Meiman's eldest son of God

Chapter 610 Traitor

Chapter 610 Traitor
Chapter 609 Traitor

The incident of the London air raid caused a commotion.

No one knows who leaked the news, and now the whole city of London knows about it.

Even if the government came forward to explain the current situation, it did not curb the spread of this kind of public opinion.

Grain is purchased in large quantities by those who want to drive up prices.Before the dark clouds of war appeared over London, the Londoners themselves were already in disarray.

"How did you leak this news?" Mark asked sitting in front of the guerrillas.

As of now, only his subordinates and guerrillas know the news.It hasn't been long since Britain and the United States received the news, and they haven't figured out how to deal with it, and it has already spread among the people.

As for whether the Germans were creating panic and thus weakening London's defenses, Mark felt that there was no such possibility at all.This will only make the British, who are already on the verge of death, fight back.

"Do you mean that there are traitors in our guerrillas?" the captain of the guerrillas scolded angrily.

Mark was not false at all, and said confidently: "Is it not your people or ours? Our people have never been out of the house except their own camp, so why leak it? In comparison, your guerrillas are outside every day. Activities. Are you the one who leaked it? You know it best.”

The captain himself began to doubt his team members. Mark was right. Since the end of the operation, Mark and the others had never left the camp.There is no radio station in this broken camp, not even a single pigeon.

"Captain, it is impossible for us to betray our compatriots and our cause." One of the team members said to everyone righteously.

But Mark observed the details of the other party's expression. This guy was so desperate to show up at this time, even if it wasn't for Mark, he was going to use the guy to make an example of others, so that the guy would know the fate of being an enemy of himself.

Although there is no difference between saying this and a villain, this matter is related to the lives of tens of millions of people, and this matter really cannot be sloppy once.

Before the others could react, Mark rushed over and stuffed the "truth medicine" into the opponent's mouth. The other guerrillas watched Mark's movements and pulled out their pistols to aim at the opponent. Mark and his party.

Mark and the others are not vegetarians either, and the submachine guns in their hands are also aimed at the opposite side.

The scene fell into a weird situation. Mark grabbed one, and the two faces confronted each other.

"Let go of him! Joe, he is my younger brother, and he will never betray us."

For his younger brother, the guerrilla captain still trusts him very much.Although he didn't know what Mark had fed his younger brother before, it shouldn't kill him.This time it can be regarded as a lesson for him to find a guy, let him know that there are people outside the world, and if this continues, sooner or later, he will be killed by his own arrogance.

"Sorry, I just want to know some information that I want to know. After I know it, I will give it to you. At that time, whether it is life or death, I will leave it to you to handle." Mark's hand was always Neither was loosened.

The effect of the medicine took effect very quickly, and the severe pain caused the iron-clad man to open his mouth and scream.

"You damn Yankee, I will never let you go! Ahhh!"

Time passed little by little, and the screams never disappeared.

Neither of the two parties dared to shoot first. As the elder brother's captain, he didn't say anything, so why are his subordinates so anxious!
This is a typical example of the emperor not in a hurry and the eunuchs in a hurry.

"Brother, save me, I really didn't betray you." As he spoke, he looked at the only female soldier among the guerrillas.

Mark keenly grasped this detail, and whispered in his ear: "You are not a traitor, but you know who is a traitor, right! It is that woman, right! You have looked at that woman more than once, is it a betrayal? Or is that woman? You don't need to answer me, because I don't need your answer, I will dispose of that woman without anyone noticing, and the next day there will be just more fertilizer in the forest."

He widened his eyes and looked at Mark, and the pain felt much less.

"do not want!"

Everyone has his most vulnerable side, which is an object, an animal, or a thing!But at the moment of being touched, no one can survive.

"Hahaha!" Mark suppressed his throat and laughed like a lunatic.

At this time, his psychological defense has been defeated, and now he has no way to hold on.


"I saw her put the news in a tree hole. As long as you don't tell it, I'll tell you where the tree hole is."

In the end, I was still ready to die, I don't know if I should say it is stupid or crazy.

