Meiman's eldest son of God

Chapter 709 Gin and Coffee

Chapter 709 Gin and Coffee
Chapter 728 Gin and Coffee

"I really don't know what the boss thinks. He actually didn't charge this time, and paid us to save those wastes. Does the boss have money and nowhere to spend it?" Wade, wearing a red mask, held his head in his hands and said arrogantly. explain.

"Wade, shut up for me! If you dare to say one more word, I will sew your mouth shut." Jackman, wearing a white mask, turned his head and said to him.

"Hey, when I get rich someday, I'll fill your head with my own gin. Then throw all your damn tasteless coffee into the Atlantic Ocean. "

Of course they didn't dare to talk to their captain Jackman like this, they could only slander in their hearts.

The other people in the team are much more normal, and they are basically the taciturn type. Facing the tasks assigned by the boss, they only need to complete them.

Several people quickly boarded the Quin-type fighter, and the Quin-type fighter quickly entered the camouflage state and flew towards the destination.

Mark watched the sky twist and fluctuate, and sat down in his seat with confidence, continuing to enjoy the defensive battle.

And on the table behind Mark was a lot of information.

[Wade Winston Wilson.Former Canadian Special Forces.Suffering from a terminal illness, he took the risk and absorbed the gene of the Zerg, and the terminal illness in his body was thus cured.However, the body has not been changed by absorbing the genes of the Zerg, and has obtained a healing ability beyond ordinary people. 】

[Hugh Jackman.Former U.S. Marine Corps soldier.Without any genetic modification, he is very talented.Possesses an almost beast-like sense of smell and perception.Extremely powerful and good at various fighting techniques. 】


On the roof of the building, the Quin-style fighter plane hovered here. Jackman jumped off the fighter plane first, raised the gun in his hand, and looked around vigilantly.

After confirming that there were no enemies around, they slowly put down their weapons, and other members also jumped off the fighter plane after confirming that the ground was safe.

Wade came to the door of the rooftop and kicked open the alloy door that had just been built not long ago.The strong force produced a counterforce, shattering his bones.

But it didn't take long for the shattered bone to heal again, as if nothing had happened.

"Guys, I've opened the door for you."

"Idiot!" Jackman glanced at the gate with footprints, and said cursingly.

Wade didn't say anything, pulled out the double knives on his back, and walked directly into the stairs.

Jackman naturally doesn't like this kind of players who don't obey orders.But there is no way, this is the team assigned by the boss.Even if he is unwilling, he can only bite the bullet and complete this task before applying to the boss to transfer this disobedient guy.

Jackman himself didn't know that it was this guy he didn't like that took his life in this operation.

But these are later stories.

Going down from the rooftop is the floor where the president is located. There was no sound of screaming or fighting here, which made everyone relax a little bit.

Everyone slowly pushed open the door, and the security guards who had been waiting inside for a long time aimed at the gap in the door, and there was a danger that economists might jump out from there at any time.

"Guys, guys, we are not enemies, we are here to help you." Wade said with his hands raised high.

Although it was not a monster but a human being who came out, the security guards did not let down their vigilance because of this, they just aimed at everyone with their weapons, who knows if anyone took the opportunity to make trouble at this time.

"Wade, don't talk nonsense with them here, we have other things to do. Tell them, go to the rooftop to gather." Jackman obviously didn't want to talk nonsense with these hired security guards.

Hand over this troublesome thing to this talkative guy.

Wade was naturally very happy. This was his specialty. He inserted his two knives into the scabbard behind his back, walked slowly towards the security guards and said, "Gentlemen, we are here to help you, your President I have discussed it with our boss, now please wait on the rooftop, and a special plane will take you out of here soon to ensure your safety.

And we're going down now, to save those poor people who are still in dire straits, so can you put down your guns.It really makes me feel very uneasy if you do this, really, it's been a long time since I've been aimed like this with a gun. "

Wade spoke with a smile the whole time, but the security guards felt a little shuddering.

In the end, the security guards looked at each other a few times before putting down their guns.

"A wise move!" After Wade finished speaking, he also turned and left.

