Meiman's eldest son of God

Chapter 624 Raid on Normandy

Chapter 624 Raid on Normandy

Chapter 623 Raid on Normandy

And such an important turning point, a place that no one can ignore.Operation Code-named Overlord revolves around this land.

Because of the early appearance of super soldiers, this operation was brought forward.

As the captain, Steve Rogers led the Roaring Commando, which had just been formed, and became the main force of this operation.

But only those who know the inside story know that Steve is not the main force of this operation at all, and the ghost hidden in the dark is the real killer of this operation.

At the beginning of Operation Overlord, it was indeed to seize Normandy and open up battlefields and outposts to counterattack the European continent.

However, as events gradually changed, this operation began to evolve gradually, and the tactics of beheading senior German officers in the Normandy area were carried out.

It is obviously not suitable for this kind of special operation to be handed over to Steve's Howling Commando.But Mark, who has been hiding in the dark, is very suitable for this operation.

The Allied forces deliberately leaked the news in advance to let the German army know that nearly 300 million soldiers were preparing to cross the English Channel to Normandy, France.

After getting the news, the Germans also acted quickly, relying on their technological advantages, and immediately established a solid line of defense in Normandy.

Although some people in Germany are also worried about whether the Allied forces are deceiving themselves, and now Germany has few resources on hand.

But facing the attack of 300 million people, no one dared to take the risk!Should this be true, the troops in Normandy, without any defenses, would be wiped out.

However, the German army also made second-hand preparations. If no one attacked in Normandy, they would cross the English Channel and point directly at the British mainland.

For this reason, Mustache asked the Hydra force to come to Normandy to prevent this position from falling.It can be seen that Mustache attaches great importance to this land.

Once it is successfully contributed by the Allied Forces, it will become an outpost of the Allied Forces, and it will not be so easy to regain it.

6 o'clock in the morning.

As the first artillery shell landed and exploded, the sirens continued to echo along the coast, and more than a dozen fighter planes roared past in the sky, with one heavy aerial bomb after another overhead.

The defensive offensive built of reinforced concrete on the ground is also quite fragile in the face of these aerial bombs. Several passages and bunkers were easily blown up by aerial bombs.

However, the anti-aircraft guns on the ground also smashed these bombers to pieces, and only two planes returned safely in the end.More than half of the planes crashed, and the rest were unable to fly again.

This was just the first round of tentative bombing. Without knowing how intensive the opponent's anti-aircraft firepower was, it would be a deadly move to dispatch all the fighters rashly.

It is impossible for the current commander to take risks with so many pilots and fighter planes, so this bombing team was dispatched.

If it can be seen from the opponent's counterattack, the opponent's air defense is fierce.

If there is no way to take down the air defense stronghold through the people on the ground, sending fighter planes up is simply exchanging battle damage.

Using noble aviation and aircraft to exchange those ordinary soldiers and bunkers who don't need money is simply a loss-making business, and it is still a loss-making business.

However, the resistance of this operation is not the same, Naval Aviation.Not to mention those navies that fire naval guns on ships.

This time the main force is the army responsible for the landing operations.

Assault landing craft rushed towards the beach one after another, and the huge steel armor became an obstacle to stop these assault craft.

The original assault boats could go to the beach and then stop, but now because of the steel barricades and mines, they couldn't get close to the beach at all, so the marines on it could only disembark and cross the water to attack.

However, facing the ferocious firepower of the German army and the intensive firepower, the beach quickly became a place of death.The blood stained the beach and the surrounding sea red, and the corpses were floating on the surface of the sea. Many people could only hold the corpses of their companions as their own shelters.

The wreckage that floats down from the sky from time to time warns the soldiers hiding behind the bunkers that you are not safe even in the sky.

As an elite squad, the Roaring Commandos had tough tasks, but they were treated with the best.Escorted by a dozen fighter jets, they forced their way through the German positions on the beach.

Then came the airborne raid.

Blossoming umbrella flowers appeared in the sky. They were not fighting alone, and they were accompanied by other allied troops.

On the other side, the ghosts crossed the beach and entered the tunnels of the bunkers from the edge of the battlefield. These tunnels connecting the bunkers are very narrow, which is very suitable for teams like Mark and his team to fight.

