Chapter 705

Chapter 724
"Tony, our contact is temporarily suspended now, and my support will arrive near the Avengers Building soon." Mark's voice appeared in Tony's channel.

Tony also understood which was more important, and said, "Okay, I see."

Beams of light appeared on the periphery of the Avengers Building, surrounded by several immortals, and the Thunder Beast that had just rushed into the interior of the Avengers Building.

The Immortal's Phase Fragmentation Cannon easily made several openings in the big guy's body.However, his strong defense ability and recovery ability did not kill him on the spot.

You must know that this is the ultimate unit of the Zerg ground, even in the face of the Thor of the Human Race and the Colossus of the Protoss, it is a very strong existence.

Seeing those golden units appear, Tony also felt a little better, at least his building was saved.

"Nick, go back and support here now, and leave it to me and Artanis." Mark turned and said to Nick and the others.

Nick was not too hypocritical: "Then be careful yourself."

After Nick took his agents, and Steve and Scott left.

Mark looked at Artanis, who was still in a state of silence, and said, "Are you going to continue pretending like this, Archbishop?"

Looking at the fanatics around him, who actively lifted his deep shield, Artanis already understood what they meant.

"Enshrine me!" With Artanis' order, the blue energy was pulled out from the bodies of these fanatics, and gathered towards Artanis in a weird form.

The blue energy formed a hurricane, constantly surrounding Artanis.

In the end, the execution of psionic energy seemed to have completed the fit with Artanis' body and integrated into his body.

A technique that Alarak once gave to Artanis.It was just rejected by Artanis at the time.However, after entering the void, it is already unknown whether this ability will be used.

Mark believes that this archbishop, who is trying to improve his strength by any means, will definitely use this trick.

Compared with the archbishop of his own world, this archbishop cares more about whether his master can survive.If a world has no people of its own, then what is worth saving in this world?
The amount of energy Artanis extracted was not too much, and even if they were pulled from their fanatical bodies, their bodies were not mortally threatened.

Although weak, he can still be teleported back to the ship and save his life.

"You really didn't disappoint me! Artanis!" Mark said.

"Shut up! I don't want to use this trick."

"What are you resisting? We have blood and debts in our hands, but are you going to pretend to be some kind of saint here?" Mark sarcastically ruthlessly.

After all, Artanis did not give up the last bit of conscience in his heart. When using this trick of extracting life energy, the guilt in his heart was still very heavy.

In the final analysis, Mark is for himself, and he will eventually leave this universe. Artanis wants to leave with him, leaving a subordinate who cannot do his best to help him. This is not the right choice.

Why not take advantage of this opportunity to let him recognize himself and the world.

"Tell me, are you willing to give your life for your ideals?" Mark asked to the fanatics behind him.

"When we are needed, we will die for Al!"

This time, what the fanatics shouted was not the Sarnaga in the void, but their former homeland, their inseparable hometown!
"Then! For Al!" Mark put down the C-10 in his hand, and started using the light blade instead.

The green and red light blades lit up again, and the killing was about to begin.

Mark took the lead, opened the shield and rushed to the front, locking on a Hydralisk.

The bone spurs from the Hydralisk hit Mark's shield without causing any damage to Mark, but Mark had already rushed in front of him, the green light blade pierced through its head, and the heavy corpse was pressed against Mark's body , but Mark felt as light as nothing.

Mark flicked it hard, pushing its corpse away, and then several springlings surrounded it, and they were ready to take this opportunity to bite Mark.

But before they opened their mouths, Artanis had already appeared beside Mark. He drew a beautiful arc with himself as the center of the circle. fell to the ground.

"Nice blow!"

Artanis snorted coldly and didn't care what Mark said, looking for the next target just like Mark.

The Banelings suddenly rushed out from the darkness, and two blue beams of energy shot out from Mark's hand, and the Banelings exploded on the spot before they could get close to the high-ranking Templar.

After the high-ranking Templars unleashed the last psionic storm, they chose to merge.

