Meiman's eldest son of God

Chapter 795 Believe in the enemy?

Chapter 795 Believe in the enemy?

Chapter 814 Believe in the enemy?
The battle didn't last very long, it only lasted for half an hour before it ended in a hurry.Those onlookers who were watching were not addicted to watching at all. For them, this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to fight!
The next time I want to see such a scene, I don’t know when I will have to wait!

Mark pretended to be seriously injured and fell to the ground, waiting for the company's medical team to lift him away.

After Thanos heard the news, he was naturally very happy, but he also began to worry about Carol.

This guy is a double-edged sword. Although he has the strength to kill the weak Carol, there are those creator gods behind this guy.

If you don't kill him, after the battle, this guy's spearhead will probably turn to himself.

Thanos is now thinking about life after the battle.In his opinion, the current coalition forces are simply sure of winning.

Waiting for myself to tell this news to people all over the earth, it will not be a betrayal by then.

Some people may be very selfless, but they still have their own relatives and friends, and they cannot let those relatives and friends choose to sacrifice unconditionally.

It was never a multiple-choice question in the first place.

What Thanos wants is Mark's ruin, and what Thanos wants is for Mark to become everyone's enemy.

Those guys still choose to support Mark because they don't understand the seriousness of the problem at all, but after they understand the result, they will turn against him.


The Headquarters of the Super Heroes Association.

Mark invited all the remaining members of the Avengers who were still able to act, including Peter Parker.

The only one who didn't arrive at the scene was Steve Rogers, who was attacked on the way he brought it. Steve was now seriously injured and in a coma, so Mark didn't pull him over by force.

"Everyone, I have something to confess to you!" Mark said solemnly to everyone.

Everyone looked at Mark's appearance, wondering what important things Mark was going to say at this time.

"Mark, just tell me if you have anything to say!" Ant-Man Scott said to Mark impatiently.

I don't know the reason, but it's because there have been too many things recently, and he has no time to spare to take care of his daughter, so his temper will be more or less irritable.

"This involves infinity stones and the origin of infinity stones and the origin of the universe. This story will be quite long, and I hope you will listen patiently and pay attention to every detail of yours."

After a short pause, Mark told the story of the Infinity Gems.

Where did the Infinity Stones originate?Infinity gems and why are there infinite gems?What does the Infinity Stone represent?What kind of influence does it have in this universe?
All the questions have been answered in this story. Many people don't understand why Mark knows so much, but when Mark's last answer comes out, they finally understand why Mark knows this.

Mark has won the favor of the owner of the Infinity Stone, the Nemesis.Although Mark didn't directly say the name of that god, everyone already knew it.

"The Nemesis is going to let me take her out of this universe, but her power will not be taken away with her departure, she just wants to go to a new universe with her consciousness. To see a wider world, Just like when we went on a trip, she just went to another different universe. In fact, there is one more thing I have been hiding from you, that is, I am not from this universe at all, and there are many things that I cannot tell you Yes, it's not that I don't believe you, but that telling you will harm you.

This is not a high-sounding reason.Of course, if you forcefully want to know, then be prepared to pay the price.Because those who know this secret must teach the price of knowing this secret.In the eyes of those creator gods, the goddess of nemesis intends to take away the original power belonging to this universe. As the universe collapses and disintegrates, their power will also collapse immediately.

To them, the various civilizations in the universe are just like groups of ants. What they really care about is their own strength and life.Even if the entire universe is destroyed and reincarnated again, as long as they are fine, they will not stop them. Now they are threatened, they are worried about their existence, and a new will is born somewhere.

This is like the replacement of the old and new dynasties. People in the old dynasties are worried that people from the new dynasties will appear, so he can't wait to kill any possibility.Thanos, also known as Thanos.Will be posting this soon, but I don't intend to explain it to everyone.Not everyone deserves to know this news, and not everyone can understand the causal relationship. "Mark suddenly couldn't stop here.

