Meiman's eldest son of God

Chapter 683 Anti-Hero Boom

Chapter 683 Anti-Hero Boom

Chapter 702 Anti-Hero Boom
Demonstrations have always been a daily operation in the United States.

If this matter is traced carefully, it can be traced back to the beginning of the founding of the United States.After all, the banner that was held back then was freedom...

Although those anti-hero arguments in the face of the overall situation are not very popular.

But there are always some guys who like to catch all kinds of small things, and then magnify them continuously, and finally lead to the explosion of sight.Just like the incident of black discrimination in the United States, everyone knows it, and everyone knows it very well.

Usually when you encounter this kind of thing, you just turn a blind eye and close one eye at most, and then let the matter ferment on its own in a small area.

But once a key factor appeared in the matter, causing the incident to escalate, everything would be different.

It's like in a deck, you already have the core key card in your hand, and you can play a perfect combo at any time.

The reason for this parade is a matter of superhero law enforcement.

In the eyes of Mark and other superheroes, during that law enforcement process, the superheroes handled it very cautiously, and there was no problem at all.

In the eyes of ordinary people, that is a discrimination, but also a contempt for life.

It happened two days ago, and Sam had just joined the Avengers.Scott is also in the assessment period to join.The two of them cooperated and assigned a new task, which was daily patrol.

Sam served as the main patrol object, and Scott assisted him.

Scott shrinks his body and attaches it to Sam's body. The two of them can be said to cooperate quite tacitly, as if they are old friends who have cooperated for many years.

Solved two robberies.But it also happened in the second robbery.

A group of robbers with black heads rushed into the bank and fired continuously at the bank. Two poor onlookers were shot dead.

In a situation like this, even if the police shot and killed the robbers, it would be very normal.After all, they had guns in their hands.

Even the police who did not have a gun in their hands dared to shoot.In fact, the police have the right to shoot and kill people with any intention and misconduct.

Especially in the land of the United States, they cherish their lives more, and would rather not starve to death than die by themselves.

You know, maybe some guy has a gun in his arms, and then he just draws the gun and shoots.

No one is Yan Shuangying, and he doesn't want to gamble his own life that the opponent's gun has no bullets.After all, such a silly thing, in reality, is simply stupid.

What everyone didn't expect was that the gang of robbers had already made a robbery plan, and their accomplices drove a minivan and crashed into the bank directly.

The passenger car directly blocked the gate of the bank, and at the same time the passenger car was completely sealed off, and he hid a large number of bombs in the passenger car.

The robbers threatened the police outside that if they could not prepare the helicopter within the specified time and wait for them to leave safely, they would detonate the bomb in the passenger car.

According to preliminary estimates, the bomb in the passenger car could blow up the entire bank, not to mention the innocent employees and poor people who received money in the bank.

Immediately after receiving the news, Sam and Scott quietly joined the battlefield.

The only ones who know are the police who are in a stalemate, and ordinary people don't even think that superheroes have been involved in this incident.

Relying on his advantage of being able to shrink, Scott quietly sneaked into the passenger car, preparing to deal with the bombs himself.

When he walked into the interior of the passenger car, he was stunned.A passenger car is full of bombs, and one bomb is connected to another bomb.

If you want to dismantle all of them, you don't know that it will take a year of the monkey!

In desperation, he had no choice but to target the remote control that controls the bomb. As long as the remote control can be destroyed, all these problems can be easily solved.

There was no movement outside for a long time, and the robbers inside also began to panic. They were worried about what the police were doing, so they immediately grabbed a hostage, threatened the police outside and said, "Hurry up, if you If you don't act, I will shoot a hostage right now."

Faced with the demands of the robbers, the police could not continue to remain indifferent.Even if they know there are superheroes in action.

The helicopter that was required to be prepared roared in the sky, and the sisters finally showed joyful smiles on their faces. They seemed to see themselves in Mexico and Canada, enjoying the second half of their wonderful lives.

"Sam, I've dealt with it here!" Scott let out a long breath, and he felt that he was sweating all over his body now.

This is much more difficult than stealing before. Sure enough, being a superhero is not so easy.

