Meiman's eldest son of God

Chapter 792 Dark Ebony Throat

Chapter 792 Dark Ebony Throat

Chapter 811 Dark Ebony Throat
For those guys with strong self-esteem, destroying the things he is proud of is the best blow to him.

Gamora is going to take advantage of this to defeat Ebony Maw.

Ebony Maw is now in a panic, and even the spells he usually uses begin to make mistakes.

Ebony Maw was completely unaware of his mistake.Ebony Throat, who is usually calm and calm, now seems to be a lunatic.

"Peter, this guy is crazy now, hurry up." Rocket fired his last missile, looked at the Ebony Maw that was still approaching, and said anxiously.

As a long-range shooter, when faced with the threat of a melee mage, he has no power to fight back.

Although the little raccoon's physical fitness is very strong, stronger than that of ordinary adults, Ebony Maw's body has also been specially strengthened.

Among the five generals of Obsidian, except for the superstar who is determined to die, the physical fitness of the others has been strengthened to varying degrees.

Ordinary things have no way to cause effective damage to them.

Simply put, scraping.

"Okay, Rocket, I've worked very hard. Don't you see that I'm already sweating? If you think this task is easy, then I can entrust it to you! You don't know this guy's Is the spell annoying? I feel that it hurts to open my mouth now, as if my throat was set on fire." Star-Lord kept dodging the magic attack from Ebony Maw, but his mouth was always open. Did not stop.

Ebony Throat was also stimulated by this, and its attacks became even crazier and unscrupulous.

"Shut up, rats and monkeys!" Ebony Throat pointed at the two and cursed.

If it was the past, if I just said it, the other person would never want to speak again.

But that monkey is still nagging.

"Look at what I said? This has no strength! Right? This kind of thing still needs to be handed over to professional people." When Xingjue was talking, the rocket boots under his feet activated and flipped backwards.

Beautifully dodged the attack of the spell.

With the help of stealth equipment, Gamora quietly touched Ebony Maw's side.

Because Ebony Maw is completely insane now, he didn't notice the quietly approaching Gamora at all. Under normal circumstances, through his own mental power, he can completely detect Gamora in the stealth state.

Gamora raised the two daggers in his hand, and pierced deeply into Ebony Maw's back. Ebony Maw turned around with difficulty, looked at Gamora behind him, and saw two spikes like ice crystals in his hands. launch out.

Gamorado's dodge was not timely enough, and he had no weapon in his hand, so there was no way to block the two ice thorns.

At this dangerous moment, Drax stood up and blocked the spikes with his solid chest.

This kind of spike is not an ordinary attack, but the embodiment of the condensed spiritual power.Once attacked by this spike, the mental body will be damaged.

The damage to the mental body is difficult to repair. Without the help of other external forces, the repair time is basically calculated in years.

If the mental strength is a little weak, it may even collapse on the spot, turning into a walking dead, or simply put, turning into a vegetable.

Drax is one of the few top fighters in the universe.Although the head is weak, but the mental strength is not bad.

Especially after his wife and daughter died in that damned massacre, his spiritual power was greatly strengthened.

The first time he was hit, he fell to his knees on the ground, but then he slowly raised his head, pulled out the icy sharp spike with his own hand, gritted his teeth, looked at Ebony Throat and said : "Thanos' lackey, die!"

Drax, who had completely lost his mind, exerted all his strength, and his whole body flew up, rushing towards Ebony Maw.

Although Ebony Maw was seriously injured now, his consciousness was still quite clear, and the few spikes he raised his hand with force appeared again.

But this time, the spikes were not launched as expected.

A pitch-black bullet fell by his side, trapping all persistence by his side.

"Oh, ugly monster, have you forgotten my existence! How about my uncle's weapon?" The little raccoon said while touching the gravity gun he had just obtained.

This thing was just captured during the battle.He also knew why these miscellaneous soldiers still had such good weapons.Sure enough, an upstart is an upstart, even with unusual weapons.

Originally, the weapon that a certain elite miscellaneous soldier saved his whole life to buy was actually donated to the little raccoon in this way.

