Meiman's eldest son of God

Chapter 760 A new storm has appeared

Chapter 760 A new storm has appeared
Chapter 779 A New Storm Has Appeared

In the blink of an eye, another few weeks passed.

T'Challa honestly sent the vibration gold to New Washington, and Mark didn't directly pocket it. In fact, even if Mark put away these things himself, no one would talk nonsense.

Mark still remembered the unwilling look on T'Challa's face when he handed things over to him.

If Ulysses hadn't been captured alive in time, T'Challa's current throne would definitely be shaken.His cousin, the Leopard, is no one to mess with.

But now Ulysses has nothing to do with that cousin.

His cousin wants to rise again, and he probably doesn't have some special means, otherwise he won't be able to shake T'Challa's throne again.

And according to Mark's estimate, even if that guy finds another chance.It is estimated that it will not be able to threaten T'Challa, who is now rectifying the domestic situation.

Compared with his father's gentle demeanor, the new Black Panther and His Majesty the King act in a very grand style, open and close.

That look of wanting to be a benevolent king through the ages.

No, just kidding.

The only resistance now is the former king, who does not approve of the integration of Wakanda and the world.In fact, it's not that the old king doesn't understand how much benefit Wakanda can bring to Wakanda when it integrates with the world?
But the old king worried that after the people lost this sense of superiority, what else would the citizens of Wakanda have left?
A proud heart is exalted and then destroyed by one's own hands, and the one who destroys by one's own hands will become the enemy of all.

Verbal criticism is new, and the royal status of the T'Challa family will also be shaken.

This matter cannot be done by them.Even if the old king agrees in his heart, T'Challa must not be allowed to do this.

On the other side, the Avengers.

A few weeks is not a matter of time for a lunatic who likes to spend time in the laboratory, and it is normal operation to spend a few months.

In a few weeks, Tony kept improving, looking for a breakthrough point.

Ah, don't get me wrong, he's not researching a new type of armor.Instead, he is preparing an extremely comfortable stroller for his unborn child, which guarantees high technology, automation and safety.

Mark is really too lazy to complain, what is wrong with this guy, but in the end, thinking about it, this is the first time a father will have such a behavior and it is inevitable.

Mark could even imagine that if he really became a father, his situation would probably be worse than him.

But during this period of time, everyone also started to tease Tony.

It is said that after having a child, he began to calm down. Even Nick, who usually doesn't talk and smile very much, came forward this time in person and brought his blessing at the same time.

But facing the blessing of the black corned egg, Tony just couldn't be happy for some reason.

Even if the guy said good things.

It can only be said that people are not good people, so even if they say good things, they don't feel very good.

Although it is indeed not good to look at people with such colored glasses, but a vigilant question arises again, is a marinated egg a human?
When Nick saw Mark, he looked at Mark with resentment.

It seemed that they wanted Mark to give him a reasonable explanation. Both of them tacitly understood it and didn't explain it directly, but both of them actually knew it in their hearts.

Mark whistled to protect himself, completely oblivious to things, and generally just sat and watched.

Nick finally suppressed the evil fire, as if nothing happened.

But this also made him realize that the next time he faces the Avengers, he really can't be as casual as before. He must also make recommendations to the Avengers with their knowledge.

If a similar thing happens again, it is estimated that involving the Security Council will justify disbanding the entire S.H.I.E.L.D.

The reason why S.H.I.E.L.D. is not disbanded now is entirely because S.H.I.E.L.D. is still able to hold on and does not need the World Security Council to spend much money, but the shame is still the face of the World Security Council.

There is no way this can be changed.

There is also good news during this time, the Avengers Tower is ready to move.

Of course, it does not mean that the entire building will be moved directly, but some necessary things will be transferred to New Washington, which has become a fortress for humans to fight against alien invaders anyway.

The transfer of the Avengers Tower is also expected there.

Along with the transfer, there are also the Spear Bureau and the European Association of Superpowers. It is worth mentioning that those people brought by Carter also joined this association. After being violated, they huddled together to keep warm and formed an organization.

