Meiman's eldest son of God

Chapter 695 Contradictions have shifted

Chapter 695 Contradictions have shifted

Chapter 714 Contradictions have shifted
"Tony, what you said is wrong. Anyway, Bucky used to be a hero. He was active on the European battlefield and saved the world from fire and water. Anyway, he is a hero in this world.

Although he is at fault now, we want to ask what happened. There must be a reason for such a hero to degenerate into a criminal.

We cannot directly issue judgments, which is also an irresponsible behavior for him, what do you think?Steve? "

On the surface, Mark was helping Steve.

Steve is also very grateful to Mark for standing up to help him at this time, but he also knows very well that if he really lets Bucky go right now, he will become the sinner who will stand trial instead of Bucky.

He is not alone now, he has no way to do this, he now has his own lover and his own life.

Everyone is selfish, and must make a choice between his lover and his best friend.

"Stop talking so much nonsense, if an apology is useful, then why do you need the law? Even if he is a hero, what he is doing now is a real crime." Tony behaved very aggressively, as if deliberately provoking Steve Same.

Steve looked up at Tony, as if looking at a stranger, trembling slightly with the shield in his hand.

"Is it really going to that point, Tony?" Steve finally asked.

Tony felt a tightness in his chest, a puff of breath, and he might not be able to lift this breath at any time, and then he died.

An emotion called jealousy spread rapidly in Tony's heart.

At the end of the battle, the security team of the World Security Council also rushed into the conference hall, looking at the cruel conference hall, they quickly surrounded Mark, Steve, Tony, and now the fake Bucky.

But these guys are very smart, they didn't aim their guns at the first three people, but aimed their guns at the weak fake Bucky on the ground.

Fake Bucky looked up at the people in front of him and smiled coldly: "Chop off one head, and grow two heads!"

Hydra's iconic quote took everyone by surprise.

Even Mark was astonished. He didn't expect the other party to play so hard, and Bucky was charged with Hydra.

Mark thought about it carefully, and it was indeed the style of that guy Zemo.

Facing his best friend and becoming the enemy he once hated the most, Steve felt extremely painful in his heart.He could only watch helplessly as his friend was taken away by the army of the World Security Council.

His hands were handcuffed with electric shocks, and any struggle would lead to electric shock attacks.He had also felt that pain that pierced his heart.

The matter seems to be over here, but only those who know the inside story know that this is just the beginning.


The convoy escorting the fake Bucky had just crossed the downtown block when it was violently attacked.

More than a dozen vehicles directly blocked the convoy, blocking the road tightly. They ran out of the vehicles, and heavily armed soldiers attacked the convoy.

They even prepared welding torches specially for cutting. With a bang, the iron plate of the rear door of the armored vehicle fell to the ground, and the fake Bucky officially escaped.

Tony, Steve, and others who hadn't gone far quickly turned around and prepared to intercept, but when they arrived at the scene, they only found a mess and corpses lying on the ground.

"It seems that we are late." Mark said, looking at the bodies of the fallen police officers on the ground.

"Look at what he has done? If you can solve that guy, it won't be what it is now. He is no longer the person you know, why are you still obsessed with it?" Tony is really worried about these things now. The most important thing is that he knows that guy is a fake, but he can't say it.

In fact, Tony didn't know. It is estimated that even if he said it, Steve would not believe what he said.

In his heart, he had already regarded the fake as the real Bucky, and it was disguised with various details. It was so flawless that even if he was going to make friends, it would be difficult to find out the problem.

Mark also learned the true identity of the other party through spiritual exploration.If you don't pass this mark, you can't judge it.

Faced with Tony's questioning, Steve bowed his head in embarrassment. He was indeed wrong about this matter.But he really had no choice but to watch his friend die in front of him.

"Then you handed over Zemo to the military and the government? Now you have seen that they are not reliable at all, and you know it very well in your heart, so why did you hand it over?" Mark suddenly inserted at this time inappropriately.

