Chapter 818
Chapter 837

Mark, who had just returned to the base, was very happy to see the Venusians rising up around him.I don't need to spend so much effort to find these guys.

But who knew that without giving Mark a chance to communicate, those Venusians launched an attack.

Mark grabbed the jar containing the Cowardly Starman and dodged the attacks left and right.

The weapons in these guys' hands are still so simple, but they can't see their bright eyes, as if they have completely lost their minds.

Mark disappeared in a flash and returned to the base. All members of the expedition team have been successfully withdrawn.

The base at this time is quite crowded, but there is no crowding yet.

Mark came to the central control room, looked at the Venusians on the screen and asked, "When did it happen?"

"About half an hour ago, these guys surrounded the base. But at that time there was still a power grid protecting us, so they didn't attack. 15 minutes ago, they successfully broke through the power grid, and we used armor-piercing projectiles to attack, but Little effect," said the expedition leader.

Mark calculated the time, and he didn't believe that Mark was killed. These guys had nothing to do with the cowardly star in his jar.

But I had already searched this guy's head just now.If there is such a protection mechanism, it is impossible for him not to know.

There is only one possibility, that is, there are other more advanced creatures protecting this guy behind his back, but after learning about his own strength, he is afraid.

Choose to use these Venusians as pioneers!as consumption objects.

I have to say that it was really a wishful thinking, but the other party didn't seem to know what he was thinking.Otherwise, these Venusians would never be sent here.

"How are the Venusians in the base doing now?" Mark was worried about the large-scale impact, so he asked.

"The inside of the base has not been affected in any way. When the base was designed, the damage caused by cosmic rays to the human body has been considered, so the core area is made of special materials, and there is no problem at all."

Mark knew this better than them. These things were all done by himself, so Mark raised his hand to stop the captain from continuing to speak.

"Since armor-piercing bullets are ineffective, use electric shock bullets. I don't believe these guys don't have any weaknesses."

Mark hasn't tried any attacks on them in a short period of time, but it can be judged that their bodies have indeed been under great pressure and have become very strong.

Coupled with this harsh environment, acid rain will continue to erode their bodies.If you want to survive this world, you must constantly improve your own defense.

The electric shock bomb prepared in advance is launched.

Mark actually prepared weapons such as electric shock bombs for them, as well as fire bombs and other magical weapons.

Magically enchanted weapons are cheap to manufacture and can be mass-produced, and can be imported from Asgard.

It can also be regarded as the first official trade between Earth and Asgard.It's just that the main traders know the Super Hero Association under Mark's control.

The electric shock bomb mentioned a certain effect. The opponent's body was temporarily paralyzed and the body trembled slightly, which proved everything.

Moreover, the reason why Mark judged that the opponent would be afraid of electric shocks was also the result of judgments from the time when the electric shock net had not been broken before.

If the other party really doesn't ask for an electric shock, it is impossible not to launch an attack when the electric shock net is still complete.

"One more special support is needed!"

Mark opened the portal to Asgard casually, and Mark is one of the few people who has the coordinates of Asgard.

Besides, when they opened it, Odin had already noticed the existence of Mark. He took his son, rode on his eight-legged war horse, and appeared beside the portal.

In the past, Odin would definitely not show such enthusiasm, but now it is different, Mark is his best son-in-law.

Not only his status as a god, but Mark's current potential and his contribution to Asgard's future cannot be ignored.

Anyway, this old face is no longer necessary after I die, so I might as well fight for more benefits for my son while I am alive.

When the elderly are really working for the welfare of future generations, they can do nothing.

Thor's own father was surprised by the changes during this time, but he didn't say much.Everything my dad does has its unique meaning, which has been verified countless times since he was a child.

"Father, I didn't expect to trouble you." Mark really didn't expect Odin to follow.

Odin waved his hand and said to Mark: "I'm an old bone, and it's good to be more active. Have you encountered any troubles again? Just say it! Asgard is your strongest backing."