"Nice job, Rocket." Star-Lord lifted his mask and said as he landed next to Rocket.

In a desperate situation, either it is absolute madness, or it is absolute calm.

Ebony Maw is the latter.

Ebony Maw is not going to use the power from the dark dimension, he has not planned to betray so early, but now it seems.

If I don't use this power again, I will probably die here today.

In desperation, he invoked all the dark forces around him to gather on his body, and the darkness eroded his body.

Distortions began to appear in his originally normal body.

As Dormammu's avatar said before, the existence of the power of darkness is nothing more than a force.

There is no such thing as good and evil.

The ancient one uses the power of the dark dimension to protect the world, while Casillas uses it to destroy the world.

One didn't change at all, and the other became extremely ugly.

This is the best comparison.

As the executor of darkness, Ebony Maw has prepared countless plans for Thanos to destroy civilization. His heart has long been filthy, and he is simply a garbage dump.

Endless evil pollutes this dark power, making it even more disgusting.

The thin body gradually swelled and turned into a strong and strong man.

The power of darkness not only enhanced his spiritual power and magic power, but also strengthened his body.

Ebony Throat knew that his current situation was very bad.If you still hold the spell and refuse to let go, then you will soon be completely killed from the physical level.

So now he must strengthen his body to ensure that he does not fail so quickly.

Looking at the ebony throat that was originally two meters high, it became three meters high in a blink of an eye, and everyone in the Guardians of the Galaxy was surprised.

"Who can tell me? What brand of hormones did this guy take? I think I can give it to my little mice." Xingjue couldn't help but turn his gaze towards the rocket when he said that.

Rocket knew who this guy was talking about, but he didn't say it clearly, so he could only rub his teeth angrily.

And the current situation does not allow them to have a civil war.

"Okay, shut up, Peter. If you open your mouth again, I'll sew your mouth up with a needle." Gamora knew that this was not the time to joke, this might be the most dangerous enemy ever, and it hadn't one.

Even when facing Xingjue's almost perverted father last time, she never felt such a huge pressure.

"I'm Groot!" Groot reported his defensive posture, and the vines on his body thickened a bit.

As the defensive fighter in the team, Groot can clearly feel the threat from the opponent.

"Okay, Groot, I know." Rocket said to the others: "Groot said, this guy is going to release a super big wave, we are now hiding behind Groot."

"What?" Drax asked the rocket before he could react.

The others had already run behind Groot.

Only a loud bang was heard, and the black energy was released in the form of shock waves, destroying all the equipment in the entire space.

A large number of sparks and those unknown liquids splashed around, and some sparks even ignited the unknown liquids on the ground.

Because Drax didn't have time to dodge, his whole body was smashed into the wall. Except for his legs and hands, he was completely sunk into the wall.

"What a big wave!" Drax said, looking like he was about to throw up.

Groot really couldn't stand it anymore, and stretched out his hand, ready to pull him out.But before reaching Drax, a dark sword had already hit Groot's arm.

The dark giant sword cut off Groot's outstretched arm, and Groot also yelled in pain.

Groot tried to restore the growth of his arm, and he said to the rocket beside him in surprise: "I am Groot!"

"What?" Rocket turned his head and loudly reminded his teammates: "Everyone, be careful, that dark energy can inhibit your body's recovery."

"It's late!" The ebony-throated voice sounded again from behind the crowd.

Countless clones appeared behind the Guardians of the Galaxy, and the members of the Guardians of the Galaxy had no way of distinguishing which one was the real body of this guy.

Everyone was attacked to varying degrees, and the dark energy inhibited their physical recovery, and at the same time hurt their spirits.

"It's really exciting!" Xingjue smiled bitterly.He barely supported his body, but in the next second, those clones came towards him.

Instead of using the dark energy again, those clones smashed him to the ground with their fists.

A mouthful of blood gushed out of his mouth, one of the fists just hit his chest, and another punch hit his abdomen.

The ebony throat had already been distorted and let out a strange laugh. Looking at Xingjue who fell to the ground and was seriously injured, he felt relieved.

"Peter!" The other teammates shouted excitedly when they saw that their partner was being bullied.

(End of this chapter)

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