Meiman's eldest son of God

Chapter 805 Fusion Completed

Chapter 805 Fusion Completed
Chapter 824 Fusion completed

Thor saw the arrow, but it was quite familiar in the end.

When he was carrying the Avengers Medal, he couldn't hold it up high.The Avengers signal spread to all ships, verifying Thor's identity.

Mark has already marked everyone in the Avengers as a friendly unit.

Although he stopped aiming, he was still on guard against the father and son.

Mark's fusion is about to be completed, and huge energy bursts out of Mark's body.

With Mark as the center, a new god was born.

Just by fusing five Infinity Stones (ego stones), Mark now feels that he is omnipotent, and he can do almost anything.

But this feeling of swelling is only fleeting.

This has already experienced this feeling.Although I don't know how long it has passed, but at that time I had just become a hybrid, and my consciousness was still relatively complete.

Although you have to obey the words of the controller, you can also feel your own strength.At that time, I also did a lot of crazy and wrong things.

With the current power, he can clearly feel the core of the three powers coming from outside the ship.

Mark left the Spear of Adun with his own strength, looked at Odin, Hela and Thor standing on the Rainbow Bridge in the universe, Mark greeted them with a smile: "Long time no see ,Father."

Odin also did not expect that it was his son-in-law who became the new god.

Originally, he had thought that as his son-in-law, the future must be immeasurable, but he never thought that he would become a new life in the universe.

"Now you don't need to call me father anymore. You are stronger than the king of the gods, the king of gods!"

Odin actually didn't want to call out that sentence of God King.

But according to the division, Mark belongs to the gods of the earth.This is the rule established by him and the gods under other civilizations.

If he wants to break this rule, it will first affect his own interests.

"We shouldn't need to call it that! This will make our relationship more complicated." Mark said, opening a path to the Spear of Adun.

The three of Odin walked into the Spear of Adun stepping on this newly constructed void road.

"Now you have just gained power, but don't feel inflated because of power, and you will lose yourself in the end!" Odin still reminded him kindly, thinking that his situation at the beginning was not much better.

It's just that as someone who has experienced it, he has an obligation and should remind his son-in-law.

"I understand, but I am not overwhelmed by power. I am very clear about what I am doing now. Let's not talk about these terrible things. Luo Ji is also in the spaceship now. Go and see and talk about it." Talk. I'll adjust myself first." Mark said and disappeared in place.

Not long after, Narud came to Odin with a group of guards.

Narud's standard Asgardian etiquette said to Odin: "Respected Odin, the king of the Nordic gods, I am Narud, the most loyal servant of the master, and I come to welcome you to our flagship Aden. spear."

"This ship is very special. It actually uses a burning star as its energy source. You are a group of lunatics, but you are also a group of geniuses!" Odin can also clearly feel the powerful energy generated by the core of the solar furnace here.

Some gods don't even contain as much energy as the sun's furnace.

"Thank you for your compliment. This is also a very great ark ship. It was originally made to ensure the continuation of civilization. It is a pity that there is only one of the three ships left. The technological ark ship and the armed ark ship, I couldn’t escape from the planet that was destroyed at that time.” Narud also began to recall that period of the past.

"I really want to see the glorious civilization at that time. If possible, the most regrettable thing is that you are not from this universe! If it is a brilliant civilization with such powerful technology, I can't help but know it. Ooh Ding’s early support can provide insight into most of the things in the entire universe. Although it cannot be detailed, it can still be understood, and it is impossible for such a huge alien empire to be completely ignorant.” Odin looked at it and said
"Sure enough, as the master said, you are really omniscient and omnipotent. The great empire at the time has long since been destroyed, and what remains is only these people who are far away from their land except for the glorious history."

"That kid knows me well?" Odin asked.

"Master knows you, your family, and all kinds of things in this universe very well. Even my master knows things you don't understand. To some extent, my master is better than you think. More omniscient and omnipotent. Even the founding god of this world may not know what will happen in the future." Narud is not bragging here, what Mark understands is a universe that spans a higher dimension.

