Meiman's eldest son of God

Chapter 617 Greed is the original sin

Chapter 617 Greed is the original sin

Chapter 616 Greed is the Original Sin
As a superhero superpower, the Red Skull is not a universal standard.The upper limit is nothing but the age of human limits.In this era, one is not omnipotent, one will still die in the face of explosions and natural disasters, and although the lifespan increases, it will eventually come to an end.

All kinds of things are restricting this ambitious villain.

Even his handsome face was destroyed in the process of receiving genetic enhancement. Compared with Steve Rogers, his heart is more of a kind of jealousy.

Why was this guy able to guarantee that his face would not be destroyed before he gained strength stronger than himself?
Although it is said that a man doesn't care much about his appearance, if he says that he doesn't feel uncomfortable when his face is disfigured one day, it is absolutely false.

Heart of beauty in everyone.

Not to mention downright disfigured, turned into the face of a monster.


Schmidt wasted time here. In order to see Mark, he took the initiative to let the agents lurking in the UK reveal his identity.

What he didn't expect was that even if the agent revealed his identity intentionally or unintentionally, no one chose to act as if no one noticed.

Schmidt guessed that Mark was waiting for the next big fish.

After all, it was very strange to suddenly reveal his identity at this time.

Schmidt couldn't help but look at Hans who was by his side.Mark had made great fanfare before. Although he wanted to hook out the ghost lurking among the top British officials, he really wanted to catch Hans at the same time.

No one knew better than Schmidt that Hans was once a member of the guerrillas and the captain of the guerrillas was a brother.At that time, he and Mark also attacked the convoy they were transporting materials.

According to the analysis of Mark's various behaviors, Mark is definitely a proud guy.

There was nothing wrong with Schmidt's analysis at all. Mark was indeed a proud and arrogant person, and he was also a grudge-loving person.

Especially if he cheated himself, Mark will definitely find a chance to get revenge as soon as possible.

If you can't report back at the first time, you will keep it firmly in your heart, and when the time is right, you will give the opponent a fatal blow at any time.

Schmidt opened a secret warehouse in the UK, where there is a large amount of material reserves, including a set of combat uniforms prepared for him.

This combat uniform can be said to be invincible at this stage.As long as you don't get hit by tank guns, there is no big problem. Even if you get hit, it will only cause damage to the combat uniform.

Of course, if you want to use this set of combat uniforms, you must reach the standard.If the strength is not up to the standard, it is not even possible to move and manufacture combat uniforms.

Hans, who had been strengthened by Schmidt's blood, manipulated this combat uniform. Although it was a bit difficult, it was still within the tolerance range.

After all, this combat uniform was originally designed for Schmidt.

Hans, wearing this combat uniform, directly attacked the London City Hall, and the London police and troops stationed outside London quickly assembled.

But no matter whether it was a rifle or a sniper rifle, there was no way to cause damage to this armored warrior.

Even some people behind boldly used grenades and explosives, intending to kill him with these things, but in the end they all failed.

At this moment, Hans was like a humanoid tyrannosaurus, rampaging through the buildings of the city hall, constantly looking for the target he wanted to attack.

Before Hans came, he already knew who was in the city government building, who was his target, and who was Hydra's undercover agent.

Logically speaking, Mark is dead.This is a support force provided by the Allies, now leaderless.It is completely possible not to obey the orders of the British government, but out of humanitarianism, Bucky took the lead and joined this battle.

It's a pity that Bucky teamed up with other team members to suppress Hans, but they all failed in the end, and even two of his teammates were seriously injured.

If it wasn't for the timely rescue, it is very likely that he would give up his life here today.

But even so, Mark still didn't show up.Mark wanted to see how big of a mess they were trying to make.

I don’t know if it was a joke from the sky, but Howard Stark actually appeared in the London City Hall building. Tony couldn’t sit still when he heard the news, and immediately drove the Iron Armor towards the City Hall building. .

The red figure is unusually conspicuous, giving people a special feeling.

It immediately reminds people of the big brown bear on the land of Siberia.

