Meiman's eldest son of God

Chapter 829 The Frozen World

Chapter 829 The Frozen World
Chapter 848 The Frozen World

Obtaining enough information is far more important than killing the bug in front of you.

There are too many clues surrounding this bug's evolutionary conditions.

Mark began to probe the memory of this bug from the very beginning, but the mental defense of the other party was very strong. I don't know if it was strengthened by these energies here.

After successfully breaking through the opponent's mental defense, Mark's mental attack was like a tiger tank's armor-piercing projectile, while the opponent's defense was like a bean tank.

But even the bug itself doesn't know how to complete the evolution.

These energies strengthened her body by chance and coincidence, making her meet the conditions for evolution. For bugs, to develop towards a stronger aspect, evolution is an instinct.

And the energy just acts as a catalyst.

Mark sighed helplessly and ended her life.

After checking again and again to make sure that there was nothing else left around, Mark disappeared into this space.


new York.

In the peaceful New York City, people come and go as usual, and everyone is busy with their work.

The only thing that can stop them temporarily are those traffic lights.

I don't know what's going on recently, the weather in New York City is always so changeable.

With the sound of thunder, heavy rain fell from the sky. They had already been prepared, and the citizens of New York City raised their umbrellas one after another.

Those unprepared New York City citizens quickly found shelter from the rain.

Everyone is discussing what is going on with the damn weather recently, and at the same time cursing the weather hosts on the TV station, whether they can accurately broadcast the latest weather.

But all this is not as simple as imagined, and it is not a normal weather response.

Not long ago, New York even had a heavy snowfall.

It is hard to imagine that there is still heavy snow in this season. The most important thing is that the sky is still clear one second, and the next second is covered with dark clouds and thunder and lightning.

It doesn't look like a normal thing by any means.

Tony has also been investigating the abnormal weather recently, but he has not found any results.

Thor is like a magic stick, using these small statues to make predictions all day long.Although he is the Thor of Asgard, some simple prediction spells are still easy to use.

As the two most powerful mages (Odin runes) in Asgard, mother and father, it is normal to choose a point as Thor.

For example, predicting the weather is a relatively simple spell.

Asgard's fighters set out to take into account the impact of the weather environment.

The environment of some things is very bad, such as Luo Ji's hometown, if there is a blizzard in that kind of place, it will have a great impact on Asgard's fighters.

Therefore, predicting the weather has become a compulsory course for every leader in Asgard.

"Damn it! According to my spell, it should rain!"

"Thor, are you the god of hammer? Or the god of thunder? Or the god of magic? Why do I remember that in your priesthood, there seems to be no such thing as magic." Tony picked up the Nordic mythology book on the corner of the desk. , Said to Thor mockingly.

Facing his friend's attack, Thor said without showing any weakness: "Your things are all made up by later generations. No matter how human beings know the greatness of God, like me, I am a powerful god who once won the pentathlon. "

As he spoke, Thor proudly folded his hands on his chest, as if he was a little rooster who had just won a victory.

The thunder outside gradually diminished, and Thor walked to the floor-to-ceiling window, watching the rain that was gradually diminishing outside.

He always felt that these lightnings were not normal, at least he couldn't control them.

The current Thor is no longer the god of the hammer.

He has already awakened, and as the power of Thunder God, it is easy to control and execute thunder and lightning, so he does not doubt whether it is because of his own reasons, but suspects that these thunder and lightning are not normal.

Not Asgard or Midgard's Thunderbolt at all.There are certain regions, certain elemental forces, that simply do not heed his call.

But those elements themselves have a will of their own.

When Thor just turned around and was about to start packing up the ceremony he had just arranged, the heavy rain outside turned into a heavy snow.

And this time it wasn't just the heavy snow that came, but also those strong frost giants.

Alarms sounded in the base.

Without even thinking about it, Tony put down his work and put on a battle suit specially for the Frost Giants.

After fighting the Frost Giants once long ago, he developed this special suit to use against creatures from other worlds.