To put it simply, one is the universe in the comics, and the other is the real universe. The real universe created the comic universe.

In Narud's understanding, it is natural that Mark's universe is stronger.

Of course, it is impossible to talk to Odin about these things.

There are some things that can only be understood and cannot be expressed in words. If the other party can understand, then it will be very good.

If you can't understand it, it's all done.

Mark, wearing a new suit, walked to the living room.

This was not originally a living room, but Mark felt that it would be a shame if such a large ship did not have such a living room, at least like a living room for humans, so Mark completed the renovation and became a still living room. It can be regarded as a living room for receiving outsiders.

Odin also put on his own armor and wore a normal suit, just like an ordinary old man in England. Odin smiled and said to Mark: "I think you are more sincere than I thought, just like I thought you were not good at the beginning." Average, but I didn't expect you to have today's achievements!"

"My father praised me. I just did what I should do. But my father should have heard some recent rumors." Mark was also a little embarrassed, worried that Odin would become his enemy after learning about those things.

Odin laughed loudly. He waved his hand and said to Mark: "Others believe me, but I don't believe it. Some things are not told by others, so I have to believe them. I want to see for myself, and I Believe my son-in-law, he is definitely not that kind of person. Since he married my daughter, he will never hurt her, and he and my son have become best friends.

With such a large fleet, it is impossible to just give up.What's more, this is the civilization represented by the fleet, and it is impossible to fall into our universe. What you really want to do is what the nameless god behind you wants to do, and other people are just blocking it.You should be right. "Odin quickly analyzed and came up with a very close answer.

Mark nodded and replied, "I'm right, all of this is controlled by someone behind the scenes."

"Now tell us who is behind the scenes. I will let him know that the king of the Nordic gods cannot be provoked." Odin is not a clay figurine, and his temper is not much better.

I think he was also the one who slaughtered cities and countries at the beginning, but he is not a good man.

"The behind-the-scenes murderer you mentioned has been beheaded by me. If you go to the multiverse to find him, I can help you."

"Good boy, you can even go to the multiverse now. It seems that your ability should be very strong now. If that's the case, then compensate Asgarad for the loss suffered this time." Odin finally revealed his fox tail.

He didn't care about the murderer behind the scenes, and the real culprit was definitely not something he could afford.

This time Asgard encountered simultaneous attacks from so many races, we can know how powerful the murderer is behind the scenes.

And the most important thing is that the vast majority of the attacks this time are religious races!

If this is not obvious, then Odin should really go back and reflect on it. Where did he live for so many years?
Religious races are the easiest group of races to be controlled.Compared with those with many technological developments, their own technological culture is particularly high, and they no longer believe in those so-called gods.

What is more dependent is the development of one's own power, and technology strengthens oneself, so as to accomplish what the gods can do.Many races are continuing this path, constantly advancing.

Of course, it doesn't mean that there are no races that rely on the belief of gods in this universe.

These races have also obtained the power bestowed by the gods, so that they can gain powerful power without developing technology.

It's just that developing itself in this way will also have a huge disadvantage.That is to rely too much on the gods, which will lead to rapid defeat after losing the gods.

Bewitching so many different religions and religious races with different beliefs at the same time, the god behind it must be much stronger than him.

It is precisely because Asgard has its own battles that it has been able to prosper and prosper. If it loses its own Asgard, it will decline very quickly. Even though Asgard has a lot of technology as its basic support.

"Father was joking. But in any case, Asgard has blocked many enemies for us. I will make up for these losses. I hope Asgard can regain its former glory." Mark naturally readily agreed down.

But what people didn't expect was that at this time, Liya, who was sitting next to him, said a little unhappy: "I said, you old man, why are young people starting to watch it now, you don't plan to report false accounts, do you?" ?”

Facing his daughter's ridicule, Odin coughed several times in a row to ease the embarrassment in front of him.

(End of this chapter)

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