Chapter 600 luna
Chapter 599 Luna
Egg couldn't help laughing wildly. He had to admit that Mark's strength was indeed good, but he didn't think that Mark and the others entered his body alone and could leave alive.

No one knows better than him what kind of existence he has in his body, especially the monster he has carefully cultivated. I believe it will definitely give them a big surprise.

"What are you laughing at?!" Peter understood why Egg could still laugh under such circumstances.

"I laughed at your stupidity. I really thought that your partners could really get rid of me. How naive! Because it doesn't matter, I will teach you a good lesson soon. Let you understand how big this world really is Cruel, a guy without self-seriousness will only be swallowed up by the world." When Yi Ge said this, Peter couldn't help trembling in his heart.

Peter is Mark who is really worried about taking risks for himself.

If any accident happened to him, even if he was injured, he would not be able to repay this friendship.

But thinking of the power of a few gemstones in the opponent's hand, the worry soon dissipated.If Yi Ge's ability is already able to fight against those few gems, there is no need for him to pursue revenge persistently.Anyway, I can't complete this sacrifice by myself.

"Oh, is that really the case?"

The portal shining with sparks opened Mark beside the two of them, and walked out of the portal without any protection on his body, just like a person in a vacuum in the universe.

Not only Nebula who came out with Mark, but also Mantis Girl who has been released from control.

"How is this possible?!" Yi Ge was also unwilling to believe what happened before him.

He knew exactly how powerful those bugs were.If I am not so special, I am very likely to be infected by those bugs.

"How did you do it?" Egg would have to die to understand.

Mark raised his hand, and several gems floated around Mark’s palm.

When Egg saw these gems, he already understood everything, he sneered, and finally gave up struggling.

Peter watched Mark and the others leave safely, and pressed the detonator.


Yi Ge's body was rapidly disintegrating, gradually disappearing from this world.

Without the support of the body's energy, the pair of bodies would not be able to last for such a long time, and could only become a part of the universe in the end.

"Ah, really, it's obviously easier to solve the problem, why do you have to go around in such a big circle?" Rocket supported his waist, stood up slowly and complained.

The few blows just now were a fatal blow to his small body, and he was almost about to meet the god of death.

In fact, Mark didn't know what kind of results would be caused by opening a portal on Ego. Would the sudden appearance of the energy gate arouse his vigilance?
That's why he chose the most conservative approach to the spaceship. After the bomb is installed, the victory has already been established, and there is no problem with using the portal.

But for Little Raccoon Rocket who doesn't understand this aspect, it seems a bit boring and a waste of time.

Mark was not in the mood to explain these things to the rocket, but walked to Peter's side, patted him on the shoulder lightly and said: "Sometimes we have to look forward to some things. People living in this world will always encounter problems. Got some good stuff, right?"

Peter also raised his head, looking at the two sisters who had settled their feud in the distance.

After Xingyun was opened (mouth) and guided (cannon) by Mark, he was no longer as stubborn as before.The two in front hugged each other and said everything they wanted to say in the past.

Peter didn't know what kind of state he should face Gamora now. He actually planned to confess to her after all this was over, but the current situation didn't seem suitable.

But before he could make a decision, brilliant pink fireworks rose into the sky.

"This is?" Drax looked at the fireworks and said in surprise.

"I have prepared a big gift for you." Mark said with a smile, "I hope you like it."

So the two of them are short of the final touch, but now they have helped them solve all the external factors, and the rest depends on themselves.

Mark did not know where to take out an alien flower.These flowers can survive even in the harsh environment of the moon.

"Take it, what I can do is already here, and then it's up to you."

Peter took the flowers and walked towards Gamora. Nebula had already observed the situation here, and after finishing the conversation with his sister, he quickly distanced himself.

Take the initiative to create an environment for the two of you.

Even though Drax and Rocket didn't know much about style, the two of them closed their mouths in a timely manner, not intending to destroy this beauty.

"I can feel that the two of them are very happy." The mantis girl whispered to Mark.

This time she did not use her own perception ability, but a conclusion drawn from external observation.

