Chapter 718
Chapter 737

The final decisive battle did not take place at the last moment, and the charging of the crystal was still going on.

The green light shining on the tall buildings seemed to tell everyone their determination to get rid of the bugs.

Tired Peter could finally lie down and rest for a while.

Piccolo and Wanda, who had just joined the battlefield not long ago, also felt the cruelty of the real battlefield.

Everyone in the Avengers also completed the most important blow at the critical moment.

As long as this attack is successful, the previous waiting and preparation will not be in vain. The success of the strategy is far more important than the success of one or two battles.

Zemo was also captured under the search of the Marine Corps and sent to the space carrier to await interrogation.

Somewhere in the Atlantic Ocean four hundred nautical miles east of New York City.

The space carrier is stagnant here. Compared with the past, the current space carrier is extremely busy.It's all because of bugs.

A large number of bugs with experimental value were brought to SHIELD's space carrier, and they will become the focus of SHIELD's next biological research.

And a special prison room, in the transparent glass cover, only the worm mother and Mark.

A group of heroes stood outside and watched the situation in the prison room.

"Where is the queen?" Even though the throat cavity has been repaired, the worm mother still uses her spiritual energy to convey her own information.

"She doesn't want to see you, to be precise, she doesn't want to continue to be the Queen of Blades anymore!" Mark said without hiding it.

Now this guy is completely under his control, and he can't make any waves.

If it were another situation, Mark would never say it so directly.

"Impossible, the queen has left an order to eliminate humans." The worm mother naturally did not believe what Mark said.

However, Mark has the queen's psionic wave, which cannot be faked.

"I checked your gene sequence, and I found the gene of a worker bee in it, which means that you are not a creature that was normally hatched through the main hive. The Queen of Blades gave an order to a worker bee to attack humans, and it was a modified worker bee ? Tell me how many times the Queen of Blades has transformed." Mark asked.

This problem is only known to the inside of the worm and a very small number of humans and protoss.

The Queen of Blades changed back to a human form through the Xel'Naga artifact, and then because of saving Jim Raynor, Zerus, the mother star of the original Zerg, became the Queen of Blades again.

In this transformation, the leaders of the original Zerg were also absorbed, and the Queen of Blades appeared more powerful than before.

This is the second transformation.

Later, in order to save the "world", he accepted the "baptism" of Xel'Naga, completed the final evolution, and became a new generation of Xel'Naga. This is the third time.

The decisions made by the Queen of Blades in each period are very different.

This difference arises because of their fundamentally different purposes.

"The queen has ruled the entire universe, but the threat from outside the universe makes the queen feel uneasy, so the queen asked us to come to this world and end it all."

Mark had already obtained the result he wanted, so he didn't continue talking nonsense here.The worm mother looked at Mark who was leaving, and was just about to make a move when the imprisoned chains held her back.

At the same time, the specially developed tranquilizer was also injected at this time.


"Mark, any results?" Nick asked.

Basically everyone put their hopes on Mark, the damage caused by bugs to the world is too great.

Twice in New York City, once in Tokyo, and I don't know where the next time will be.

It is not a surprise to human beings if bugs appear in the corners one day.

"That guy didn't say anything, but don't do research on her brain for the time being, it's better to study those basic things first. I still have something to do, so I'll go first." After Mark put down these words, he went He left the room directly, leaving behind all the heroes looking at each other.

What is the concept of ruling the entire universe?
That is the queen of blades who has entered the third stage and successfully promoted to Nael'naga.

According to Mark's own estimation of the existing strength.Even after he transforms, he may not be able to beat her because he now has all the power to strengthen himself.

In this state, Infinity Gems are excluded.

If you use the power of gems, Mark is confident that you can absolutely crush it.

Saying yes is only part of the problem.

Mark is now unable to determine which universe the other party is in, and the other party seems to have the technology to "jump" the universe.

Although this technology has a great flaw, that is, the creatures sent over cannot be too powerful!But the threat is still very large.

The reason why Mark can judge that the other party cannot be teleported, the powerful creature is judged by the worm mother with the gene of the worker bee.