Steve raised his head, completely unaware that Mark would take the opportunity to attack at this time, he even felt that Mark was trying to defuse his embarrassment, so he stood up on purpose.

In fact, this is not the case. When Mark spoke, Tony already knew what kind of wishful thinking Mark was planning.

So Tony immediately fought back and said: "The two are not the same at all. This guy is a deadly threat. That guy is irrational and not that big of a threat at all."

"Then you mean that Bucky broke free from the electric shock handcuffs through his own ability, and then slaughtered all the police officers here?"

"That was not what I meant!"

"Then I think that's what you mean! Bucky came to meet me this time, and Zemo went to rescue me last time. Then we caught the criminal next time. If that criminal even we feel quite tricky , so what? Paying such a high price once, do you have to do it twice or three times? It really disappoints me. Hunting down by my own means, this time I will not let any criminal go unpunished.” Mark didn’t seem to Being on Tony's side and not on Steve's side seemed to offend both parties.

This was completely beyond Tony's expectations, because this item was not included in the original plan, and Tony, who couldn't talk at all, just froze in place.

Like a child who was woken up by the teacher, he had all kinds of reasons in his heart, but he couldn't refute them.

Steve, who was on the same front, comforted Tony and said, "Don't be too sad."

"Sadness doesn't exist, I, Stark, won't be sad for a man at all, what a joke, I will be sad for him!" After Tony finished speaking, he activated his suit and left the scene, leaving only Steve The husband was alone at the scene.


The attack in New York City was known by the next day, and stories about the Winter Soldier were circulating in the streets and alleys.

It seems that someone deliberately leaked this news to let all the people know, and pointed the finger at Steve.

Mark and Tony were picked clean, and Mark and Tony also felt the strong taste of conspiracy in this incident.

"Maybe we can use our affairs to distract the public's attention, and then solve Steve's problem, what do you think?" Mark and Tony had a falling out on the surface, but the private communication did not interruption.

"Okay, but the conflict between the two of us must be as big as possible, so that everyone knows that the attention will be shifted to us. What do you think of a fight in the Avengers Building?"

"It's too trivial to fight or something, so let's destroy two more blocks."

"This is not very good, will it hurt innocent people?"

"Let's be careful, we shouldn't hurt innocent people. But don't make up your own mind, go and buy those shops in advance."

"Do a full set of acting, I won't do such a stupid thing." After Tony finished speaking, he ended the communication.

A few 10 minutes later, Mark appeared downstairs in the Avengers Building, and the battle suit worn by Tony fell from the sky.

Mark stepped forward quickly and punched Tony on the body. Even though Tony was wearing a battle suit, he felt a huge impact, and the whole person flew backwards.

After smashing two pieces of glass in a row, it barely stopped.

Mark rubbed his fist and said, "Let's end it today!"

The passers-by around could also clearly see the battle between the two, and they began to discuss why the two superheroes were fighting.

"Okay, today either you die or I die!" Tony also used the weapons in his shoulders and hands.

A series of bullets and energy beams shot out and landed on the floor where Mark was, but those who had never participated in the battle could not tell that this was acting.

Otherwise, the two of them had a blood feud, and after a lot of back and forth, Mark was accidentally shot in the shoulder, and the blood stained his clothes.

But in fact Mark was not shot, and the red clothes were just blood bags prepared in advance.

Compared with Tony's attack, Mark's attack is really punching to the flesh.

The armor on Tony's body has been damaged in a large area, especially the armor on his face, which has revealed Tony's handsome face.

Passers-by around saw that it was really Tony Stark, and they all took out their mobile phones and started taking pictures, capturing this shocking scene.

The situation of S.H.I.E.L.D. at this time was not much better, and Nick Fury was also surprised by the sudden fight between the two heroes.

Everything happened so suddenly, there was no preparation at all, not even foreplay, and he didn't even receive any information.

He was at a loss as to what had happened this time.He kept scolding the intelligence department under him, but he knew it was useless.He can only place his hope on the intelligence department now, hoping that they can provide a little more updated news.

(End of this chapter)

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