Although this is the final choice of last resort, but now fit is the best choice.

"Unstoppable!" The fused archon can also release a spiritual storm, even more powerful than before they were dispersed.

But you thought it was over?

The binding is not over yet, not only the power is increased than before, but the range is also increased, and their lightning can also provide shields for their allies.

The killing was almost one-sided, the entire underground space was completely cleaned up, and the spiritual storm burned the entire underground space.


Avengers Building.

Tony has replaced it with a whole new set of heavy armor.

The anti-Hulk armor is still temporarily unusable due to the previous transformation.Only this set of heavy armor that has been manufactured before can be used.

However, this can be regarded as the predecessor of the anti-Hulk armor. Although its combat strength is not as good as that of the anti-Hulk armor, it is not much worse, especially because it can carry parts and can be equipped with a large number of heavy weapons.

The two heavy cannons on Tony's shoulders aimed at the cockroaches that had just rushed in, one at a time.

Zemo stood behind the bug and looked at Tony Stark and didn't feel flustered by it. He came here today to declare war.

"Zemo!" Tony yelled.

Zemo looked at him with a smile and said, "Stark, right here. If you can get me, come on!"

Tony was not fully rational from the anger, but was constantly cleaning up the cockroaches on the periphery.

Zemo also cursed inwardly, assuming that Tony was not fooled by him.However, my goal is almost done. If I throw two baits in a row, and even try myself, that plan should have almost succeeded by now.

"Don't let me down again, Lee!" Zemo said in his heart.

The Thunder Beast outside was already covered with scars, and its two front legs had been crushed.There is no way to continue to move. The reason why he can still move a little bit now is entirely dependent on those two strong hind legs.

I'm afraid that the Thunder Beast's performance is obvious to all. Among the several Immortals that were sent over, two of them were temporarily scrapped. Fortunately, the operators among them did not die because of this.

At the critical moment, it was sent back to the Spear of Adun in time, so this battle is not considered a loss.

Abandoned military research room.

This is where the first outbreak of insect infestation occurred.At the beginning, the military researched the bugs recklessly, which led to the infection here, and the entire facility became a hotbed of infection and a paradise for bugs.

After the battle, this place was sealed up, and most of the places have been burned, but there are still very few parts.

Because it was too dangerous, the military personnel also gave up the purification.

But whether it was given up because it was too dangerous, or because it has great research value, only the military knows.

Zemo learned from multiple sources that there may still be a large number of unhatched eggs there, so he is ready for the current plan.

The lurkers quietly ambushed and entered the ground, outstandingly insisted on assassinating all the guards, and the springtails and banelings that fell from the sky did not have any chance for the guards to call the police.

A huge military facility was captured by the swarm in just 5 minutes, and no alarm was triggered, all of which are thanks to Zemo.

Even in this operation, the worm mother herself went into battle, in order to ensure the success of this operation, and at the same time recover those eggs.

The tunnel worm has long been on standby in the nest, ready to drill in here at any time.

As the security doors were broken one after another, after entering the pitch-black underground space, they finally saw the eggs stored here.

After losing the nutrition of the creep, it fell into a low-efficiency dormancy. If the time dragged on for a few more years, these insect eggs would become dead.

Fortunately, there is still time.

As the tunnel worms drilled into this space, they saw a large number of worker bees appearing from it, and they wriggled their bodies to move these eggs into the body of the tunnel worm.

The message received in the brain of Zemo who is not in the Avengers Building: "The eggs have been successfully obtained, and now you can retreat."

"Don't worry, I still have some things to deal with. You'd better make some moves on your side and let them attract them."

"You'd better not play it off."

"You don't need to remind me to be modest, and this time I want half of the eggs." Zemo also opened his own conditions.

"Why do you want so much?" The worm mother obviously didn't want to hand over these things, and he regarded them as his own private property, including Zemo.

"If you still want to continue to have such victories, then listen to me, you can see now how stable the plan I made is."


(End of this chapter)

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