Meiman's eldest son of God

Chapter 734 Behind the Darkness Is Light

Chapter 734 Behind the Darkness Is Light
Chapter 753 Behind the Darkness Is Light

"The battle situation is too bad for us, I have to regroup my troops!" Then the entire Avengers Building was purified, and what Mark saw was the city shrouded in black clouds.

Gu Yi also felt the feeling of black clouds overwhelming the city. The whole city was shrouded in dark clouds, which ordinary people couldn't see.Only those who are very sensitive to magic can see a little trace.

"Master, I have to remind you of one thing. Mistress is very dangerous right now, and her mental state is extremely unstable. Mrs. Kerrigan has given her an injection, and she has temporarily fallen into a coma, and now desperately needs your help. " Narud's voice sounded.

Mark frowned and thought that before Peter brought the things to his home, he secretly screamed in his heart.

Naturally, Mark didn't mean to blame Peter, and it wasn't his fault fundamentally.

"Gu Yi, hold on here for a while, I will save people."

People are selfish, at this time Mark chose the one he loves.

Gu Yi understood Mark's thoughts, and immediately said: "Go, I'm here for clothes, don't think that my old bones can't move now."

"Your student, can you resist the darkness?" Mark asked.

"Some can, some can't."

"Then I'll leave it to you." After Mark finished speaking, he opened the portal and returned home.

On the other side of the Avengers Building, the sober Avengers were fully equipped and came to the bottom of the building.They know what they just encountered.

According to Jarvis's video recording, their previous state was very wrong.

"You are?" Scott asked puzzled.

"I am a friend of Mark. I just helped you suppress the darkness and negative emotions in your heart. You have just received an attack from Dormammu, the monarch of the dark dimension. These troops left by Mark are here to clear the entire city of Spiritual plague." Gu Yi said to Scott calmly.

"Can science deal with them?" Tony knew the difference between science and magic, but he wanted to challenge the limits of magic through his own science.

"Parts of science and magic are interlinked. This is like a flame that burns more vigorously when it encounters oxygen! Both are explorations of the nature of things. The difference is that one is for the current material world, and the other is the endless world of the multiverse. "

Although saying this, it feels like the magic has become taller in an instant, but in Tony's eyes, there are traces to follow, which means that the problem can be solved in a scientific way.

"What should I do?" In the face of unfamiliar problems, Tony never hesitated to ask his own questions.

When Gu Yi heard this question, he still had some doubts in his heart, but he saw the Crystal Tower that had just been built on the Avengers Building, and he had a new plan.

Gu Yi knew about these crystal towers built by Mark. These crystal towers not only projected energy fields, but also diffused spirit.

She used her Eye of Agamotto, and sure enough, in the future, she used countless crystal towers to disperse this darkness in the city.

"The most urgent task now is to build a power grid around it, don't ask why." Gu Yi has already seen that in the future, those controlled citizens will start to besiege the Avengers Building.

The grid was built to prevent these citizens from attacking the Avengers Tower.

The Avengers looked at each other in blank dismay. Although they didn't know why the power grid was built, judging from the situation just now, listening to professionals was the best choice.

"Has Jarvis heard? From now on, set up a power grid in the Avengers Building."

"Prepare hypnosis gas at the same time!"

"What exactly are you going to do?" Steve felt the seriousness of the problem, and even needed hypnosis gas?
"Actually, you have faced it just now. Under the control of negative emotions, you have no power to fight back, and you will even be manipulated by them to do things you don't want to do. The situation just now is relatively good, you I didn’t notice that Mark was clearing. If you are aware of the situation, the guy manipulating you behind will definitely make you attack.” Gu Yi no longer needs to continue to explain.

The people present are all human spirits, if you can't understand it at this level, then there is a problem!

"Alright, Jarvis, get me some hypnosis gas."

"Sir, there aren't many chemicals needed for hypnotic gas in the Avengers Building." Jarvis replied in a mechanical voice.

At this time, the voice of Christmas suddenly inserted into the channel, saying to everyone: "I have already started the factory to produce hypnotic gas. The factory's robots will send the hypnotic gas here as soon as possible."

"it is good."


Mark's house.