Equipped with incendiary bombs and plasma flamethrowers, it will become the nightmare of those frost giants.

The frost giant who summoned here didn't even know what was going on.

They were in a daze at first, but when they saw the panicked humans, they showed ferocious smiles on their faces.

In their view, these humans are like lambs waiting to be slaughtered, and they can supplement food at any time.

They picked up the mace in their hands, and kept chasing those fleeing humans. Their huge palms grabbed a human, and when they were about to send it to their mouths, a ray pierced through his arm.

"Hey, buddy, didn't you brush your teeth this morning? It seems that your breath is very smelly!" Wade appeared on the street in a pajamas, but his hands were shining with the brilliance of magic.

A few minutes ago, he was living the good life in his rental apartment on the next block.Discussing with my girlfriend what is the name of the baby I want in the future?
However, as the alarm clock in his mind rang crazily, he ended the intimate communication with his beloved girlfriend ahead of time, and rushed to this block in his pajamas.

"So I said that those superheroes didn't show up, how could it be my turn to play? That's where I need to fill in, don't I have a normal life?" Wade said to himself, while constantly The spells released by him attacked the frost giants who captured the humans.

The Iceman also began to realize the threat of this fancy-dressed human being, and the angry Frost Giant reached out to grab Wade.

Wade stood there without dodging. When the Frost Giant's hand grabbed Wade, the spikes of magic burst out from his body.

These spell spikes successfully pierced the frost giant's palm.

Although Wade said it was annoying, he was not procrastinating in actual actions.

"Then you said that if I were young, I would have killed several big guys like you." Wade broke free from the palm of the frost giant. The frost giant roared.

I don't know if it was a coincidence, but with Wade's roar, several missiles flew over from a distance, and the missiles exploded in the air, scattering a lot of flames.

These flames are attached to the bodies of the frost giants, constantly burning their bodies.

How can the frost giant still have time to take care of those damn humans now, they put down the mace in their hands, and kept patting the burning places on their bodies with their palms, trying to extinguish the flames on their bodies in this way.

But this method didn't make the fire smaller, their bodies began to shrink at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Wade looked at Iron Man who fell on the ground and grinned: "The role of Fenghuo is over, now I can go back to accompany my wife, remember next time you let me appear, don't be such a soy-sauce role again. Give me a little drama, I'm quite the character."

Wade, as usual, said a few words in a daze, and then left the scene.

Tony didn't have the time or energy to take care of it. The nagging Wade, he put his attention on the few frost giants in front of him.

Thor also arrived later, and Thor's Hammer in his hand slammed on the bodies of those frost giants that had shrunk.Those ice giants couldn't stop the attack of Thor's Hammer at all, and they were smashed into pieces one by one.

Thor looked up at the sky, and he found a huge crack.This crack cannot be seen from a distance at all, and its existence can only be seen when it is directly below.

"The balance of the Nine Realms has been broken!"

This was the first thought that came to Thor's mind at the time. The beginning of the twilight of the gods began with the chaos of the Nine Realms.

The legend on the human side is that a vicious giant dragon, Ned Hogg, is constantly gnawing on the roots of the world tree.

And there is another story in Asgard, the energy disorder at Ragnarok, which disrupted the stability of Asgard and other worlds.

This is explained in a more scientific way, or this disordered energy is the poisonous dragon Nidhogg.

Human beings are facing three long and severe winters, with violent snowstorms blowing from all directions, freezing the earth, and without sunshine, the world has never been warm. The bitter cold is full of suspicion, conflict, war and malicious domination of the world.

The recent situation in New York is also very similar to the situation described in the book.

Although it is impossible to guarantee that the content in the book is exactly the same as what actually happened, this has explained a lot of problems.

At this time, the once giant wolf girl Hati suddenly appeared on the earth. At this time, the giant wolf girl Hati was dying. She stretched out her hand to try to find help, but Thor appeared in front of her in time and held her back. body of.

"Hurry up and save Leah!" These were the last words of the giant wolf girl Hati before she fainted.

(End of this chapter)

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