I don't know that their original work was charged by the hour, and now wasting a little more time here, for them, it is a big loss of money.

Although it was said that the boss paid for this action, they didn't dare to ask the boss for money.I also know if there will be a year-end bonus after the money is exhausted.

After going down two more floors, there was no danger.

When they were about to go to the next floor, they smelled the smell of blood in the corridor.Although the entire corridor and floor were very quiet, the smell of blood told them that something was not normal.

Jackman took the lead and pulled out the two daggers worn at his waist. These two daggers were made of special alloys and were very sharp.

So far, the boss has not said what alloy it is, and it is strictly forbidden to take these weapons out of the company except for operations.

Wade and several others also drew their weapons.

A few people came to the stairs cautiously, and slowly pushed open the door of the stairs, what they saw was the bloody corridor.Brutal corpses lay here and there in the corridors like abandoned dolls.

These should be the handwriting of those monsters.But the strange thing is that no monsters can be found here.No footprints were left on the ground, which made them feel incredible.

Wade passed Jackman and walked to the front of the team. He closed his eyes and listened carefully, trying to find the specific location of those monsters through his hearing.

As soon as Wade passed the first fork in the road, a monster rushed towards it and opened its mouth wide.Wade didn't open his eyes, but just closed his eyes and swung the knife, splitting the monster in two.

Sometimes seeing is not believing!
Seeing that their companions were killed, the other bugs also ran out of the corner one after another.Fortunately, the ones who came to this floor were nothing more than lightweight zerglings.

For anyone in this team, it can be easily solved.

So no one else planned to join the battlefield, and was going to hand over these bugs to Wade alone.

Without anyone noticing, Wade opened his eyes, and his pupils changed.He could feel his connection to the bugs, but it made him sick.

The bugs looked at Wade's eyes that were exactly the same as their own, and stopped snarling at him, and started to attack other people instead.

Wade watched the bugs pass by him without attacking him, and was stunned for a moment.But the next second he started chasing.

Although the speed of the bug was fast, it couldn't keep up with Wade's temporary burst speed. The golden knife in his hand was extremely sharp, and a bug's two legs were cut off with one swing of the knife.

With another swing of the knife, the head of another bug was also chopped off.

Even under Wade's attack, these bugs didn't attack him, as if ignoring his existence.

This made other people in the team feel strange too.But now is not the time to think about these issues. Seeing the bug getting closer and closer to him, several people also aimed and fired.

There was a burst of gunfire, and the bugs on the entire floor were cleaned up.

"Wade, what happened just now?" Although Jackman didn't like this guy, he wondered why those bugs didn't attack him just now.

"Where do I know, maybe those bugs think I'm very handsome and kind, so they don't want to attack me." Wade actually had a rough guess in his heart, but he didn't dare to tell these things to fight side by side with himself. comrades.

Not everyone can accept the infected. Even in Mark's company, there is one faction who are born with awakened superpowers, and another faction who awakened superpowers after being infected. After receiving gene transplants, they are even more self-contained.

It's just that under Mark's management, Jipai did not oppose each other as imagined, but lived together relatively harmoniously.

While watching Wade not wanting to say anything, Jackman continued to waste time on this aspect. After checking the entire floor, he confirmed that there were no survivors, and he was ready to continue to the next floor.

Their mission is to rescue all the living people in this building, so they have to search each floor one by one to ensure that all the living people are rescued.

The team's intelligence is still a little insufficient, and most of the government personnel who are still alive have been evacuated to the highest level, which is where they met the security guards at the beginning of the day.

Except for those who stayed at the rear of the palace at that time, there was no one else.It is no longer necessary to think about whether those who are responsible for the rear are still alive.

dark place.

Zemo learned of the existence of this special team through the messages from these dead bugs.

Seeing that his goal was not achieved, Zemo no longer ordered the bugs to continue to attack, but ordered them to disperse and attack the surrounding blocks.

Rhodes and Sam, who were flying in the sky for a while, didn't know how to deal with it.

It was like a tower defense game before, as long as you defend an intersection.

Then they will be able to succeed, and now these bugs are scattered like a sky full of stars, and they don't even know which one to chase.

(End of this chapter)

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