Meiman's eldest son of God

Chapter 77 The Hurtful Truth

Chapter 77 The Hurtful Truth

Chapter 76 The Hurtful Truth
A few days later, Justin Hammer was formally arrested and charged with treason.Hammer Industries suffered an unprecedented blow, and the stock fell almost to the verge of collapse.

However, at this time, a mysterious force intervened.Hammer Industries also left a little respite.

No one has delved into this mysterious force. Everyone knows who it is, but they haven't exposed it.

Tony Stark once again stood arrogantly in front of the military committee, and Tony slapped everyone severely with his actual actions, proving that the steel armor is far superior to those scrap metal.

In fact, only Tony and Colonel Rhodes knew in their hearts that at the end of the battle, if it wasn't for that, some friends who didn't know where helped them and successfully resolved the crisis.Maybe the last moment is very likely to be seriously injured, or even died.

The faces of several members of the military committee were almost distorted.Especially Senator Stern, because he is the senator who has the most contact with Hammer Industries.

Now that this kind of thing happens, someone must come out to run around, and Senator Stern is the best backer.

But it's a pity that what happened this time didn't completely defeat Stern, and still allowed this guy to stay with his last breath.

But Mark doesn't care about these things. At this time, Mark has returned to New Mexico to start, and continues to start his leisurely vacation.

And the most important thing is that this is still paid vacation.Because both Tony and Nick gave a generous bonus.This bonus will definitely drive most people crazy.

Because he had tried Thor's Hammer once in advance, Thor didn't foolishly rush to Thor's Hammer, which had been protected by S.H.I.E.L.D., to regain his power.

Having lost his father's approval and Hammer's approval, Thor is completely confused now.He had no idea where his future was headed.

He was wondering if it was time for him to accept his fate and live an honest life in Midgard.

Among the apartments rented by the three of Professor Eric, they rented a room with a basement because they considered success here and had to store some things.

Although Thor is an alien prince, there is only one room left in the basement.It should be impossible to get the two ladies and the old man out of the room.Even if they had the heart, Thor would never agree with his arrogance.

But don't think that the basement is just some messy place.

This owner is quite particular about the basement, and the decoration can be said to be quite good, especially in this large basement, there are things like a pool table and a TV.

Thor, who was left alone to participate, came out of the basement, looked at the dry cereal and milk left on the table, and mixed the two together without thinking.

He scooped up a large spoonful of cereal with milk and thought about scenes of his life in Alaska, and scenes of galloping on the battlefields of various worlds.But these things are already like yesterday's yellow flowers, far away from me.

Heart is unwilling, but there is no way.

Tears flowed down without disappointment.

Mark suddenly opened the door at this time.

Thor, who was still crying, hurriedly wiped away his tears.

Mark stood in the entrance and was about to take off his shoes. Looking at Thor's hasty movements, he asked with a wicked smile, "Were you crying just now?"

"No, it's just sand getting into the eyes! This kind of environment is really a bit too harsh, and it's hard to guard against sand or something!" Thor pretended to rub his eyes when he was talking, expressing himself The eyes seem to have really got sand in them.

"Then I advise you not to do this in the end. If you do this, you will only suffer more and more pain." Mark received Thor's side before he remembered another thing: "Where is Sock? Wasn't she with you yesterday?" ?”

"No, it seems that we have to take a step ahead if there is something to do." Thor finally changed the topic of TV, and said with a long breath.


In the treasury of Asgard, mysterious protections from various worlds are collected here, some are genuine and some are fake.Of course, most of them are fakes.

After all, real treasures have impressive abilities, and they are also in the hands of some special people.

But even so, these fakes can play 30% of the power of the real thing.It can be seen how powerful the Asgardian craftsmen who made these fakes are.

Loki walked towards the Winter Box step by step.While in Jotunheim, he discovered some startling facts, but he wasn't sure if they were true.

So after Loki returned to Asgard, he came to the treasure house, trying to find the answer here.

As his hands gripped the Box of Winter.Although the individual has undergone earth-shaking changes, the blue skin has spread to the whole body, and even his own appearance has also undergone a slight change.

Through the reflective floor, Loki couldn't believe that the monster in front of him was himself.The monster that was cast aside and feared in bedtime stories.I am actually one of them.

Now he finally understands why his father... no... that's not his father at all.Why do you always favor Thor so much.

It turns out that there is a reason for all this!
At this time, Odin also walked into the treasure house. Since the last incident, Odin's surveillance of the treasure house has not been dropped for a moment.

He sent the most loyal crow to watch here all the time.But he never thought that it would be his own child who entered here again.

And he seems to have discovered some historical truth!

Loki actually already had the answer in his heart, but he was still a little unwilling. How much he wished to tell from Odin that he was actually cursed, and that he might be affected by some unexplainable reason.

It's a pity that Odin's blunt words completely shattered all these illusions.

"That's right, you are the son of the frost giant, Laufey's son!" Odin, who was about to enter a dormant state, didn't have much strength left.

He could feel that his time was running out little by little, that he didn't have too long to live, but at the same time he had to deal with the seal of his eldest daughter.

"Why! Why!" Loki walked up to Odin and asked.

(End of this chapter)

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