Chapter 687
Chapter 706

Mark felt that this was not a coincidence. If he didn't come sooner or later, he just finished killing his driver friend when he was about to arrive at the scene. This is really abnormal.

It all seemed to challenge Mark.

The most important thing is that this time he didn't kill anyone, but left a cerebral palsy.

It seemed to be ruthlessly mocking Mark's incompetence.

Mark has not encountered such a high IQ crime for a long time.Mark still remembers the last guy.Except that Mark was sure the guy was dead.

When Mark jumped over the third rooftop, he finally saw the fleeing figure. The other party moved very quickly, as if he had been professionally trained.

However, compared to Mark's mobility, that guy's speed is still slower.

When Mark was about to cross the fifth rooftop, gunshots sounded in the distance. When Mark heard the gunshots, the bullets from the sniper rifle had been intercepted by his own shield.

The initial velocity of a general bullet out of the muzzle is 900 meters per second.The speed of sound in air at normal temperature is 340 meters per second, so the speed of the bullet is much faster than the speed of sound.

If the distance exceeds 900 meters, it will be the sound that wins in the end, that is, listening to the gunshot first, and then being hit by the bullet.

After a tumble and landing, Mark raised his head and looked at the black figure in the distance. The other party seemed to have no intention of continuing to escape.

Apparently the opponent had pulled him into a trap, another gunshot sounded, and another bullet was added to Mark's shield.

Immediately afterwards, the gunshots became more and more intense, and they were all the sounds of sniper rifles.

Mark will not be killed by these sniper bullets, but in order to attract the opponent, Mark deliberately pretended to be shot and hid behind a chimney.

The black shadow looked at Mark's hiding figure and grinned. He walked towards Mark slowly, as if victory was already by his side.

"I didn't expect Mark, who was extremely vigilant by Hydra, to be like this. But it really disappointed me." Hei Ying walked over step by step, making a mocking sound.

Mark hid behind the chimney and shouted loudly: "I know the guy who hides and hides, so feel free to say me."

"Who is hiding now? Come out if you have the ability!"

Mark is now hiding in the blind spot of the sniper's field of vision.That's why the snipers stopped shooting.

Mark took out a fragment of the mirror from his pocket, and was about to look through the mirror to see what was going on with the dark figure in the distance, but the mirror he just took out was quickly shattered by a sniper rifle.

It seems that the opponent's preparation is very sufficient, and the sniper is also very good.How big can a small mirror normally used for makeup be?Mark estimated from the gap between the bullet and the sound that the shooter and his location must be at least 500 meters away.

Mark heard the footsteps behind the chimney getting closer, and was ready to attack at any time.

Just a little bit more, Mark was able to launch a raid and successfully capture the opponent alive.

But he didn't expect to stop just like that when he was less than five steps away from his chimney.

In fact, this is a safe distance.According to Sombra's guess, even if Mark wanted to catch him, he would still be attacked by four sniper rifles within the five-step distance.

A little carelessness is likely to lead to the end of his own death, and how long can the personal shield last?
In his opinion, the kind of all-round shield that can block sniper bullets.Being able to block more than a dozen shots is already the limit, and it is impossible to continue to play a role.

Even if there is still some energy, is it guaranteed to continue to persist when facing these four sniper rifles shooting at the same time?
Sombra seemed to have underestimated Mark's strength.

When the other party stopped, Mark also used his spiritual power to detect the surrounding situation and locked the position where the other party was standing.Mark got up and charged, but it was a charge, and it was just a fake move to deceive the opponent.

Four bullets were fired at Mark's position at the same time. Mark jumped out of his original position in a flash, and when he appeared again, he was already on the dark back.

Mark pressed his dagger against Sombra's throat, as if he wanted to threaten Sombra, but Sombra turned his head [-] degrees.

Mechanical head!

"This is a trap!" Mark realized the seriousness of the problem, and swooped out to avoid the robot's self-destruction.

After the explosion, the robot still left its head, and said in an intermittent mechanical voice: "All of this...just...just...beginning...the real good yet to come...just wait! "

After the explosion, the snipers seemed to disappear, as if they had completed their mission.

