Meiman's eldest son of God

Chapter 786 Battle on the track

Chapter 786 Battle on the track
Chapter 805 Battle on the Tracks

The fighter planes on the earth quickly started, and immediately turned into this huge space battleship and flew over.

The Avengers have already uploaded the battle against this huge space battleship just now.After seeing the video in the World Security Council and other countries, they clearly realized how strong the defense of this huge space battleship is.

Mark is about to send his own fleet to support, but Narud has another bad news, an unidentified fleet is not expecting such an attack.

The fleet that is entangled is very old, and it can be judged from the outer shell that it has been stored for at least several thousand years.

The firepower of these fleets that have just been launched is not as strong as imagined. The reason why they are difficult to deal with is because they charge regardless of the cost.

And there are still a lot of them. It is really hard for Mark to imagine where Thanos found this fleet and launched an attack.

But the number of fleets that might arrive was originally estimated, but I never thought there would be so many.

After all, judging from the movie, apart from the more majestic flagship, there are only a few Chitauri warships left.

In this case, Mark chose to abandon the army and protect the commander.

The Chitauri fleet has been helping Mark and taking the blame that Mark doesn't want to bear.For example, the destruction of a certain small planet, or the looting of a certain resource area.

Upgrades and upgrades in battle after battle have become a force that cannot be ignored in Mark's hands.

But even so, in this case, Mark is very clear that the earth is his foundation.

If the earth falls, the Avengers will also be destroyed, and they will be alone.

I have never had any intersection with the heroes in Europe.

The only people who have some overlap are the British. Of course, it is hard to say whether the British will help themselves at this time, regardless of the cost.

"Narud, activate all the old era aircraft carriers, and let them self-destruct if necessary!"

Mixing two completely different energies together, this powerful energy explosion can devour creatures as powerful as Juggernaut.

Although it is Tassadar's most beloved car and is also a super aircraft carrier, it cannot be ignored that the aircraft carrier of the old era did have such power.

The technicians of the new era are only to save resources, and it is also difficult to replicate the aircraft carrier of the old era.

A lot of things are lost. After leaving his homeland of Ayer, there is a gap in the technological culture that cannot be ignored.

"Master, the old era aircraft carrier has been activated, and the purification beam is also ready at any time, as long as you give an order, you can launch a counterattack."

"With this battle suit, no matter what, the Spear of Adun can't be lost, even if it takes the entire fleet," Mark said.

Narud replied, "Yes!"

The aircraft carrier of the old era ejected countless interceptors, and these small interceptors approached at a fast speed.Those ships that were trying to approach the entire Grand Fleet wanted to intercept them at the outermost level.

The white plasma beams continuously tore apart the hulls of those ships.Many ships were completely torn apart before they approached the large fleet's attack area.

These fragments are affected by the gravity of the earth and are falling towards the surface. Before long, the ground will be attacked by a burst of cosmic garbage.

I am afraid that it is the first time in history to meet a large-scale attack of space junk.

The earth's defense system has no way to intercept such a large amount of cosmic garbage. The most important thing is that these cosmic garbage cannot be completely melted by the atmosphere.

"Artanis, Alarak, I want to ask you one thing. I will give you a fleet to go deep into the rear of the No.1 fleet and directly seize the enemy's flagship. You must find control. Who is the person in the fleet this time? Master The crazy Titan who once gave me a lot of information and information, it is impossible to have so many fleets."

"Don't talk so much nonsense, leave it to me! As for him, he is here to help you command the fleet. I don't want to underestimate our former archbishop. He has a lot of knowledge in this area." Although Alarak He is an arrogant guy, but in front of the facts, he never lied because of his arrogance.

Narud considered the situation at this stage, and then said: "Artanis, then I will hand over the command here to you, and I have some other things to do."

Narud actually prepared something special these days, which he didn't even tell Mark.I wanted to give Mark a surprise, but what I didn't expect was that the plan was too different. These things can't wait for so long, and they will come out now.

mechanical room.

Arthur was lying on a huge instrument at this time, and he was in a good state of mind and remained stable.

