Chapter 581

Chapter 580
Mark can swear to God that he never liked to play public opinion wars before, and he was never a small-minded person.

It's just that some people accidentally bumped into the muzzle of his gun, and they hit him. It must be impossible for Mark to move the gun away!
And it's easier to pull the trigger than to move the wall, anyway, the result is the same, the obstacle in front is gone.

Originally, they planned to use the public opinion offensive to attack Mark, regardless of the earth's suggestion, and directly establish diplomatic relations with alien civilizations.

The current public opinion is basically overwhelmingly supporting Mark.

For these people on earth, four words are the most suitable description, advocating "foreign" and fascinating "foreign".

It's just that this ocean is the vast ocean of the universe, and the outside is an alien planet.

The family knows their own affairs.The people on earth are very clear about their own situation, how difficult it is to develop in the universe and establish diplomatic relations with other civilizations that have entered the universe for many years.

Even when they first entered the universe, the marines under Mark had such low self-esteem that they didn't dare to raise their heads when facing those tall aliens.

It's not like the bragging appearance on Earth at all,

To put it nicely, to put it bluntly called prudence, is the fear of the unknown.

Water flows to lower place, man goes to higher position.This sentence is true, but when a variety of factors and the environment are used as potential conditions, sometimes some people do things that are not quite right.

The news released this time has been strictly controlled, bringing the status of the earthlings to the same position as the Sovereigns.

Although Mark also spared no effort to tout the Sovereigns to show his strength from the side, but he still didn't forget to tell the people on the earth that he knew one thing.

That is, people on earth do not need to bow their knees when they go out, and stand up straight to tell everyone that we are earth people from the earth.

When things such as country, nation, and belief rise again, it will be "people" of the same race!
The guests and enemies from the universe don't care what religion you believe in, what nationality you are, what skin color you come from and which country you come from.

In their eyes, you belong to only one race, and that is human beings.

The community of human destiny does not know how many years ago it was put forward, but it has not been completed for a long time.

Because there is no external pressure, there is no motivation without pressure, and the community of shared future for mankind cannot be connected together.

Are there eggs under the overturned nest?Compared with this point, the Chinese in other countries are the clearest.When various crises arise, it is more often the consideration of the overall team rather than the gains and losses of personal interests.

In contrast, the people of the United States of America who have not experienced many setbacks do not have such a high level of ideological awareness.

They still go their own way, doing what they want to do, for them this is freedom.


A coffee shop in New York.

"Hey, have you read the news recently? This is amazing! You just established diplomatic relations with an alien civilization. I don't know, I thought I was reading a sci-fi story!" A fan of sci-fi literature , put down the book in his hand, and said to the same partner beside him.

Several other companions also slowly put down the books in their hands and closed them.

Two waiters from the coffee shop brought their coffee up and put it on the table.

Since this is the beginning of the formal talks.

"Who says it's not! The speed of the earth's development during this time is really too fast. There have been several wars just like the invasion of New York. To be honest, I still have a dreamlike feeling now, as if alive In the story. If it wasn’t for Carl’s slap on my face last time, I really doubt that I’m dreaming.”

"You said when will the planes of our United States be able to fly in the vast sea of ​​stars in the universe." A book friend sitting in the far corner began to fantasize about the future scene.

But what I didn't expect was that what ushered in was not the fantasies of other friends, but a ruthless blow.

"What nonsense are you talking about? It's not certain whether there will be a United States in the future! I think Mr. Comnenos said it very well. Human beings have only one identity when facing alien races, that is, human beings do not distinguish between countries and Regardless of belief, regardless of skin color." The black-skinned Khakilie raised his head slightly, looking at the blue sky outside the window and said.

It's as if you can see through the blue sky and see the deep universe.

As a black man, Kaqilie understands the influence of his skin color. He once thought that he should not live in this world, but as time went by, he understood what discrimination is, and why those little Partners are unwilling to play with themselves.Thoughts have also undergone earth-shaking changes.