Mark didn't fully believe what Odin said.

In his heart, Mark didn't believe that his old father-in-law, who could play around with the god of mischief, was much more harmless than he imagined.

"It's just that I encountered a little trouble on Venus, and now I think of Thor to help me a little." Mark directly stated the purpose of this trip.

Thor stretched out his hand and called for his Mjolnir, and after Mjolnir fell into his hand, he excitedly said to Mark, "Go!"

Thor had long wanted to leave Asgard, and he was about to get sick during this time.Being stared at by Odin all day long, with no chance to relax at all, every day is either training or training.

The devil training I had when I was a child was not as scary as it is now.

The explanation and answer given by Odin is because Thor has always been too slack, and has always been too dependent on the weapons in his hands.

So before he left this world, he had to train Tonger to be a qualified Thor.

As a son, Thor can only silently bear the pain that he should bear at this age.

"Venus? What are you doing there?" Odin began to wonder why Mark went there.

"The earth has begun to expand outwards, and the nearest Venus is the best exploration target. First, we must ensure that all nearby planets are not threatened, so that we can develop better." Mark did not hide this from Odin.

Anyway, no matter how the earth develops, it will not threaten Asgard, because it is one in itself, connected by the world tree.

Moreover, Asgard's unique divinity system is also an irreplaceable existence on the earth!
These gods and godheads will exist before the arrival of the twilight of the gods.And even if the twilight of the gods comes, through special methods, they can still retain their god position and divinity.

For example, sacrificing the power of Odin, the god-king, in exchange for the existence of other gods.However, the power of other gods will also be greatly weakened by the appearance of Ragnarok, and they are no longer as powerful as before.

"It is indeed a very good idea. The earth does need to expand outward at this stage. There is no way to guarantee the development of a civilization with only one resource star. However, the contradictions within you must be resolved first. Otherwise, even if it develops, there will be no way to stabilize it." Odina is longer than Mark, of course, this is an opinion raised by a king in a unified country.

Mark knows that the problems on the earth are not just the country, but also the color of the race. These things are not like in Asgard.

Asgard also united everyone through the experience of blood and fire back then, but now there are a large group of people on the earth who are holding back, and they don't want the earth to unite at all, so they have no profit at all.

"We found some former earthlings on Venus. They were transformed and abandoned there, and they reproduced there. I don't know what happened. They seem to be controlled and are attacking our base. We passed After the attack test, it was found that they were relatively weak against electric shocks. So I came to ask Thor, who happened to have been inactive for a long time."

How could Mark not know the situation of his uncle.I have complained to Mark more than once that the water I have recently lit is hot.

Basically, as long as Odin's training for him is over, he will come to Earth and drink a few glasses of alcohol and return home. While drinking, he often complains about the problems he has faced during this time.

Mark can only smile and cater to the complaints of his good friend, what else can he do besides this?

"In that case, Thor, follow along! But solve the trouble there as soon as possible, this afternoon and today." Odin returned on his eight-legged war horse after speaking.

Thor never thought that he would come back for training after a business trip. He turned his attention to Mark for help, but Mark could only spread his hands to express his helplessness.

"Don't look at me, that's your dad, not my dad, and it's you who trained, not my good brother!" Mark gleefully put his arms around Thor's neck and said with a smile on his face.

Facing Mark's schadenfreude, Thor gave up struggling completely, and walked towards the Rainbow Bridge with a ashen face, but he didn't remember until halfway through that Mark could open the portal.

When he turned his head to look at Mark, Mark had already stepped into the portal first. He threw out the Thor's Hammer in his hand, and the handle of Thor's Hammer took him smoothly through the portal.

But as soon as he flew through the portal, he began to regret it.

Thor, who was completely unprepared, happened to hit a huge plate of acid water. Although the acid liquid did not cause fatal damage to his body, of course it was this burning feeling that he would never forget.

(End of this chapter)

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