Meiman's eldest son of God

598 - Sister Contradictions

598 - Sister Contradictions
Chapter 597 Sister Contradictions

As the Peter who is most likely to exist like him among all his children, Yi Ge really gave his all. He gave all the knowledge he knew to Peter.

I hope he can become as powerful as himself, and then become a part of the long life in the endless universe.

It's a pity that Peter is only living a mortal life after all.

Born of a mortal, emerging from a mortal world, and growing up in a mortal world, he couldn't appreciate what Egg had been through.

It's also like he can't appreciate the importance Peter places on those feelings.

The two look at the problem from different angles, and the final result is such a contradiction. This is not surprising, but it is a very normal thing.

If these two angles can still agree on things now, it means that one of the two people has a problem.

The white energy beams collided with the red energy beams, the red one came from Peter, and the white one came from Egg.

It can be clearly seen that the red energy is rapidly fading.Even if one has mastered the application of energy during this period of time, there are still too few in the body that can store energy.

Things seemed to be rehearsed in advance, the rocket's jetpack was launched first, dragging a long tail flame to the vicinity of Ego.

The energy cannon in his hand pulled the trigger, violent energy shot out from the muzzle of the gun, and finally hit Yi Ge's body fiercely. The rocket felt excited that it had successfully hit the living planet.

Everyone was also happy that he had successfully completed his goal. They knew very well how powerful this cannon was. Even Drax might be seriously injured in the face of this cannon.

When the gunpowder smoke dissipated, what they saw was Yi Ge who was intact, and everyone was ashamed.He fired a white energy beam with one hand, and propped up a shield with the other.

As his substitute, this body is far more terrifying than imagined.

"Do you only have these strengths? If this surprise only has these, then I am really disappointed. You will become a stepping stone for Peter to move forward. I will erase you from this universe forever." Yi Ge smiled, but that smile could not bring happiness to people, it could only bring fear to people.

"Ha!" Gamora leaped high, stabbing Egg from behind with the double thorns he was good at.

Ego turned his head slowly, looking at the woman stabbing him from behind, and Ego found the shadow of Peter's mother from this green-skinned woman.

The reason why he felt this way was because he could understand the relationship between Peter and this woman.This is probably the sympathy between the same race!
But since this woman has become an obstacle to Peter's progress.Even if it is similar, he will not show mercy.

Turning around and looking back, the strong force made Gamora fly out.It rolled on the ground several times before stopping. Fortunately, it is gravity here, which is not a big moon.

In an environment like the earth, the internal organs are likely to be bleeding.

Under the icy environment, the Groot vines stretched forward quickly, and the moment Gamora flew out, several sprouts broke through the ground.

It seemed as if Egg didn't see those buds, and continued to put all his attention on Peter. He could have directly crushed the must, but he planned to stimulate more energy in his body.

Because he felt that just now, when he felt the woman fly out, Peter's energy increased.

If it is possible to stimulate the growth of Peter's energy through these people.That would be a good thing.

"With your strength, you can't take revenge at all. You will only kill them. They will die one by one in front of you and turn into corpses. By the way, your friend has given up on you. Sure enough, that He is the smartest guy, much better than your stupid companions." Egg was talking about none other than Mark who did not appear on the battlefield.

Peter didn't speak, and Peter didn't even think about it. He was afraid that Egg would have the ability to probe his own thoughts, so the first time he thought of Mark, he immediately started thinking wildly, even the spirit that originally controlled the beam The power has already begun to become disordered.

Egg didn't continue talking, he knew that if he continued like this, Peter couldn't even control the light beam, which was not the result he wanted.

If Egg knew what Mark had done, would he be as calm as he is now?

On the other side, the jumping point of the universe.

Xing Yun wiped his body, the alloy body must be maintained in time, otherwise accidents may occur at critical moments.She was deeply impressed by this point, because of her laziness, she didn't take good care of her arms, and she failed in that crucial duel.

Just a little bit, just a little bit, his eyes were gouged out.