But in fact, the strength is the same, and the internal is not very united.

If Mark is willing, he can completely disintegrate this pretentious organization in just a few days.

But for Mark, it's no big deal.

New Washington Superhero Association headquarters.

"Sir, we have detected a large number of biological reactions in Canada. According to the biological detection, it should be Zerg." The people in the investigation department quickly reported the information they had just obtained.

This is a department that has just been established not long ago, and its main duty is to detect the inside and outside of the earth.Any event that may threaten humanity.

"Canada? Hasn't Canada been cleaned up? I remember the last nest, and it has been burned clean."

The chief of the investigation section looked at the report left before, which clearly stated that all the lairs in Canada had been cleaned up.

"Check it again, and confirm the quantity by the way."


"The number of detections is more than 2000, and the number is still rising. 3000...4000...5000, and the number is still rising sharply. The number of reports has exceeded 1."



"Ah, I never thought there would be such a wonderful creature. If you want me to know, that battle will never fail." Dormammu looked at the larvae wriggling on the ground in front of him, showing an infatuated smile .

As long as it can invade this world, as long as it can occupy this world and unite with the most filthy creatures, it will not hesitate.

A huge worm mother crawled out of the nest and looked at Dormammu. The worm mother's eyes were not friendly, even threatening.

Dormammu didn't care about this kind of gaze. Instead, he walked up to her and said, "I will make your child stronger and fulfill your plan, but at the same time, I will occupy this world."

"Pure body measurement, I will do as we agreed in advance." The IQ of the worm mother is not low.

"Naturally, but leave one of you to me, Mark Komnenos. I will kill that fellow with my own hands. If I find that your children are not holding their claws, I will take their claws with my own hands." Chop it off." Dormammu's hatred for Mark has reached the extreme, and he didn't even notice the burning flames on his body.

I don't know how many years I haven't felt such anger. Ever since I merged with the dark dimension, he is the dark dimension, and the dark dimension is him.

This feeling, this feeling of returning to human beings, made him a little obsessed.

The neutered medical transport plane still has quite good quality.Especially in terms of transportation, it is not a little bit stronger than other transport aircraft.

A large amount of supplies, as well as units, were transported to an area in northern Canada where the swarm activity had previously been detected.

Unlike those areas in the past, all the areas in the past were completely barren of grass, or they had been completely corrupted, but this place was like other areas in Canada.

Although it is not thriving, it is also covered by snow.

"Did the people above make a mistake?"

Several patrolling soldiers walked on the snow and looked around, trying to find traces of bugs.

"Stop talking nonsense, hurry up and patrol, the bugs might be lurking underground waiting for us!"

"Hearing the word worm, everyone cheered up again. As a scout, they could live up to now. If they hadn't been vigilant, they would have died a long time ago."

After these scouting teams searched the area several times, they still didn't find any trace of bugs.

But the detectors on the satellite still show that there are a lot of bugs here. Where are those bugs?
The patrol team is still patrolling, but the camp has been attacked.

Those bugs dodged, and the eyes and ears of all patrol teams launched an attack on the camp that had not yet been established.

When all the patrol teams returned, they saw a messy camp, everyone was dead, and the vehicles and equipment were burning in the fire.

The worm seems to have kept the patrol team behind on purpose, just to tell the few people hiding behind that the revenge has begun!

The entire army of thousands of people was wiped out, which was a huge shock to everyone.

In the team this time, there were not only ordinary soldiers, but also superpowers.

Logically speaking, even in the face of a sudden attack by bugs, at least they can hold on for a while and wait for support.

But from the beginning to the end of the battle, according to the reports of those scouts, it only happened in less than 10 minutes.

Thousands of people were wiped out in 10 minutes, and the satellite did not capture any pictures, and everything in that area was in a mess.

Only the satellite's bio-sensing system can detect a large amount of life there.

How those guys escaped the scouts' detection, that is, how they launched a surprise attack on the camp, is still a mystery.

It is precisely because of these things that the army is wary and dare not send troops there casually.

(End of this chapter)

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