Moreover, each of Mark and the others is equipped with a muffler, which basically does not cause him much movement.

Even with the illumination of oil lamps, the dim tunnel is not so clear, especially since Mark and others have changed into German uniforms.

From a distance, it did not arouse the suspicion of the German army at all. When they approached, the German army had no time to react.

Daggers and bayonets easily took their lives, and they went to see God without making a sound.

After clearing one tunnel after another, Mark and the others finally found the map of the nearest command room.

The complex tunnel is like a maze. If Mark and the others are really allowed to go, it is estimated that the location of the opponent's command room may not be found after the end of the battle, so this map is very important.

"Captain, if we want to go here, we have to go through at least three positions and four bunkers. Do we want to..." The team member made a gesture of wiping his neck.

Mark shook his head and said: "As ghosts, what we have to do is to be silent and not let the other party know that we have been here, you know?"

"But..." The team members looked at the German soldiers lying on the ground, not knowing what to say.

Mark's face has already been trained to perfection, and he is not afraid of the other party's gaze at all, Mark coughed slightly and said to them: "I said that as long as we don't be known, it's fine, dead people can't talk about it. Alright, move on, Target Command."

Facing Mark's explanation, everyone didn't dare to say anything more, and no one wanted to offend their own eyebrows at him.I have not forgotten the things I taught myself by comparison, and no one dares to take risks with myself.

They would rather be pierced by the enemy bullets on the battlefield than accept the hospitality of their captain.

Passing through the tunnels did not cause much commotion. The people in the three positions watched the German troops retreat, thinking that they were performing some special mission, and did not intercept them too much.

However, when passing through the four bunkers, the people in the bunkers were going to be strictly censored, and Mark killed all the people in the bunkers without stopping.

During the battle, Mark was the quickest and most ruthless striker, which made the other team members sigh. Mark just said not to cause too much noise, and now he will kill everyone.

That's Kang's infiltration method!
However, when they arrived at the command room, Mark's people did not see the guards standing outside the command room who should be looking directly at them, and they also heard the sound of ping-pong-pong fighting from the command room.

Mark's people hurried to the command room, and the battle in the command room was over.

The soldiers in the command room, also wearing German uniforms, pointed their guns at Mark and others who had just rushed in.



It was unexpected for both Mark and Steve to meet here in this way.

Although it was a bit unexpected, it was better than the enemy breaking in.

"Why did you come here? Shouldn't you be destroying the enemy's bunker now?" Mark really didn't understand why he ran into Steve and his party when he returned here.

According to the original plan, the two parties were divided into two groups.Definitely won't touch the top here.

"We also received the news, so we rushed here. The Germans are about to release their big killers on the battlefield! It is said that they are reformed fighters like me, and there are quite a few of them. I just wanted to stop these guys from The information was passed on, but it was still a step late when it came." Steve said with some annoyance.

Mark looked at the defunct radio station and the documents left on the ground and said: "This incident has exceeded our original expectations, and now we have to hurry up with the team to inform them of this incident, how about it! Steve, you take People will go to inform first, I will take my people to intercept these so-called big killers, and see if I can buy enough time for you."

Faced with Mark's request, Steve was not persistent, and after saying a word of caution, he led the people back.

After Steve and his party left, Mark said to the crowd with an ugly face: "Now we are going to use all the resources in our hands to prepare for the battle. Although we don't know which line the opponent will attack from, the command room here is lost." According to the news, the other party will definitely come over and clean it up, so now we have to use all the things that can be used in the bunker."

Everyone understood that this was an uphill battle, and it was completely different from the previous Kang-style infiltration, and now they were really fighting for their lives.

Mark walked out of the bunker and began to prepare some mouse traps in the tunnel.These mousetraps are internal slang for triggering traps.

Once the opponent triggers it, it's like a mouse has stepped on the trap, and there is no way to escape.

Mark set it fairly quickly. In less than 5 minutes, the three tunnels leading here were completely blocked.

There is a perspective eye on the opposite side of the trigger, otherwise you don't want to see the trap that Mark is preventing here.

Boom!As soon as Mark returned to the command room, he heard the explosion of Tunnel No. [-]. Mark glanced at the situation outside through the window of the iron gate.It was found that the No. [-] tunnel had been bombed and collapsed.

(End of this chapter)

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