Meiman's eldest son of God

Chapter 66 A chapter of the author who hit the street

Chapter 66

Some words can't be said quickly.The first is the problem of typos. Some people say that I don’t check them myself. It’s not that I don’t check them. It’s just that I have subconsciously ignored (blind) the habit of skipping words developed over the years.But a reader suggested it, so I changed it.

Let's not talk about typos.

The second is the question about Eamon and super wage earners.I didn’t like super wage earners before. If you don’t believe me, read my other books. All systems are tools.

But why bother!Because of Goldfinger.It would be as if Mark was traveling through Marvel with the Golden Fleet in the first place... then stop playing.Thanos!Come out hi.In the final analysis, Amon is just a tool man to me.Then someone took this point and started spraying.I understand those who spray books with poison, but those who start to scold the author directly, what kind of mentality.I don't understand and don't want to understand.Maybe you will say, you find other reasons!
yes!There is some other reason, but!but!but!I can't figure it out, for one setting to fulfill one setting, I will be scolded when the time comes...

If I want to complain, I will always find a reason to complain, just like someone private messaged me saying why the name of my protagonist is the same as the name of a protagonist who is also a Marvel novel (Mark) What can I say!Perhaps this is Xiaomi's fate!
To be honest, I am not a pure author.In the past, the update was [-] words a day, adding more depends on the mood.I don't ask for tickets and collections very much, and even subscribe, it's just random.

My biggest motivation is your I will read everyone's messages, and most of them I will reply.

It’s as if I’m in the group and I’ll answer when someone asks me. I hope to meet more friends through my book, not simply the relationship between businessmen and customers.

Even a vote I initiated in the group made me delete nearly 10 words of saved manuscripts.Because they want the characters in the book to live.

Of course, the premise is that it does not affect my own outline.

The next step is to put it on the shelves... Everyone knows it in their hearts, so I won't talk about it.The young author needs to work hard to get money, and if he really likes a book, he will read it.

My head still hurts when I do this.It's better to lie down, I don't know if it's a blood pressure problem.After saying these words, I felt much more comfortable.

Those who love will be there, those who don't love please leave.If you insist on personal attacks, you will be banned forever.

Thank you to those friends who left messages and friends who voted for recommendations and rewards.I see your support.I will not owe you what should be added.

Of course, if I don’t feel well recently, I will update at the lowest level, probably one or two chapters, and I owe it first.As for reminders and paddling, you can find me in the comment area!Old Zei like Fu Jian really likes paddling.

spread!Let me count your votes!

(End of this chapter)

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