"You are right, the two of them are indeed very happy now, and there are some things you need to learn more."

"Okay, master." The mantis woman did not break away from her original state, and regarded Mark as her new master.

Mark shook his head and said, "I'm not your master, and I don't want to be your master, and if you really want to be my master, some people may jump."

Mark could even imagine that if he really regarded the mantis girl as his servant, Narud would definitely go crazy.

Obviously he came first, and he has done so much... No, no, if this continues, Baijia will be beaten to death.

All in all, Mark didn't intend to say that a mantis girl was ready to be his servant.

Although his ability is indeed very perverted, Mark feels that he can do this with psychic powers with similar abilities.

There is no need to accept a mantis girl as her subordinate.And people with independent consciousness are always better than subordinates.Mantis Girl's abilities can still be developed, and she can become a unique hero in the future, so she shouldn't just be buried here.


Lunar space city.

Peter successfully took down Gamora, and Mark directly helped the two of them skip the engagement process and walk into the wedding.

Although Mark's doing this is a bit too much for an outsider, but according to the personalities of these two people, they are really ready to enter the marriage hall, and it will be how many years!
It is rare that Gamora did not refuse, and Xingyun was also happy to see the result. It seemed that at this moment, everyone let go of their bad emotions.

I don't know what's going on, and there is more than one piece of good news.

The wedding of the two Guardians of the Galaxy Trolls is getting ready.On the other side, the engagement ceremony of the two big bosses of the Stark Group is about to begin.

In order to reflect his own uniqueness, he specially wanted Mark to open up a palace in the space city to hold a wedding for two people.

Mark naturally agreed to this request without even thinking about it, but it was impossible to directly use the name Lunar Space City.

Whether it is for future considerations or other reasons, this name cannot be used in this way, so Mark is not worried during this time, and he is not worried about preparing for the wedding or the engagement ceremony. What really needs to worry about is how to choose the name.

Mark eventually named the city Luna for someone with advanced choice syndrome.

Luna, the meaning of the moon.

Regarding the moon palace, Mark is afraid that his embarrassing cancer will develop late, so forget it!
And the luna with only 4 letters is also very simple and convenient.

Then Mark was ruthlessly ridiculed by Tony, thinking that Mark was a naming freak and couldn't name at all.But Tony is not much better, and the two of them are pretty much the same.

The wedding ceremony of Peter and Gamora was before Stark, and Mark also specially prepared a cathedral for them. Of course, this cathedral will also become the location of Tony's engagement in the near future.

The cathedral is full of people known by the Guardians of the Galaxy, and of course more representatives from the Marauders.

Although everyone doesn't want to admit the existence of Yondu, the current Yondu has really become a part of the universe that cannot be ignored.

Especially with the support of Mark, the strength of the fleet has gradually increased, and the mixed members have also been cleaned up.Those who are incompetent or disloyal have all been sent down.

Those who are capable will continue to develop around the elite fleet centered on Yondu.

As the rhythmic music sounded again, it seemed to bring everyone back to the last century. Gamora did not dislike such a wedding. On the contrary, she wore a white wedding dress and listened to the "Wedding March".

Such a wedding would arouse her resentment instead.

The two danced and walked up to the hall, and completed the oath under the witness of everyone.

This nondescript earth-style wedding is just the beginning here.

Rocket sent his own gift, a personal shield that is not very stable.

Groot sent a bouquet of flowers, extending from his own body.

Drax didn't know much about style, and what he made was a scabbard assembled from animal skeletons, but it was just enough to hold Gamora's weapon.

Nebula sent the most sincere greetings.

Mark has prepared enough vacations for the two of them, and enough energy coins allow the two of them to spend a honeymoon temporarily.

The two didn't refuse either, they readily accepted and started a short honeymoon.

Seeing that the two left in the spaceship, the remaining people in the Guardians of the Galaxy kept sighing.

Especially the rocket, when he watched and left, he wiped away his tears.

"Damn it, I really envy you!"

The enemies standing around didn't know which aspect to consider.Are you supposed to be looking for a female raccoon?forget it!

(End of this chapter)

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