"Okay, I promise I'll let her go."

promise?That kind of stuff only works for people Mark thinks important.Dead man, that's totally unnecessary.

"Two hundred steps from here, there is a banyan tree, and there is a big tree hole, and that is where she puts the news."

Is that so, have you been targeted?It seems that this guerrilla was not as hidden as imagined, and Mark handed him the antidote.

After taking the antidote, the severe pain also began to disappear.

"Then it's time to deal with the matter. Your brother has already confessed that the traitor is her!" Mark said, pointing to the only woman in the team.

"Before your brother saw her sending things to a tree hole two hundred steps away from here, I promised your brother not to deal with this woman, but that doesn't mean I won't say anything. You see for yourself Let's do it!" Mark sneered and led the people out of the tattered tent.

"You bastard!" Even though he had no strength, he still yelled out.

He knew how serious the consequences would be if this incident was exposed. Everyone here had a blood feud with the Germans, let alone the betrayal of a teammate he trusted.

The guy who eats inside and outside is far more hated than the enemy.


One night passed, and Mark didn't see the pair of dogs and men in the team, and Mark didn't know whether they were dead or alive, and those things had nothing to do with Mark.Because tomorrow Mark will leave here and return to England.

Traitors appeared inside, which caused many original plans to fail to proceed as originally expected.This incident can be regarded as a wake-up call to everyone, that is, be careful of those guys whose details are unknown.

Half a month after returning to the UK, Mark received news from there that the guerrilla army was wiped out and died in a group of German siege.

Their actions were leaked.

Mark is also grateful for his timely escape.If he hadn't left immediately, it would be hard to imagine how serious the consequences would be.

There is nothing wrong with me, but what about the self-trained subordinates behind me?

"Dong dong dong!" There was a knock on Mark's door.

"Come in!" Mark fiddled with his wristband without looking at it.After Mark came to this timeline, he hadn't used it, which made this old guy feel lonely.

Everyone has no problem with Mark playing with an old antique, and they are even a little accustomed to it.It is normal for everyone to have their own hobbies.

"Captain, let's take action, we are about to fall ill! The people below have been in the bar for three days." Bucky still knows how to control himself, but he only stayed in the bar for two days time.

Simply a role model!
How could it be possible that Mark didn't know what the people under him were like? If he didn't know this, he, as the captain, would be too remiss in his duty.

"Continue. If you want to die, let him continue on his own. Anyway, there are a lot of substitutes behind. Whoever doesn't want this opportunity and position, let others. By the way, I may call you to gather at any time. If you If you can't show up on time, then you have to accept my punishment."

It's not easy for Bucky to say anything else, anyway, he already knows what he wants to know, and the next thing is their own business.

What Mark said is not wrong. If those guys can't handle their own problems well, then they can't blame others.

This is how the world of the jungle preys on the weak, let alone on the battlefield.

Rather than dying on the battlefield, it is better to let them leave the front line like this, so that at least they can leave their own lives.

In Berlin, Germany, the two betrayed are still alive.

"Hans, you did a great job! You and Anna did a great job! This time I was able to eliminate these stupid guerrillas, thanks to your help." John Schmidt looked at the man and woman in front of him and said.

Hans was a little sullen, brooding over the death of his brother and former partner.The shackles of betrayal are things that cannot be taken off once put on.

"Hans, thank you, Mr. Schmidt, this is the most popular figure in front of the Führer!" Anna had long wanted to follow Schmidt's route.

Unfortunately, she never had the chance.One is a high-ranking big man, and he is just an ordinary little man.

"Thank you very much for Mr. Schmidt's appreciation, I feel honored." Hans gritted his teeth and said.

Schmidt could see what this young man was struggling with, and said with a smile: "Everyone needs to face some choices and difficulties. You just chose the right path. Those who insist on their own opinions will only end up Rolled into dross by the wheels of history. Do it well, Hans." Schmidt left after finishing speaking.

Anna hugged Hans excitedly and said, "Hans, we must celebrate, for you are appreciated by Mr. Schmidt."

Hans nodded and said nothing.

(End of this chapter)

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