Look at the khaki column for other people. They understand khaki column's ideas. The American black civil rights movement is not as short as 20 years as imagined.

Up to now, there are still so-called injustices happening here, but such things happen relatively rarely, or they happen in private, and no one brings them out in the open.

Of course, these discriminated blacks are not like those black hukou without any identity, they are real American citizens (the dog's head saves his life).

"Kaqili, I think what you think is too naive. God knows if those aliens will think that you people with different skin colors are people of other races. You see, it's like the video played today. He doesn't have golden skin, he doesn't have golden skin, I feel no different from us humans!"

The people sitting here are all friends, and naturally there are no so-called racists among them, so everyone has not moved their thoughts closer to that.

But because of this, let everyone understand one thing.

Just the difference in skin color is another race, what about the earth?

What Mark didn't know was that he released the news in advance to control public opinion, which indeed reduced his problems and troubles, but it made another incident about to erupt.

"Golden people are an alien race, what about black people?" "

A headline that earned enough gimmicks detonated the entire United States, and at the same time detonated the entire world.

This is a typical look at the surface but not the essence.


Guardians of the Galaxy base on Earth.

The heroes who successfully returned received flowers, cheers and applause here. The return of all members is the best news for people on earth.

If it weren't for the strict confidentiality rules, they even planned to share what they saw and heard in the universe, but now is not the time, and they cannot spread it casually.

It is no longer the emergence of the medieval Internet age hundreds of years ago. The application of the Internet has led to an increase in the speed of message transmission.

People on both ends of the globe can communicate in almost real-time video, not to mention some text messages.

"Congratulations on your successful return to Earth!" Tony put down everything at hand and came to the base, he hugged Mark tightly and said.

Mark kept patting and dragging the mud, and said to Tony with a feeling of suffocation: "You let me go, I'm almost out of breath!"

Tony immediately pushed Mark away and gave him a blank stare.Others said it, he, Tony Stark believed it, but Mark!snort!He didn't doubt that this guy grabbed the tank with his bare hands.

"Tell me, this will also bring me some special products from the universe. If you dare to say that there are no special products, you are going to be Icarus!" Tony threatened Mark.

Icarus, the son of Daedalus in Greek mythology, and Daedalus escaped from Crete with wings made of wax and feathers, but because of his yearning and greed for the sun in his heart, he did not control the height of his flight. The wax on the wings was melted by the sun, fell into the water and died, and was finally buried on an island.

Now Tony, who controls Mark's flagship, wants to do something on this ship, it's easy, it can't be easier.

Of course, Mark knew that the other party was purely a joke between friends, and Tony couldn't do such a crazy thing.

"There are no special products, but the beauties have met a few, and I will bring them back to introduce you to you someday." Mark glanced at the little pepper next to him and said this deliberately to Tony.

Pepper also understood what Mark meant, and touched Tony's back randomly and said, "Tony is engaged to me now, and we will get married soon."

Mark's eyes widened in disbelief, but the speed exceeded Mark's imagination.

"So fast, and your engagement ceremony, you didn't wait for me to come back, isn't it too much?" Mark really didn't expect the development speed of the two people to be so fast.

Mark got engaged as originally expected, which happened in the opening scene of Avengers [-].

It's still a few years away!

This doesn't follow the routine, it really catches people off guard!

"We chose you not to be on Earth, that's why we got engaged. I also know what the hell will happen to my engagement ceremony if you show up?"

Mark covered his image, made a look of pain, squatted and said: "I'm so sad, my best friend didn't believe me, he didn't even tell me about his engagement ceremony, and even thought I would spoil his engagement. Is this my friend?"

Tony really couldn't stand Mark's disgusting look, he waved his hand and said, "Enough, enough, this is a private engagement ceremony for the two of us. We haven't found anyone for a formal engagement ceremony yet!"

Said that the whole person turned around, not wanting to look at Mark, Little Pepper smiled awkwardly at Mark.

Mark naturally understands that this is also the essence of Tsundere Man.

(End of this chapter)

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