When the insect mother was in the period of worker bees, it has undergone obvious transformation.If it is not necessary, the worker bee, the unit that contains the most genes, will not be selected for transformation.

During the teleportation process, weak worker bees definitely need much more energy than those large units.

Because it has a large number of genes and variability, it has an absolute advantage in comparison.

When all the clues were placed in front of Mark, they just formed a line.

Throughout the ages, the relics left in the world, the genes left by the bugs, and their forgotten nests.These things can all be explained.

As for whether humans have traveled to this world, it is unknown.

It can be judged from the situation reflected by Nemesis, there is absolutely no such thing.Otherwise, as one of the creator gods, it is impossible for her not to feel it.

On the other hand, the transmission time of the other party is obviously not fixed, otherwise such a large gap would not be possible.

Earth has always been under the protection of the Asgardian gods.At least during the period when the gods of Asgard sheltered the earth, there was no record of a large number of bug invasions.

Since I traveled to the past timeline last time, I saw ancient Asgard.

That is very likely to be the parallel line of my own world, or the past of my own world.

There's no way to prove this, but it's possible.That is to say, at that time, the people of the Protoss also traveled over and wiped out the bugs in this world.

It may be confusing and brain-intensive to look at it this way, but it is actually very easy to understand.

To put it simply, Mark's biggest enemy now is not Thanos, but a swarm from another unknown world.

He has lost the support of infinite gems, and at most he can be regarded as a BOSS who guards the goal in front of the tail king.

If you can master the targeted and timed transmission of insect swarms, collect the resources of the entire universe for large-scale transmission.For this universe, it is a devastating blow.

If the former large forces appear.According to Mark's estimation, not to mention the high ones, it is almost impossible to reverse the corrosion of the universe without the appearance of a great god above the old Odin.

Some people may think that as long as the infinite gem is used, a snap of the fingers can solve the problem, but it also depends on who the gem works on.

The greater the energy and strength of the object, the more power it needs to consume, and the burden on the user is also very huge.

This is a relatively attainable result, unless Mark can make Nemesis sacrifice part of his strength to accomplish this goal.

But this is almost impossible, even if there is a special point on the mark car that can attract Nemesis' attention, it will not sacrifice part of his strength.

The larger the swarm, the greater the price to pay.


Mark, who returned home, was helpless.

Mark looked at the three daughters at home. Mark really didn't want to involve them in this turmoil.

But no matter who Kerrigan is, just by the details of Mark's expression, it can be judged that Mark must be in trouble.

The problems encountered by the swarm have not been completely resolved, and the troubles encountered now must have a lot to do with this matter.

Kerrigan didn't know what she said to the two girls, and left the house with the two little ones. The reason given to Mark was to go shopping, which had not been done for a long time.

But now New York City is in a mess, where is there a supermarket for them to browse...Mark just followed their nonsense and gave them a step.

"Is it something to do with the swarm?" Kerrigan asked, sitting across from Mark.

Mark saw that she had already asked this question, so he didn't continue to hide it and said, "It's a little bit related."

"What's bothering you so much?"

"The other you who don't know which universe it is." Mark confessed.

Kerrigan was also a little surprised. Mark had told her in detail about the parallel universe and the things she would face in the future.Even in the universe where Mark is not, she loves even the bohemian Reno.

Mark then told Kerrigan all about the source of the bug and his own analysis.

After Kerrigan got the news, she was also digesting it quickly.

"If the other party has mastered large-scale teleportation, then there should be their existence in the past, present and future. You can use the time stone to investigate this point. We should have the absolute initiative." Kai Regan has also learned about the existence of those magical powers in this world, especially super-standard things like infinite gems.

"But now it's not in my hands, and Gu Yi suddenly joined the battlefield, which made me feel that something is not right. Logically speaking, even if bugs break into her temple, she will deal with it quietly and boundlessly , instead of letting her apprentices join the battlefield. At the beginning, I didn’t feel that there was anything wrong, but now it seems that I am too young.”

(End of this chapter)

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