Meiman's eldest son of God

Chapter 670 Ant-Man

Chapter 670 Ant-Man
Chapter 689 Ant-Man

But doing charity is not as simple as imagined, and not everyone can do charity.To do charity, you must first disclose the direction of funds, and ensure that every sum of money is used where it should be used.

There is no need to worry about this, until now, the guys with black mark money have not ended well.

However, all manufacturers who have worked with Mark know that although Mark seems to be easy-going on the surface, when he actually does business, he is never ambiguous, and he can investigate any flaws to the end.

This also led to no one in Mark's charitable foundation daring to seek personal gain from it.

However, when the water is clear, there are no fish. Everyone understands this truth, especially the paparazzi who are chasing hot news all day long. They keep an eye on this charitable foundation all the time, hoping to find one or two hot spots from it, and then make it public.

They see themselves as pioneers and practitioners of bringing the truth to light, but are really nothing more than a bunch of thieves.

No matter how much one's behavior is whitewashed, no matter what the purpose is, the result is the same.

Because its behavior is already defined!

Even if you steal the remote control that destroys the world and save the whole world, it still doesn't change the fact of the theft.

From a legal point of view, it is the crime of stealing.

But from a moral point of view, you saved the whole world.

According to what Mark knows, the vast majority of paparazzi do not have such a great and noble ideal of saving the world. Even Spider-Man in another timeline can only rely on his selfies to barely survive every day.

Sometimes I have to use my abilities to closely follow news hotspots.


As soon as Mark walked out of the company gate, he felt several eyes staring at him.

If it weren't for attending a nearby charity party, Mark would never go out like this normally.

No way, Mark, the big fat sheep, is too fat.

Especially the charitable foundation established by Mark is really too rich.

The charitable foundation established with Tony might as well make more concessions. The organization that has taken in a lot of Washington orphans also applied to Mark for financial assistance.

Of course, these organizations are also willing to accept the supervision of Mark's charitable foundation.After Mark got into the car, the paparazzi still had no intention of letting Mark go, and they drove closely behind Mark, wanting to find out.

After Mark arrived at the party location, he said a few words to the waiter at the door, and finally walked into the venue.

When the reporters were about to pass with their press cards, the waiter brought a large ticket, and the bodyguards in black suits walked up to the reporters.

"It's these guests who follow us. I suspect that they are plotting against our guests." Facing the accusation of the waiter.

These reporters are also speechless.

Indeed, they followed Mark to come here before, and their so-called press cards are not passports.

It's just that they are basically allowed in charity parties like this, as long as they don't affect the normal activities of the guests.

After all, everyone hopes to make the good deeds they have done public, let everyone know what good deeds they have done, and accept everyone's praise.

But who would have thought that Mark would not play the cards according to the routine, breaking the unspoken rules that everyone has always followed.

"Several, let's go over and have a chat with us!"

Faced with the invitation of these tall and burly bodyguards, several frail reporters had no choice but to follow them and leave honestly.Really, by the time the police arrive here, I guess I have almost been destroyed by the other party.

Standing behind these bodyguards are the rich people who participated in the meeting today. In this world where money can make ghosts go round, money can really do whatever they want.

Not to mention a few of their little reporters, even if their boss came, they would have to keep a low voice.

Mark stood by the floor-to-ceiling windows and watched the situation outside, smiling without saying a word.

"Mr. Komnenos, I don't know what made you so happy?" The representative of the organizer walked up to Mark and asked with concern.

"It's just that I got rid of a few paparazzi who didn't know what to do. I hope you can be clear about what kind of people are behind this charitable foundation? I don't need to say more about it!" Mark stopped, Didn't make it clear.

But in this troubled time, everyone knows that in the entire United be precise, in the entire world, people with super powers are naturally the most popular.

The last time it was so popular was when the Superhero Academy was just established.

"That's natural. We also hope that those children can live a comfortable and stable life. We know what money should be moved and what money should not be moved, and the handling fee you gave us is enough. If someone's claws are stretched out below, We will absolutely not tolerate it.”