Sure enough, the broadcast in the sky rang, and those who didn't know it thought it was an appointment with Mark.

What kind of harm will Mark's true thoughts and what Mark has done do to this universe?exposed in front of everyone.

If everyone in the Avengers didn't know, they really thought that Mark was going to betray them, but now they are more willing to believe what Mark said than to believe this intruder.

"Mark! I trust you unconditionally. Not only because I am your friend, but also because you are my child's godfather. I trust you, you will never let my child take risks, and your two The kids and your gorgeous wives." Tony knew best of the bunch.

Just because of these Marks, it is impossible to destroy the world. Others don’t know, and he can’t know that Mark has spent the longest time with him. Which one of Mark’s actions is not to promote the progress of mankind, if the final The purpose is to destroy human beings and the universe, so why do they do that? It’s futile?game?

"Mark, we believe in you too."

It was Barton and Natasha who stood up to speak once. They were handed over by Mark, and they knew Mark's character very well.

Sometimes Steve would also come in pushing a wheelchair, and it was Mage Ancient One who pushed Steve.

Steve learned a lot from Master Ancient One, and even knew Jojo's true identity.

"Jojo, you deceived me so badly! Should I call you Jojo or Mark?" Steve complained to Mark.

"You can call it whatever you want!"

Scott put away his previous reply attitude, stretched out his hand and said to Mark: "I believe in you Mark. Regardless of the outcome, you are our comrades in arms. Let us fight side by side together. Drive away these invaders!"

Mark also took the initiative to extend his hand, put it on his palm and said, "Let's fight together and drive away these invaders!"

"Then now! The Avengers assemble!"

The blue A mark lit up again.

In the dark night sky, it shows its appearance.

The restless crowd felt much better when they saw this sign.

The Avengers are on the move!

The first to fly in the front is naturally Tony, who has put on a new battle suit. Tony's new battle now is completely prepared for the black battleship in front of him.

Countless steel nails shot out from his body, these steel nails were deeply added to the surface of the battleship, and with the addition of steel bars, the huge energy contained in the steel bars burst out.

The originally indestructible surface of the battleship was instantly bombed with potholes, but this was only the beginning.

The inner and outer defenses are completely different. The outermost defense has been broken, and the rest only need to use ordinary weapons.

A large number of drones were removed from Tony's back. These small drones really accepted Mark's suggestion to learn how to attack an aircraft carrier.

They were not so much small drones as floating cannons, each of which was controlled by Jarvis.

If Jarvis loses control, Christmas will forcefully replace it, thus ensuring control of the floating cannon!

The small floating cannons continued to attack those blasted gaps. Before the mobile hero arrived, these floating cannons had successfully torn a hole.

The Hercules transport plane continuously transported soldiers of the Marine Corps onto the black battleship.As soldiers, they also heard the broadcast just now, but their task is to obey orders, not to question their own officers.

And compared to Mark, who has been committed to protecting the earth, these invaders are not trustworthy at all, so there is no hesitation in their actions.

Even though there were many casualties and countless members fell, they still did not stop their attack.

Barton shot the detection arrows he had prepared into the interior of the ship, and the sound waves of the detection arrows were responsible for reflecting the distribution of personnel behind the breach.

Natasha and Barton entered the interior wearing simple steel suits.Barton entered one of the rolls, shot several arrows in a row, and accurately hit the target hiding behind the bunker.

Natasha did not show any weakness either, she threw two grenades out of her hands, and the two guys hiding in the bunker were about to escape, but they were shot dead by Natasha.

And throwing these two grenades is just a booby trap created by virtual projection.

"The login point has been cleaned up!" Barton said in the communication channel.

But in the next second, a powerful strange force knocked Barton into the air.

The originally clear signal became blurred.

Everyone only heard Natasha's exclamation!
When everyone rushed into it, what they saw was Hulk, the Hulk bound by chains!
(End of this chapter)

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