She can never forget the intense pain when her eyes were gouged out, let alone her almost victory.

"Are you really just hating Gamora?" Mark manipulated the spaceship and asked Nebula sitting beside him.

Nebula raised his head and glanced at Mark, then lowered his head again, continuing to fiddle with the arm he had removed.

"If it's really hatred, you obviously have many opportunities to assassinate her easily." Mark didn't believe that Gamora could maintain a state of high vigilance 24 hours a day.

Xingyun's fighting skills are not bad, and he is definitely a good player. Facing attacks all the time, he will definitely make mistakes.Moreover, the difference in level between the two is not considered a big attack, and may even increase the probability of success.

"I want to win her upright! Then kill her with my own hands!"

"You really just want to kill her, not to prove something? You don't see the so-called family affection in her eyes at all. Only revenge is the real problem! What you hate is not what she hates, but what she hates. Her disregard for you is obviously a family member and a sister, why should she ignore herself?" Mark ruthlessly lifted the fig leaf, as if he had seen through everything.

Even Xingyun, who had become a machine, had no choice but to completely cover up his emotions, and made a creaking sound as he tightly clutched his removed arm.

If this set of robotic arms continues like this, it will soon be scrapped.

Of course, with the self-healing ability of this pair of robotic arms, it will be able to return to its original state in a short time.

"Some people can live for a long time, and some people leave this world very early, cherish every moment of life, don't leave regrets in your life, and learn to regret it after you lose it." Mark said lightly.

Nebula remained silent, as if he had already made his own choice.

Mark unhooked him from the straps and gave him a weapon at the same time.Even if there is no danger there, there is no guarantee that there will be no accidents.

When Mark and the others successfully passed through the clouds and landed on the ground, the scene in front of him made Mark take a breath of relief.

If the Rockets are really allowed to stand on their own, it is estimated that this time they will say goodbye completely, and the dense creeper "flows" on the ground.

Insects, big and small, run wildly on this planet, as if this is how they can make their lives meaningful.And the resplendent and resplendent hall in the distance was also entangled by tentacles.Mark could feel a special wave of psionic energy in the hall.

It is impossible to avoid these bugs if you want to successfully plant the bomb and let it detonate, so the top priority is to implement the beheading plan and kill the will of the main nest directly.Only in this way can the smooth detonation of the bomb be guaranteed.

"What the hell are these?" Nebula, who had never seen Zerg before, also felt disgusted by these disgusting bugs.

"Zergs! Terrible and disgusting creatures. They can infect not only organic bodies, but also inorganic ones. So don't think that you can survive because you are a machine. It is best to avoid any of their attacks. If you can't dodge In the past, I’m afraid I couldn’t save you, so I’m ready to die.” Mark didn’t talk nonsense with him any more, spread out his light blade and rushed towards the place where the worms were densest, and headed for the magnificent hall, Need to go through this dense nest.

But fortunately, no one seemed to control these bugs, and they attacked Mark in the most primitive way. Mark was always able to successfully repel them through psionic storms and his own weakness to the bugs.

Mark could be tricky if they knew how to coordinate even a little bit, even using the power of gems.

Simply put, it is like those huge ultralisks.

If they could charge at the forefront, Mark would attack them immediately, and he would not be able to use other hands to attack the fast-running springtails on the ground.

Mark tried to invade the will of the main hive, but Mark did not find the host as the radar base station. Without a host, how did these bugs react and how were they controlled?Is it really just a simple wild parasitism on this planet?

Then why does this planet's golden hall emit this energy?
Mark didn't dare to procrastinate, and he didn't intend to continue wasting his physical strength. The golden signal coordinates were inserted into the ground, and the black light group appeared first, followed by white light enveloping the black light.

When the light ball completes the transmission of the crystal tower, it can stand on this planet.

Mark's process of guarding the crystal tower was not as difficult as imagined, and the bugs didn't seem to plan to attack the crystal tower.Mark also missed two of them during the battle, but none of the Zerglings seemed to intend to attack the crystal tower.

(End of this chapter)

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