Arthur looked at Narud who walked in and said, "Everything is ready and ready to act at any time."

"If you can't bear such a huge amount of calculations, then immediately cut off the connection with the device. The master doesn't want to lose a loyal subordinate like you. You need to understand your own situation." Narud, who controls the console, The whole instrument made a loud noise.

The yellow ray connects Arthur to direct the energy to an unknown place.

The huge core of the sun furnace is shining with abnormal light at this moment.Even under the cover of the shell, this light cannot be concealed.

The light penetrated into every corner of the Spear of Adun, and the Spear of Adun seemed to become a huge arrow of light.

Although the power is not as abnormal as the Cypros, which directly burns a planet into glass, the energy points are not low at all.

A ray of light was emitted from the front of the Spear of Adun, and the transformed energy circuit became the track for emitting this ray.

The light easily penetrated the entire fleet, leaving an obvious gap in the opponent's fleet.

Reached by the light, the genetic fleet instantly evaporated, leaving no wreckage behind.

The powerful power did not make this group of guys retreat, but continued to move forward without hesitation, aiming at the Spear of Adun.

"Start a short-distance jump!" Artanis downloaded the jump command just after the Spear of Adun's attack ended.

Jumping a short distance away, and opening the distance while attacking, the Phoenix fighters and void glow ships that were originally located around moved forward, intercepting those fleets that were trying to approach.

The mechanical room, where the instrument is connected to Arthur's key parts, has been completely fused, and Arthur's consciousness has returned to his body.

"This time the attack was successful!" Narud said to Arthur who had just returned.

Arthur's attack just now is still in an overloaded state, and he recovered a little after a few seconds and said to Narud: "I succeeded!"

Arthur is not a computing-based AI after all.

The overload just now is already the best proof. After this battle is over, he must develop an artificial intelligence that can completely focus on calculations to prevent this kind of damage.

"You succeeded, you eliminated many enemy ships, now you can rest well." Narud gave him a new task.

But Arthur stayed where he was and looked at Narud and said, "I... can continue to fight!"

His speech obviously began to appear sluggish, and Narud also saw the problem, and he said to Arthur: "The most urgent thing for you now is to go to rest quickly, although your current body is fine, but your intelligent personality has begun to emerge Disorder. When the master is away, you must obey my orders."

Arthur's highest order to obey in his heart made him irresistible, and he returned to his lounge obediently. When he lay down on the mechanical table in the lounge, countless mechanical arms began to maintain his body.

But at this time, Arthur's consciousness was still awake. He looked at these moving mechanical arms, connected to the central command room, and watched the scene of the explosion outside.

Everything seems to be taken for granted, but he feels that he should go out and fight side by side with those comrades.


Behind the unknown fleet, Alarak successfully boarded the ship.

He didn't even raise the ship's alarm, walking inside the ship, watching the old passages.

Dust is everywhere here, he shook it with his hands to disperse the dust, and looked at the darkness in the distance with an unkind expression.He felt that there were many things in the darkness in the distance, living things.

This is not at all what a normal ship should look like.

Alarak had just walked a few steps when a group of guys in gray robes appeared in front of him. These guys had different skin colors, but they all had a lot of energy in their bodies.

Alarak could clearly feel that their energy was flowing in their bodies.

These guys are the Eternals living on Saturn's moon, Titan.Because they live on Saturn's moon Titan, they are called Titans.

And the crazy Titans are the deformed children of their family.

They were not completely wiped out by Thanos, and many remained on Titan.

It's just that they have been unable to pose any real threat to Thanos.

This is why they will help Thanos, the guy who destroyed the entire clan and betrayed the clan, it is unknown.

The people of the Eternal Race have extremely strong abilities, and their discovery abilities are different, but they all have one characteristic, that is, they are powerful.At the same time, the long lifespan of the Eternal Race has also helped their abilities improve. As long as they are not particularly useless abilities, they will eventually shine brightly under the accumulation of time.

This is why on the day Thanos was born, everyone regarded him as ominous.The appearance of such a purple deformed child among the ethnic group is really frightening.

(End of this chapter)

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