Mark checked Yrel's body and found that she was not in good health.

When Mark was about to forcibly disperse, a beam of light fell from the sky and enveloped Yrel's body.

The darkness in her body gradually emerged on the surface, and even ordinary people could clearly see that the light was dispelling the darkness in his body.

"What's going on?" Mark thought and looked over at Luo Ji.

As a god, she knows many things that ordinary people don't understand, and Mark can only pin his hopes on Luo Ji.

"I don't know either. But I can feel that this energy is very pure. It never hurt Yrel again."

Thunder and lightning fell from the sky, and the lightning hit Mark's yard just right.

Out of the thunder and lightning came Odin, king of the gods, and his son, Thor.

“Father, isn’t this Mark’s home?”

"Son, I brought you here today to see the wonderful energy in the universe. The power can rival the immortal phoenix. But I didn't expect this power to be chosen by Mark's side. It seems that he is indeed the heaven Chosen Son." Odin never thought that Mark's luck would be so good.

Thor also began to feel sour in his heart. After gradually understanding the power system of the entire universe, he felt more and more weak in his own power.

Especially now that I still need to rely on the hammer to be able to display my strength.

Luo Ji took the initiative to open the door to welcome her father and brother.

"Father, why are you here, Thor?" Loki asked.

"We feel this power descending here, so come and have a look and take us in! Let me explain to you what it is?"

Luo Ji was still wondering what this holy light that fell from the sky was, and now someone came to explain it to her, it was simply amazing.

"Thor, father," Mark said.

"Son, you don't need to worry about her. You are really helping her to see the darkness in her body. Let her absorb this power thoroughly, and she will become a powerhouse second only to me when I was young." Odin Looking at Yrel who was lying on the bed, he said.

Mark is very puzzled, what is this power, and in the Marvel that he knows, it does not exist in this power.

Even if it is the power of the phoenix, it will choose a more powerful host, otherwise the host's body is not good enough, and it will be easily swallowed by this force and become a nutrient.

"There are multiple dimensions in the multiverse, there are always things you don't know. The opposite of darkness is light. The dark dimension is getting stronger and stronger, and so is the light dimension. In the past tens of millions of years, the light dimension has had no owner for a long time .Now that the dark dimension has once again invaded reality, the light dimension also released its own power and chose its own heir. Of course, you don’t have to worry about her physical problems, she is very healthy. But the emotions in the future must be controlled Live. Power will change people, whether it is light or darkness, they will eventually go to the extreme path." Odin couldn't help sighing when he thought of his former girlfriend, the first Phoenix Girl.

Mark naturally knew that whether it was light or darkness, it would degrade people.

This has been verified.

Even though he has lost his eyes, endured the pain caused by the transformation of the devil, the harm caused by the betrayal of relatives, and the betrayal of his childhood sweetheart, he still did not change his innocent heart.

There is also an archbishop who has obtained the power of the Holy Light and obtained salvation, but is gradually going to extremes!

"I understand! I won't let her go to extremes." Mark vowed, his eyes never leaving Yrel.

Odin stretched out his hand and used his thunder power to set up an enchantment in the courtyard.

"Now she is in danger. I have set up an enchantment to ensure her safety. But you must remember that she may not be able to control her power just now, so don't let her try rashly. Go to the dark dimension, the light dimension is not as pure and kind as you imagine." Odin did not forget to warn before leaving.

Mark looked at Odin who was already standing in the rainbow bridge circle and asked, "I have one more thing to ask my father."

"You don't need to ask so many questions. All this is for Thor and Luo Ji. With the help of you and the master of the light dimension in the future, they will definitely be able to protect Asgard and protect themselves. My time has passed Not much more, Ragnarok, even if it doesn't come, my strength has been exhausted. Let go of my authority, I can live another hundred years, but the king of the gods cannot retire in this way. Children, everyone Have your own destination! You and I are the same, but don’t leave regrets in your life.” Odin said as he looked up at the endless universe, as if he had returned to his youth.

And in the next moment, he teleported away from the earth.

Thor stayed, and he also felt the dark power emanating from New York City in the distance. He stayed to solve this dark power.

(End of this chapter)

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