Meiman's eldest son of God

Chapter 80 The Beaten Frost Giant

Chapter 80 The Beaten Frost Giant

Chapter 79 The Beaten Frost Giant
Jotunheim declared war on Asgard, and the news soon spread throughout the Nine Realms.In addition to the occlusion of information, Midgard has been protected by a certain bald mage.

In a way, Midgard really is a beautiful otherworldly place.As long as you don't choose to live in New York, you won't encounter too much trouble.

Of course, if you can choose, it is better to choose the Eastern region.

And about Jotunheim.At this time, the frost giants have begun to gather and prepare to pass through Asgard.Although they have been oppressed by Odin for so many years, they still have a large army and labor force.

It can be said that the Frost Giants are still quite a powerful race.

It's just a pity that their weapons and armor can no longer be the same as they were back then.

So I can only choose to use my natural frost ability to fight those heavily armed Asgardian soldiers.

But even so, their combat effectiveness can be equal to that of Asgard's soldiers.

One thing to understand is that Asgardian soldiers, even when they're not serving, exercise regularly.Their combat effectiveness has always remained at the level.

It can be said that the entire Asgard is basically all soldiers, and of course there are some special occupations.For example, wizards can't fully meet the horizontal line standard.

But they can use their own knowledge and skills to exert a stronger combat power than ordinary soldiers.

One can imagine how difficult it was for Odin to conquer these Frost Giants with weapons and equipment.However, the death army owned by the eldest daughter Hela cannot be ignored.

Laufey, the king of the frost giants, was sitting in the main hall. It can be said that the entire power of Jotunheim was used in this battle.What they faced was not the weak Midgards, but the Asgardians who possessed the power of gods.

The frost giants released the monsters sealed in the ice one by one.The monster will be the vanguard of the entire Frost Giants.

They will absorb damage from Asgardian heavy weapons.

Although Jotunheim doesn't have a magical space-time tunnel like the Rainbow Bridge, the wizards of the Frost Giants don't just eat dry food.

Able to open portals to various worlds.It's just that the bigger the portal and the longer it lasts, the more it will consume them.

"My lord, we have assembled thousands of warriors and are on standby. As long as you give an order, we can immediately rush into Asgard and kill all those arrogant guys!" The frost troll general in ice armor He knelt down in front of Lau Fei and said.

Lau Fei walked up to the general and crushed his ice armor with his bare hands.

"This kind of weapon is used to resist the Asgardians, and it is useless." Laufey walked past the general and said to the other frost giants: "What we have to do is to strengthen more power in There is no result in defense above weapons. The place we are fighting is not Jotunheim, but Asgard, where there is not so much cold to maintain your armor."

In the era of Laufey's rule, they didn't need to worry about these things at all. They had the best craftsmen and the most advanced forging technology to create the most powerful armor, but since Odin came here, none of this has changed. up.

Yes, that's right, everything is gone.

The best craftsmen are gone, the mineral resources they have are gone, and even the forging technology has been taken away.

Although it is possible that the craftsmen of Asgard simply look down on this kind of forging technology.After all, there are the most powerful blacksmiths behind them, and the dwarves provide help, but if they can successfully weaken these frost trolls, they have achieved the goal of the Asgardians and the goal of God King Odin.

So now the poor frost troll can't even afford armor.

He also had to accept severe beatings from the two sons of God King Odin, but the crux of the problem was that one of them was the son of the Frost Giant King Laufey himself!

It's okay to be beaten by other people's children, why should I be beaten by my own children?God can't tolerate it!

The next thing to say is, my lord, times have changed.

But even so, there is still no way to contain the frost giant.

How about the artifact being taken away?So what if the crown prince was taken away?As long as the frost giants are not dead, then sooner or later, victory will fall into their hands.

The spirit like Zhao Agui stimulated the brains of the frost giants.

When Thor, the son of the king of gods, appeared in Jotunhal, they knew that the time for their revenge had come, and they could justifiably attack Asgard!
Because even the last invasion was led by another prince of Asgar!

It's a pity that no one knows the secret, and those who know will not tell this kind of thing.


The three warriors of Asgard and Sif were discussing in their lounge at this time.How to bring Thor back from Midgard, and also worried about this coming from Heimdall's surveillance.

However, at the side of Heimdall at this time, the current acting king was standing.

"Your Majesty, what's the matter?" Heimdall asked worriedly as Loki obviously didn't come well.

Seeing Loki approaching step by step with a smile on his face, Heimdall has never felt such pressure.

The Loki in front of him is no longer the idle crown prince before, he is now the legitimate acting king.Heimdall, who had sworn allegiance to the king, could not betray anyone who took over the throne.

Betrayers will be spurned and exiled.

Heimdall did not allow himself to do this.

Loki turned his head and waved his hand to let the two guards who followed him push down. The two guards walked out of the teleportation room of the Rainbow Bridge, which is also the hub to open the Rainbow Bridge.

There are only two keys that can open the Rainbow Bridge, one is the sword in Heimdall's hand, and the other is the eternal gun in the hand of God King Odin.

At this time, both keys are here.

"If Sif and the others are going to Midgard to bring back Loki, let them go." Loki said at the portal of the Rainbow Bridge, looking at the bright galaxy.

The rainbow bridge that is not opened shows the beautiful universe, but the rainbow bridge that is opened shows the rainbow-like light.

"Your Majesty, what does this mean?" Heimdall didn't understand what Loki meant.

"After all, he is my elder brother and also my father's son. My father exiled him because he hoped that he could make a change. Maybe his friends could persuade him to make a change." Loki turned around and said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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