All the thrusters on Tony's body were powered to the maximum, and his hands turned into heavy impact hammers.It hit the armor on Hans' chest fiercely, and the sound caused by the impact made everyone in the room subconsciously cover their ears.

A large piece of the armor on Hans' chest was dented in an instant, and blood gushed out of his mouth. He felt that his internal organs seemed to be shattered by this blow, but in fact they were not shattered. , but also seriously injured.

Hans floated out of the collapsed wall pillars, barely maintained his figure, raised his head and looked at the red armor, Tony Stark's eyes were full of murderous intent, what he wanted to do most now was to kill the man in front of him. Guy torn to pieces.

But his body can no longer support him to complete these actions.

His internal organs were destroyed, and he had reached his limit. After all, his upper limit of strengthening could only reach the level of the Red Skull at most.If you want to go to the next level, it is impossible without other resistance

Howard Stark, who had just survived the disaster, did not flee the scene immediately. His eyes were fixed on the reactor on Tony's chest.

Although this reactor has been strengthened and transformed by Tony many times, it has long been different from the original appearance, but for Howard Stark who created this reactor, the principle of use is basically the same. Inseparable from the original.

He believes that no one in this world knows better than him how the reactor works.

Moreover, it can be seen from the material and changes of this set of armor on the opponent that it is definitely not the current technology. A bold idea appeared in his mind, including that he has no children yet.

The person in front of him is likely to come from the future, be his own child, or have a close relationship with his own child.

It is very likely that he came to save himself who is in danger now and change his miserable fate in the future.

Thinking of this, Howard Stark quickly stepped forward and asked Tony, "Are you my child, or do you know my child?"

Tony was frightened by this sudden question and was stunned on the spot. He didn't know how to explain all this to his father, so he had no choice but to open the mask, and the vicissitudes of life were printed in front of Howard.

Looking at the handsome face in front of him, Howard sighed and said, "Are you my son?"

Putting this question to other people, it is no different from a neurosis, but Tony looked at Hans who was lying on the ground and couldn't get up, and finally explained patiently: "Sorry, I can't tell you what I really think. "

"It's okay, I understand that there must be some reason why I can't say it. I am very satisfied to see you growing up healthily. I hope you will be happy for a lifetime." Although Howard has no children yet, he has I imagined a scene where I had children.

Although Howard is not an excellent father, he gave Tony everything he could, so he really loves Tony.

For an inventor and great scientist, Howard called Tony his greatest invention.This is the greatest affirmation of Tony.

Even though Tony didn't talk to him very much since he was a child, the father and son often had various conflicts.


No, at this moment, a guy wearing a skull mask suddenly appeared in the building, aiming his gun at Howard. Tony didn't even think about it, and immediately stepped forward to block the shot with his body.

The energy from that shot eroded the armor on Tony's chest in an instant.

Tony was quite surprised that such a weapon could appear in this era, then looked at the skull mask, and said in surprise: "Red Skull!"

"Compared to that disgusting name, I prefer to be called Schmidt. Although I don't know who you are, you have affected my plan." Schmidt said viciously.

The energy gun, like a shell gun, pulled the trigger again, and another bullet was fired. Tony still didn't leave, and abruptly took the attack of the energy ray.

Schmidt didn't know the relationship between the two people in front of him, but he believed that if he played in person, he would definitely be able to make that guy Mark appear.

The guy in the red iron skin in front of him is just a "stupid" incidental.

Seeing that the Red Skull was suppressing Tony, and Howard couldn't escape from that guy's hands at all.In desperation, Mark had to choose to do it.

Another shot was fired, but before the energy ray reached Tony, Mark had already shot out and opened his shield to block the energy ray.


Mark only said once, and Tony drove the armor on his body and took Howard away without thinking.

Schmidt didn't intend to chase after the victory, but looked at Mark in front of him and said: "You really surprised me, join me! You will also become the master of the world under one person and above ten thousand people. It is definitely better than your current Jobs are much better."

"I'm not interested in being human's dog, and even if I do, it doesn't seem to be a good end." Mark said, looking at Hans who was lying on the ground and couldn't move at all.

"When I trample you under my feet, I want to see how tough your mouth can be."

(End of this chapter)

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