Mark stood on the rooftop and looked at the garbage on the ground, as well as the intact head, and began to worry.

Who made this, and for what purpose?

After Mark went back, he took this matter out and had a good discussion with Tony.

Tony also felt that something was wrong, and told Mark: "You should stay in the Avengers Building during this time, so don't go out, the other party is obviously coming for you, otherwise, you wouldn't have done it specifically. "

"I can't be a coward, and they can't hurt me!" Mark said confidently.

"Of course I know that they can't hurt you, but the key is that I'm afraid that they will see you and then stay away. At this stage, we need to find out their existence as soon as possible. Whether it's a person or a ghost, we must find something useful. Clue," Tony said.

Mark reached out and touched Tony's forehead, looked at Tony with surprised eyes and said, "Did you upgrade Jarvis? Or did you just get enlightened recently?"

"What are you messing around with?" Tony said, pushing Mark's hand away.

"Since there is no fever or illness, why would you say such nonsense? The other party can't possibly be a ghost, it must be a person! And I will definitely find them, and then I will take out their bodies and give them their ashes. He raised it." Mark is now on the verge of being irritable, and Tony can clearly feel that Mark's state is a bit unstable at this time.

"Although that guy wanted to cause damage to us, we also benefited a lot from it. At least we successfully solved the misunderstanding between the people and the superheroes. I don't think the other party has such good intentions."

Tony also frowned, and said after a while: "You are right, the other party must have some other plan."

"Other purposes?" Mark tried to connect everything together, thinking hard.

But I found that I couldn't find the key point by connecting things together.

Could it be that the key point is where you can't see it?Mark doesn't believe that there is no key point in these things, it's just that he hasn't found this key point until now.

While Mark was still investigating clues, a letter of challenge was sent to the Avengers Building.

It's just that this time the challenger is not Mark, but Iron Man Tony Stark.

"Mr. Stark, are you still satisfied with the gift I gave you two days ago? Believe me, I will continue to prepare an unforgettable gift for you in this life. Come to the coffee shop on the corner, and I will send you a very useful information to let you know How did your parents die that year?" A voice recording made everyone present vigilant.

Mark and Tony looked at each other. Obviously, this guy got the core secrets and planned to use this matter to provoke the relationship within the Avengers.

If Tony really didn't think about this matter, maybe he would be really attracted and confused because of this matter.

However, after Tony learned the truth of the matter, he didn't have such a big mood swing, and he wanted to see what this guy was going to do.

"Don't be in such a hurry, take this thing with you!" Mark said and threw Tony a small shield generator.

Tony found the disc thrown by Mark stuck to his body with a smile and said, "Thanks."

After speaking, Tony got off the elevator and walked straight to the coffee shop on the corner.

Among the coffee shops that followed, there were no customers today.Only a sad-faced barista was there to mix drinks, as if he had already expected the arrival of distinguished guests.

He stood in front of the bar in embarrassment and said to Tony who came in: "This guest, a guest has prepared a gift for me and you, please take a look quickly, time is running out."

The barista's motionless appearance made Tony suspicious.When you approached, you found a bomb strapped to the back of the barista.

After some not-so-thrilling dismantling, Tony finally dismantled the bomb.

At the same time, he also got the so-called truth of the year.

Even after watching the video again, the anger in Tony's heart still couldn't be calmed down.This kind of thing can't be pretended. The black hand hidden in the dark, seeing Tony's angry look, is self-righteous, thinking that his plan has succeeded.

"Do you want to know why all this is? Do you want to know the truth of the matter? Then do as I tell you!" Another recording of the phone call.

This recording is threatening Tony. If he wants to see what happens next, and if he wants to see the real appearance of the murderer, he needs to cooperate obediently.

Mark said into the headset: "Tony, cooperate with him and see what he wants to do?"

On the table in the employee lounge of the coffee shop, there was a thick stack of documents.This document clearly records what Winter Soldier Bucky Barnes did after becoming the Winter Soldier.

When Tony first saw the names of his parents, the anger in Tony's heart finally couldn't hold back. He angrily tore the entire document into pieces, and his photographic memory made it impossible for him to forget the contents of the document.

(End of this chapter)

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