup will be returned to you immediately. Of course, the equipment will need to be copied for a while." Nick has already received the message from New Mexico.

And the information gained from these new materials collected.

Everything validates Einstein's Rosen Bridge.If no one has actually seen this Rosen Bridge.

After getting an affirmative answer, Mark hung up the phone on his own initiative.

Mark walked with a gloomy face and returned to the house. Everyone looked at Mark's gloomy face and thought that the negotiation had failed.

Jane's nose was sore, and tears swirled in her eyes, but they were quickly pressed back.The other people are almost in the same mood of disappointment, which they have accumulated over such a long time.This is all their painstaking efforts. Now that it is gone, it will be gone. How can it not be uncomfortable.

Just when the scene was dead silent.

Mark suddenly exclaimed: "Success! Didn't expect it! My eyes are not in place."

Mark gave Thor a look.

Thor came up with a smile and punched Mark on the shoulder.

"The data will be copied as soon as it is finished, and it will be sent over when it is finished. However, it will take a while for those devices to be copied and disassembled, and they will be returned intact at that time. As for your research results, they will not Banned. Of course, the premise is that you can really find the so-called Rosen bridge and apply this technology to practice. But it will take a long time." Mark said, looking at the bridge again. Thor beside him.

Because only Asgardians understand the difficulty of building the Rainbow Bridge and the lengthy technological development.


The land of Asgard is not very big. Compared with other worlds, Asgard is equivalent to a huge island hanging alone in the universe.

When the frost giant's portal was opened above Asgard, countless frost giants jumped directly from the air to the ground.The moment he landed, he brought a large number of ice spikes.

If it weren't for Asgard's soldiers, they would have been ready.Just this round of impact will cause heavy losses, and the formation will be completely destroyed.

Even so, as the frost giant landed in the center of the phalanx, the sharp ice thorns penetrated the solid armor of the Asgardian soldiers, and at the same time penetrated their bodies.

Most of Asgard's warriors have already arrived at the scene, and even Loki, the acting god king, appeared on the battlefield on the eight-legged war horse of the god king Odin himself.

The Eternal Spear in Loki's waving hand ordered: "For Asgard, kill these frost giants. Witness our glory with their blood! Long live Asgard!"

After the words fell, Loki drove his warhorse towards the nearest frost giant, and the spear of eternity in his hand directly penetrated the body of that frost giant.

The frost giant was directly nailed to the ground, and his strong vitality didn't make him die immediately.He kept struggling trying to get rid of the shackles of the eternal gun.

There is no way to change the rules of the Eternal Gun, once declared.No matter how long it takes, no matter what obstacles there are, the Eternal Lance will eventually penetrate the target's body.

This is the weapon of the god king Odin, and it is also the weapon of the law of cause and effect!

Even Loki didn't display the full power of Eternal Strength, but it was more than enough to face some ordinary Frost Giants.

Laufey did not participate in this attack. He wanted these frost giants to test how much power Asgard still had left, and whether God King Odin was hiding behind the scenes and waiting for the right time to strike them all.

After all, when Odin was young, Odin did this, and severely damaged the Frost Giants and other races in the world.

The cunning Odin is not to be trusted at all!This is a view shared by races that have had animosities with Asgard.

The races that are now friendly with Asgard are all races that had a friendly relationship with Asgard back then, or had a neutral relationship.

Loki stretched out his hand, and the Eternal Spear automatically flew away from the dead frost giant's body.Immediately afterwards, it flew towards Loki at an extremely fast speed.

A few frost giants in the middle tried to use their bodies to block the flight of the eternal gun, but in the end it was all futile.

Their bodies were pierced by the spear of eternity almost instantly, and then they fell to the ground.

Loki is like an Innovation with a Fang Tian painted halberd in his hand and a red rabbit and a red horse on his feet.Most of the frost giants were in his hands, and within three rounds they were beheaded.

Even though the soldiers of Asgard were at a slight disadvantage in the team battle, their morale was greatly boosted by the heroic battle of the acting god king.

On the other hand, the Frost Giants sent only a young Frost Giant General, but their king stayed in Jotunheim and did not show up in person.

Morale is almost at its lowest point!

(End of this chapter)

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