"Whether you are convinced or not, anyway, I only know that there are a few oil barrels missing under the seabed near Liberty Island recently."

Putting people into oil drums and then filling them with cement first appeared in Tokyo Bay, Japan. With the popularity of this simple and crude method, Americans quickly learned this method.

With the voice of the host on the stage, the charity party officially started, and Mark also knew that now was not the time for him to continue chatting here.Holding a glass of wine, he walked slowly towards the podium.

After the party, Mark went home normally, ending a busy day.

It's not that Mark has so much money that he has no place to spend it, it's just that Mark used the money where it should be used.If something like that is there, it's just a bunch of numbers. If you use it correctly, it will become your own attention.

Just spending a little money can give superpowers and superheroes enough prestige in this world, and Mark thinks this is also a very good choice.

And those children were indeed taken care of.

On the seaside road, Mark stepped on the gas pedal to the bottom, racing wildly to his heart's content.

There are usually no people on this road.Because this road only leads to the seaside villa area, but the people who buy seaside villas are unusually rich people.

Although the nearby area was not blocked, ordinary pedestrians would not come here.

But a figure suddenly appeared in front of Marco, just bumped into Mark's sports car.The figure was knocked into the air for a long distance, rolled several times on the ground, and barely stopped.

Mark stopped immediately, opened the hood, took out the medical kit, and rushed in front of the figure.

After Mark saw the person who was hit clearly, Mark was also surprised.

"Ant-Man!" Mark recognized it immediately, quickly opened the medical device, and took out a feed from it.

He took off the other party's helmet, exposing his neck, and inserted the needle into the other party's neck. Mark really had no choice but to take off the other party's clothes, and this suit was a custom-made one.

The feeding fluid quickly repaired the body of Scott Lang who was hit, and he woke up not long after, taking a deep breath.

What Mark can confirm is that this is definitely not an injury caused by the impact.

"Thank you, buddy. Although I don't know who you are, thank you very much. I have to get out of here first." Steck immediately recognized Mark's identity, but he was a thief.

He didn't dare to stay here any longer, for fear of being caught by this superhero.

After all, the suit I stole now is quite advanced, and it completely falls into the category of superpower crimes.

"Then how can I let you go like this? If there are any sequelae, it will still have a great impact on my reputation. How about this, I will send you to the hospital for a good examination. If there is nothing wrong, then you will You can go." Mark saw that he would be able to get in touch with Pym particles, how could he give up so easily.

So far, even the infinite gems are not a problem for Mark, but with the exception of Pym particles, Mark really has nothing to do.

In this world, the only one who knows how to make Pym particles is the old and cunning doctor, Henry Jonathan Pym, the first generation of Ant-Man.

Mark was going to take himself to the hospital, and Steck felt that his soul was about to be frightened and lost.He immediately pushed away Mark Union and refused, saying, "No, no, I'm really fine. I can leave now, don't believe me."

As soon as the pronunciation fell, Steck quickly stood up, ready to leave this land of right and wrong.

However, the dose of the feeding solution injected by Mark just now was not very large, and the core of the treatment was the heart, such an important organ, so the superficial injuries were not repaired.

It was hit by such a fast speed, and there were no other problems in the body, so it was a ghost!Especially the legs, which were broken after being hit, are still in the process of repairing.

The feeding effect has gradually disappeared, and it is almost impossible to recover in a short time.

"What's wrong with my legs?" Steck is just a habitual offender, and he has never encountered such a thing.

Mark scratched his hair in embarrassment, and said to him: "I accidentally drove too fast just now, and then you understand. Now it seems that you are really serious, so let me send you to my private Hospital for treatment. How about we turn it into a small matter? After all, I hit someone with a car. If this matter is publicized, it will still have a great impact on my reputation."

Mark deliberately gave the other party a step to get off the mark. It can be seen that the other party clearly recognized his identity.From the other party's eagerness to leave here is enough to explain everything.

After all, if a normal person is not guilty of being a thief, facing himself being bumped, he must talk to the other party properly.

Where would it be like this, as if a mouse met a cat.

(End of this chapter)

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