Sam who received the news said to several policemen around him: "My buddy has dismantled it, and now the snipers can launch an attack."

The snipers who had been prepared for a long time aimed at the hearts of the robbers. They did not shoot before because they were afraid that the robbers would detonate the bombs before they died.

They were afraid of a detection instrument that was bound to their heart pulse by someone on the robber.At that time, because the robber was shot and killed, causing the bus to explode, it would really be worth the candle.

No matter how small the probability is, no one dares to gamble. This is a battle that will block their future and future.

After several rings in a row, most of the robbers were killed on the spot.Especially the robber holding the remote control was shot in the heart and head at the same time.

The remote control fell to the ground.

However, one robber survived by chance. Realizing that his companion had been killed, he quickly sat in the corner, holding a small submachine gun and aiming at those poor people.

He yelled out through the loudspeaker he carried: "You sons of bitches, if you dare to come in, I will shoot the hostages now."

He knew better than anyone else that it was the best choice for him to threaten these hostages.If he kills these hostages in anger, he will die.

However, his gaze quickly turned to the remote control that fell on the ground. As long as he can grasp the remote control, then hope and the initiative are still in his hands.

He took two hostages as his shield, and walked slowly, preparing to pick up the remote control on the ground.The two hostages didn't dare to resist at all, especially when they were being aimed at by guns. No one wanted this guy to kill himself suddenly.The outside snipers had no way to launch an attack under the hostage's obstruction.

Like the novel, in the movie, a shot goes through the hostage, and then hits the murderer accurately, just imagine it yourself.No one can afford such a big responsibility for accidentally killing a hostage.

The robber was very excited when he got the remote control again.But what he didn't expect was that Scott had been waiting for a long time.

Suddenly zoomed in on Scott directly on his chin, coming along with a dashing uppercut.The sudden appearance of Scott frightened the robber's heart, and he tightly pulled the trigger of the submachine gun with his right hand.

With a full hit of the hook, the bullets also flew randomly in the bank.

A bullet hit a hostage in the shoulder.


Logically speaking, this in itself is a fairly successful rescue plan.Whether it's Scott or Sam, both of them have done a great job.No fatalities were caused.

Although one hostage was still injured, it was still within a controllable range.

But the hostage was only in the rescue process in the hospital. When he died due to excessive blood loss, everyone needed to realize that this matter was not as simple as imagined.

Logically speaking, the failure of the rescue is the hospital's problem, and it should not be attributed to the superheroes at all. However, under the use of people with a heart, all these blames were pinned on the rookies Sam and Scott.

In fact, relying on the resources and advantages in the hands of Mark and Tony, it is entirely possible to suppress the public opinion this time, and even reverse the direction, but the two did not choose to do so.

This is also the reason why two people have no choice. The first aspect is that they want to see the stress resistance of the two newcomers.After all, as a superhero, he must have a certain ability to resist pressure in the face of public opinion.

Don't wait until the enemy has not crushed you, public opinion has already crushed you.

So this is a process that every superhero must go through.

Faced with such external pressure, Sam said that he was heartless, and now he is completely focused on his adopted daughter.

He just wants to see his adopted daughter recover as soon as possible. Fortunately, the news in this regard is kept very well, and it is Stark Industries' private hospital.

No one can affect this innocent little girl.

But Scott was not so relaxed. The sense of responsibility in his heart made him fall into an unprecedented predicament.

Scott himself is a good person, if he is not a good person, he would not do things to attack the company's system in order to expose the black heart of the company, and eventually got jail for this.

In the face of daily abuse and public opinion on the Internet and newspapers, he felt unprecedented pressure.It was something he had never felt before.

Logically speaking, Scott, who has already entered the palace once, should be a thick-skinned person, but in fact he is not.

Scott began to experience mild depression, and Mark did not go to comfort him. This matter can only be comforted once by himself, and that is only one time.

On the other hand, Marx and the others wanted to see who was organizing all this behind the scenes, and if they wanted to beat them, they would beat them to death with one blow, without giving the other party any chance to breathe.

This matter is complicated and complicated, and simple and simple.It all depends on how to deal with it, it's just a matter of one sentence.

(End of this chapter)

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